Kokubu Nishi-Tokyo General Center - Akishima

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kokubu Nishi-Tokyo General Center

住所 :

2 Chome-10-23 Musashino, Akishima, Tokyo 196-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 196-0021

2 Chome-10-23 Musashino, Akishima, Tokyo 196-0021, Japan
名無しさん on Google

わかりずらい。 冷凍入庫、タッチパネル受付→(車に戻り待機)事務所から連絡、伝票を事務所へ出しに行く→(車に戻り待機)事務所から連絡→事務所に伝票を取りに行き指定されたバースへ→終わったらまた事務所へ行き受領書をもらい完了。 入荷事務所ですと電話をくれる女性の愛想の無さよ・・・(;o;)。
It's hard to understand. Freezing warehousing, touch panel reception → (waiting to return to the car) contact from the office, go to the office to take out the slip → (wait to return to the car) contact from the office → go to the office to pick up the slip and go to the designated berth → When finished, go to the office again and get a receipt to complete. At the arrival office, the woman who calls me is unfriendly ... (; o;).
中島明治 on Google

When you enter, stop at the waiting area on the right side and go to the automatic reception machine in front of you. When you're done, you'll receive an automatic voice call. The reception is on the 3rd floor. After filling out the reception book, take the handed-out form and go to the unloading area on the 3rd or 4th floor, which was told at the reception. When the unloading is finished, go to the reception again, get the receipt and finish.
K T on Google

I worked as a freezer warehouse for a while as a temporary worker. You will be working in the extremely cold temperature of -20 ° C, but of course you will be equipped with warm clothes, so there is no problem. In the case of the first time, the proper person will tell you the details of the work, so you can grasp the general flow there. If you ask about the details each time, they will tell you well.
いしいがく on Google

Once registered, you can make a reservation from your smartphone next time. If you still wait, wait.
ヤマムラ on Google

一度派遣で働きましたが、対応がいい人と悪い人が半分半分って感じです。特に変な格好したメガネの猿とフォークリフト乗ってるおっさんとオバサン連中がウザすぎます。若い女の子とか男の子は対応がいいと思います。 何も得るものもなく面白くもなく給料も低いATKYも出来てない最低の職場だと思います。
I worked as a dispatched laborer once, but I feel that half of the people are good and half are bad. Especially the monkey with strangely dressed glasses, the old man riding the forklift and the Obasan guys are too ugly. I think young girls and boys are good at dealing with it. I think it's the worst workplace where you can't get anything, it's not interesting, you don't have a low salary, and you can't do ATKY.
飯田和幸 on Google

ビール、飲料水を運搬している運転手ですけど 最初の頃は、納品書、受領書で分けてなかったのに最近は分けるようになったのか?事務員がめんどくさいからって、運転手にやらせるなよ 自分が大変だなって思う以上に運転手は大変なんだよ 運転だけでも疲れているのに、1パレットに混載されている製品だって分けなといけないし 両方やらせるな!
I'm a driver who carries beer and drinking water. At first, I didn't separate them by delivery note and receipt, but nowadays they do? Don't let the driver do it because the clerk is annoying. The driver is harder than I think it's hard. Even though I'm tired from driving, I divide the products that are mixed in one pallet. Don't let me do both!
宇都宮ハイスティック on Google

If you can deliver it in the morning 1, there is a waiting place and it is easy to work. When you receive a call at the automatic reception machine, an automatic voice call will be made to the registration number and you will be assigned a berth. Work starts at 8 o'clock in principle.
_44po LEMON on Google

There is a parking space on the right after entering. Even when I arrived at 3:30, the parking lot was vacant for about 7 to 8 cars. I was grated on the 3rd floor for the delivery of beverages, but the reception order on arrival is the 3rd. If it is the third arrival at this time, I feel that it is not necessary to hurry to that point and aim for 0:00. Reception is from 0:00. There are men's and women's restrooms in front of the slope. From No. 5 Shin-Oume Kaido, turn right at Honmachi 1-chome and head for No. 59. The call started after 7:00 on the 3rd floor. There is also a 7-Eleven within walking distance. Everyone in the same industry, be safe today.

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