本と文具 たかぎ

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 本と文具 たかぎ

住所 :

Kokufu, Ishioka, 〒315-0014 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://ja-jp.facebook.com/ishiokatakagi
街 : Ibaraki

Kokufu, Ishioka, 〒315-0014 Ibaraki,Japan
晴美 on Google

It is an old-fashioned business shop (^-^)
阿部和廣 on Google

There are few kinds of books.
長谷川智子(ともちゃん) on Google

A stationery and book shop in town. We were able to make a good purchase with a casual consultation.
森利一 on Google

石岡駅周辺で唯一の書店で、丁寧な対応をして いただけました。
The only bookstore around Ishioka Station, with a polite response I got it.
戸知諭 on Google

I always use it for a little thing, and they kindly respond to me, and there are some things that are not available on the internet. The bookstore in the city.
rariagari 1208G on Google

It's closed on Sundays, so it's hard to get the timing right, but I bought a local book and a book of the loyal dog Taro.
R Y on Google

駐車場が狭く出入りしづらいです。 連用の3年日記を買いにいきました。 店内のレイアウトは分かりやすく探しやすいです。 また、日記に関して質問をするととても丁寧に教えてくれます。 出版社と連絡取り合ってこれから、来年の日記がたくさんきます。 もしミドリ、ぶんめいどう?など分かればお取り置きもできます。 とおばあちゃん店員が案内して話してくれました。 参考書、本、文房具などたくさんありましたよ。
The parking lot is small and difficult to get in and out. I went to buy a conjunctive 3 year diary. The layout inside the store is easy to understand and find. Also, if you ask a question about your diary, it will tell you very politely. I'll keep in touch with the publisher and I'll have a lot of diary next year. What if Midori? If you know, you can reserve it. The grandma clerk guided me and told me. There were many reference books, books, stationery, etc.
Watanabe Kazuo (orion3sta) on Google

I went out to pay the price on Sundays and public holidays without knowing that it was closed, but the front door was locked, so I went out to pay again on Monday.

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