呑食 とみや

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 呑食 とみや

住所 :

Kokubuncho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0803 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://hitosara.com/0006122211/%3Fcid%3Dgm_hp
Opening hours :
Saturday 6PM–1:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 6–11:30PM
Tuesday 6–11:30PM
Wednesday 6–11:30PM
Thursday 6–11:30PM
Friday 6PM–1:30AM
街 : Miyagi

Kokubuncho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0803 Miyagi,Japan
石垣司 on Google

オーダーメイドもやってくれるらしい。 例えば、鯛めしとか。
It seems that they will also make to order. For example, sashimi.
麻生昇志 on Google

仕事に対する姿勢が料理に表現されています。 親しみやすいお店の雰囲気が、さらに、料理・お酒を美味しく楽しめます。お値段も納得の範囲でした。
The attitude toward work is expressed in cooking. The friendly atmosphere of the restaurant makes it possible to enjoy delicious food and drinks. The price was also in the acceptable range.
ラフルールドスリジエ 店主佐藤ふみひと on Google

これからの仙台の和食を牽引する腕前の親方! どれも手作りでめっちゃめちゃ美味しい! 超絶オススメです(*≧∀≦*)
Skilled master who will lead the future of Japanese food in Sendai! They are all handmade and very delicious! Transcendence is recommended (* ≧ ∀ ≦ *)
福福誠 on Google

最高のお店に出会いました。 全てが素晴らしい。 ただただ良い。
I met the best shop. Everything is wonderful. Just good.
旅人 on Google

The friendly atmosphere of the shop and the parents and wife? Healed with a wonderful personality. It is a conscientious shop that is polite and has delicious food and does not cost money. Are there any such conscientious shops in Kokubuncho? I recommend it secretly.
ハイ9 on Google

実直な親方のお店。入念な仕込みにて作られたお料理は、サイズ感も味もちょうど良い塩梅。 サクッと一杯に是非オススメのお店です。
The shop of a honest parent. The dishes made with careful preparation are salt plums with a good sense of size and taste. It is a shop recommended by all means.
mi yu on Google

少しシャイな大将と笑顔で癒してくれるおかみさん お料理もお酒も 大満足の味です!!仙台に来たら必ず立ち寄るお店です!ぜひぜひ みなさんに味わってもらいたいです。
A little shy general and a mother who heals with a smile. Both food and sake are very satisfying! !! This is a shop that you will definitely stop by when you come to Sendai! I definitely want everyone to taste it.
ميهو on Google

Completely non-smoking (only Aikos is allowed), a small shop with only a counter and a small rise. A hideaway izakaya that you want to keep secret, with a lovely smiling general and your wife. I had the owner's entrustment, omelet, and potato salad. It was a pity that the smoke of the food filled up and the clothes smelled on the way, but thank you for your hospitality for the ice cream and salted fish service. Credit card OK.

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