Kokosanrei Shrine - Kawanishi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kokosanrei Shrine

住所 :

2 Chome-18-2 Hitokura, Kawanishi, Hyogo 666-0153, Japan

Postal code : 666-0153
Webサイト : http://www.hyogo-jinjacho.com/data/6305041.html

2 Chome-18-2 Hitokura, Kawanishi, Hyogo 666-0153, Japan
Ikuko Takahashi on Google

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是非一回足を運んで下さいませ‼️ きっと、心がやすらぎストレスから解放されますよ。m(._.)m
Please take a visit by all means !! Moth Surely, your mind is relieved from stress. m (. _.) m
katsuyuki kondoh on Google

主祭神 神魯岐命カムロギノミコト 境内神社も多く、良く管理されています。
Priest deity God Kamiki Life Kamuroginomikoto There are many shrines in the precincts and they are well maintained.
tomo sano on Google

あまりひと気もなく人気もなさそうな神社ですが、実はこの神社、ものすごい神社でして、天つ神三柱と言って、日本の神様のトップ3の天之御中主の神さまや、神産霊神、そして高皇産霊神が祀られていて、いわゆる天地開闢(てんちかいびゃく)、天地が分かれて世界が初めて生まれた時に関わったとされる神さまたちがおられる神社なんですよ。 『古事記』では、性別すらなく、高天原に最初に現れた神さまだとも記されています。 産霊(むすひ)とは、生産・生成を表す創造の神 神産霊神は、因幡の白ウサギを助けたという大国主の尊さまって有名ですが、その大国主の母が、大国主が何度も兄に殺された時に、何度も頼んで生き返らせてくれたのが神産霊神という神さま。 高皇産霊神の子供には、思金神(おもいかね)という神さまがいて、あの有名な天照大神が天岩戸に隠れてしまい、世が闇に包まれてしまった時に、天照大神を、岩戸の外に連れ出すための知恵を授けたというのが思金神。 とにかくとんでもない宇宙根本の謎にも関わる創造の神ということ。 小さいながらも凄くいい神社のなのでございます。 末社のお社には、出雲神社や、松尾神社、山神社、稲荷神社などなども祀られていて、参拝しがいのある神々が一堂にかいして祀られています。 伊勢神宮や出雲大社も素晴らしいけれど、ほんとに素晴らしい神社は実は地元の身近なところにあって、いつも自分たちを護って下さっているということなのかもしれませんね。 キレイに大切にし、受け継いでゆきたい神社のひとつです。 ちなみに産霊(むすひ)の『ムス』というのは、『苔ムス』という意味もあって、宇宙の根源の神が『自然と苔のように生じて来た』といった意味もあるそうな。 この神社の大木や地面などにところどころ、『コケ』があります。 それも見どころのひとつですよ^^
It's a shrine that doesn't seem to be very popular, but it's actually a terrific shrine, and it's called the three pillars of the heavenly gods. It is a shrine where the spirit gods and the spirit gods produced by Takamimusubi are enshrined, and there are so-called Tenchikaibyaku, the gods who are said to have been involved when the world was born for the first time when the heavens and the earth were divided. In "Kojiki", it is also described that the god who first appeared in Takamagahara, without even gender. Musuhi is the god of creation that represents production and generation. Kamimusubi is famous for the honor of the Okuninushi who helped Inaba's White Rabbit, but when the Okuninushi's mother was killed by his brother many times, he asked him many times to come back to life. The god who let me know is Kamimusubi. The child of Takamimusubi has a god called Omoikane, and when that famous Amaterasu Omikami hides in Amanoiwato and the world is surrounded by darkness, Amaterasu Omikami is called. Omoikane is said to have given him the wisdom to take him out of Iwato. Anyway, it's a creator god who is involved in the mystery of the ridiculous universe. It's a small but very nice shrine. Izumo Shrine, Matsuo Shrine, Yama Shrine, Inari Shrine, etc. are also enshrined in the shrines of the end shrines, and the gods who are worth worshiping are enshrined in one place. Ise Jingu and Izumo Taisha are also wonderful, but it may be that the really wonderful shrines are actually close to the local area and always protect themselves. It is one of the shrines that we want to cherish and inherit. By the way, "Musu" of the spirit of birth (Musuhi) also means "moss mus", and it seems that the god of the origin of the universe "naturally came up like moss". There are "moss" in some places such as the big trees and the ground of this shrine. That is also one of the highlights ^^

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