Kokuryu Falls - Hadano

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kokuryu Falls

住所 :

Horiyamashita, Hadano, Kanagawa 259-1304, Japan

Postal code : 259-1304
Webサイト : http://www.kankou-hadano.org/hadano_point/point_kokuryu.html

Horiyamashita, Hadano, Kanagawa 259-1304, Japan
hirasan on Google

It was closed now ?
eiji Kaji on Google

大倉から滝までハイキング 適度な距離と勾配、道も広く快適 県民の森と連絡している橋が破損している為、通行注意
Hiking from Okura to the waterfall Moderate distance and slope, wide and comfortable road Please note that the bridge that connects with the citizens' forest is damaged
C_halu U on Google

It is a good place to go in a short time without being far from the city. Although it is a small waterfall, the water is cold and transparent, so I think it is good for families to come to the river. I was able to see the rainbow at the waterfall, whether it was a good time to visit. The parking lot is small and there are only 5-6 cars, but it was not so crowded even at the peak of holidays. I found Yamavir on the way down the mountain path to the waterfall, so I am worried that I have not equipped it properly.
Yosshy on Google

The waterfall is not strangely touristy and conveys the natural power. A little open space, a mountain stream, and a log bridge, it seems that you can play for a full day here alone.
NoriSen on Google

The green, water and square are very beautiful places. I think it may be a hiking destination. In addition, you can not camp or fire at this place. To get here, I walk a considerable distance on foot from Okura, but I think there is no steep road, so I can come without difficulty.
佐藤和則 on Google

鍋割山登山の下山途中に寄り、ここから県民の森駐車場に戻れました❗ 静かな場所で滝もそんなに大きくありませんが、いい場所です?
I stopped at the middle of the mountain climbing Nabewariyama and returned to the prefectural forest parking lot from here ❗ It's a quiet place and the waterfall isn't that big, but it's a nice place ?
永原信康(秦野太郎) on Google

I walked along the forest road from Togawa Park with my daughter in the first grade of elementary school. It will take about an hour. It's a pity that I couldn't see the river because I walked a lot higher than the river that runs horizontally. It's almost flat and it's enough to feel the trees. On the way, I think it was from Nabewariyama and Tonodake, but I met a lot of descendants. I think this waterfall will break into the Omote-Tanzawa Prefectural Forest on the way. I didn't go straight.
みやしん on Google

秦野戸川公園を訪れたついでにハイキング。 大倉方面から西山林道の途中に有る見落としそうな矢印看板から階段を下ると見えてくる落差10m位の滝。 林道には登山者やハイカーが大勢いたが、滝周辺には誰もいなかった為、ゆったりとした一時を過ごすことができた。 林道の一部や、滝周辺はぬかるんでいる場所が有るため訪れる際は運動靴等の滑りにくい靴の方がいいのかも。 表丹沢県民の森の駐車場からだと20分かからないで到着します。
Hiking while visiting Hadano Tokawa Park. A waterfall with a head of about 10m that you can see when you go down the stairs from the arrow sign that you may overlook in the middle of the Nishiyama forest road from the direction of Okura. There were many climbers and hikers on the forest road, but there was no one around the waterfall, so I was able to spend a relaxing time. Since there are muddy places in some forest roads and around the waterfall, it may be better to wear non-slip shoes such as athletic shoes when visiting. It takes less than 20 minutes from the parking lot of Omotesawa Prefectural Forest.

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