Komeda's Coffee - Nagoya

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Komeda's Coffee

住所 :

メゾン砂田橋 4 Chome-16-1 Daiko, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 461-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 461-0043
Webサイト : https://komedasunadabashi.web.fc2.com/

メゾン砂田橋 4 Chome-16-1 Daiko, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 461-0043, Japan
中島多美 on Google

It was delicious. The windows of the shop were open and it seemed to be well ventilated, but it wasn't cold. I had you take off your jacket. I was at a loss because there are many dessert menus including Shiro Noir. The fluffy mandarin orange cake had an orange sponge dough and tasted like oranges, which was very delicious. I had it half with my daughter.
能城俊哉 on Google

Komeda coffee spreading from Nagoya. After all the home is good.
さくらかんづめ on Google

接客している人が ぺちゃくちゃ大きな声で話していて まったくゆっくり出来なかった。 なぜか古臭い匂いもして、 居心地本当に悪かったです。 二度と行きません。
The person who is serving customers Speaking in a loud voice I couldn't do it slowly at all. For some reason, it smells old-fashioned It was really uncomfortable. I will never go again.
Yasu Ino on Google

味はコメダなので問題ないですが 責任者の態度、言葉遣い、身だしなみが最低ランク。最寄りコメダなのでもっと良くなってほしい。
The taste is Komeda so there is no problem The attitude, wording, and grooming of the person in charge are the lowest. It's the nearest Komeda, so I want you to get better.
ふみこ on Google

コメダ珈琲にしては普通の喫茶店の雰囲気でした。 一人で行くとテーブル席が空いていてもカウンターに座れと命令されます。
It was an ordinary coffee shop atmosphere for Komeda Coffee. If you go alone, you will be instructed to sit at the counter even if the table seats are vacant.
豆太郎 on Google

Adult noir is 890 yen with a drink. It tasted like coffee. The dough is like a pie and bread, and it hardens when cooled, so the point is to eat it before it cools. Soymilk ole is a beige Komeda coffee original cup with a sticker of the letters of beans affixed. Burger buns are over 15 cm in diameter, so you'll be full. The domiglace burger was delicious. Egg burgers expected the scrambled eggs to be fluffy, but they broke the boiled eggs and sandwiched them with mayonnaise.
ペンギン on Google

Coffee feels bad. (Maybe it's really bad) The clerk and attitude, the atmosphere of the store is bad. There is no WiFi and you shouldn't study. I will never go to this store again. absolutely.
Youssef Baya on Google

Cosy atmosphere

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