KOMA shop オーダー家具

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KOMA shop オーダー家具

住所 :

Kamiogi, Suginami City, 〒167-0043 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.koma.tokyo/
街 : Tokyo

Kamiogi, Suginami City, 〒167-0043 Tokyo,Japan
OKADA Tetsuaki on Google

We started with consultation on furniture for the living room of the house, and finally made built-in furniture and a console table from a single board. I am very satisfied with the grade of the house. Thank you very much! ️
杉中みはる on Google

本日、ダイニングテーブルのセットを届けて頂きました。ウォールナットの素敵なグラデーションが入ったテーブルに大きなプレゼントを頂いたかのように布に包まれて届いた椅子たち。座り心地もサイズをオーダーして造って頂いてるのでバッチリです! まだホヤホヤの木の匂いがします。本当に幸せな気分です。職人さん達の技術と想いが感じとられるこのテーブルセット、一生大切に使わせて頂きますね。 本当にありがとうございました。
Today, I received a set of dining tables. The chairs arrived wrapped in cloth as if they had a big present on a table with a nice gradation of walnut. The sitting comfort is perfect because it is made by ordering the size! It still smells like a squirrel tree. I feel really happy. This table set, where you can feel the craftsman's skills and feelings, will be used carefully for the rest of your life. I'm really thankful to you.
あお on Google

無垢の家具を探していて最近かなり話題の家具屋があると友人から聞いて行ってみました。 高級家具shopは入りずらいという先入観がありましたが、コマは全く違いました。店員さんも暖かくて質問をしても嬉しそうな表情で答えてくれたのが印象的です。 家具も超一流で世界で活躍されてるだけあるなと思いました。写真で見ても凄さを感じますが、実際に見たり触れると他メーカーの家具が欲しいとはならなくなってしまいました、、、 将来的には家をコマの家具で埋めつくしたいです。
I was looking for solid furniture and I heard from a friend that there is a furniture store that has been quite talked about recently. There was a prejudice that it was difficult to enter a luxury furniture shop, but the frames were completely different. It is impressive that the clerk was warm and answered with a happy expression even if he asked a question. I thought that furniture is also top-notch and is playing an active part in the world. Even if you look at the pictures, it feels amazing, but when you actually see and touch it, you no longer want furniture from other manufacturers ... In the future, I would like to fill the house with Koma furniture.
Ryo J on Google

仕事仲間とのワークスペースと仕事後のくつろぎや食事を限られたスペースで実現したかったのですが、丁寧に相談にのって頂き、自分では思いつかない提案も頂いて、大満足の部屋を作ることができました。 オーダー家具だからこそのサイズや高さなど細かく対応頂けたことも、本当に助かりました。例えばソファのカーブに合わせてテーブルを仕事しやすいようにカーブさせてくれたり、狭いスペースを広く見えるように、家具の高さを少し低くしてくれるなど、細かい配慮にとても感謝しています。 納品された家具はオシャレで手触りが抜群で嬉しくなりました。少し高い買い物でしたが、長く大切に使いたいと思います。 ありがとうございました!
I wanted to realize a workspace with colleagues and relaxation and meals after work in a limited space, but I was very satisfied with the consultation and suggestions that I could not think of. I was able to make it. It was really helpful to be able to respond in detail to the size and height of the custom-made furniture. For example, I am very grateful for the detailed consideration, such as curving the table to match the curve of the sofa to make it easier to work, and lowering the height of the furniture a little so that the narrow space looks wider. The delivered furniture was fashionable and the texture was outstanding, which made me happy. It was a little expensive shopping, but I would like to use it carefully for a long time. Thank you very much!
MO TO on Google

一点物のオーダーメイドの家具屋さん ウォールナットなどを使用した木目のしっとりとした家具、細かいところまで作り込まれた家具… とてもお洒落なショップです。
Made-to-order furniture shop with one-point thing Furniture shop with wood grain moisture using walnut etc, Furniture built to fine detail ... It is a very fashionable shop.
鈴木健嗣 on Google

38歳既婚男性です。 10年以上前から大ファンで、この度ダイニングテーブルと椅子二脚購入させていただきました! 若かり頃は手の届かない家具として松岡さん亀井さんはじめ職人さん達に敬意を払う事しか出来ませんでしたが、この度購入にさせていただき大変嬉しく思っております! 実際には昨年来店した際にピックアームチェアに一目惚れしてしまい一式購入に至りました! 存じてはおりましたが座り心地はもちろん、ガニ股な私にとってピックチェアが日常で毎日座りたいと思う一脚でした! 妻もしっかりとkomaさんのファンになった様子で(笑)、今後も家族で来店させていただこうと思っております! この度は作っていただきありがとうございました! 大切に使わせていただきます!
38 years old married man. I've been a big fan for over 10 years and have bought a dining table and two chairs! When I was young, I could only pay homage to Mr. Matsuoka, Mr. Kamei and other craftsmen as furniture that I could not reach, but I am very happy to purchase this time! Actually, when I visited the store last year, I fell in love with the pick armchair at first sight and decided to purchase a set! As I knew, it was comfortable to sit on, and for me, who is a crab crotch, the pick chair was a monopod that I would like to sit on every day! My wife seems to have become a fan of koma (laughs), and I'm thinking of letting my family come to the store in the future! Thank you for making this time! I will use it carefully!
Sskkn on Google

この度はダイニングテーブルと椅子を納品していただきありがとうございました! 旦那から結婚10周年の家族へのプレゼントとしていただいた物ですが、とても実用性があり娘も私もKOMAの家具をいただき大変嬉しく、スイートテンを選ばずよかったと思っております(笑) 購入時にショップにお伺いした際にも無知な私にも丁寧に接客していただき好印象でしたし、納品まで4ヶ月かかると聞いた時は長い印象もありましたが、製品の製造工程や仕上げのこだわりをきちんと説明いただき、他のプロダクトがある中で最短なのかなと納得いたしました! 納品時の方の丁寧な対応も大変満足しております! 今後もKOMAの家具を生活の中で手に触れていたいと思い、若い衆作品にも注目させて頂こうと思っております! この度は大変良い物をいただきありがとうございました!長く使わせていただきます!
Thank you for delivering the dining table and chairs! It was a gift from my husband to my family on the 10th anniversary of my marriage, but it was very practical and my daughter and I were very happy to receive KOMA furniture, so I'm glad I didn't choose Sweet Ten (laughs). When I visited the shop at the time of purchase, I was impressed by the polite service of the ignorant me, and when I heard that it would take four months to deliver, I had a long impression, but the manufacturing process and finishing of the product. I was convinced that it was the shortest among other products after properly explaining my commitment! We are also very satisfied with the polite response of the person at the time of delivery! I would like to continue to touch KOMA furniture in my daily life, and I would like to pay attention to young people's works! Thank you for your very good product! I will use it for a long time!
Jeff S on Google

KOMA is a special company offering hand-made furniture that will brighten you home. The design speaks for itself, but the purchase experience was also excellent: 1) Gorgeous showroom with dedicated and passionate staff. Many hours were shared to complete the order with careful attention to detail. 2) Beautiful catalog with excellent photos, information, and dimensions. This was very useful during purchase consideration at home. 3) Fast and easy communication. The company appreciates their customers and provides a feeling of family relationship. 4) Home delivery with care. Each piece was carefully wrapped, delivered, and placed by the company employee (not a delivery service). Information, explanation, and advice for each piece was shared. Highly civilized and professional service! 5) Quality of manufacturing is high. Furniture feels very solid and will last a lifetime. Thank you to KOMA owner and employees!

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