Kokorozashikayakko Shrine - Tottori

5/5 に基づく 1 レビュー

Contact Kokorozashikayakko Shrine

住所 :

527 Ketakachoshuku, Tottori, 689-0226, Japan

Postal code : 689-0226

527 Ketakachoshuku, Tottori, 689-0226, Japan
masanori maeta on Google

祭神 大巳貴命(おおなむち) 延喜式所載の名神小社 亀井公がここに移設されたらしく、立派な社殿と参道です。 神饌幣帛料供進神社・郷社 本殿、幣殿、拝殿、随神門、神楽所、倉庫 氏子戸数 二百八十戸(鳥取県神社誌)
Religious deity Takamitsu Omi (Onamuchi) Meishin Shrine listed in the Engi ceremony It seems that Mr. Kamei has been relocated here, and it is a magnificent shrine and approach. Shrines and village shrines offering shrines and materials Main shrine, Heiden, worship hall, Zuijinmon, Kagura hall, warehouse Number of parishioners: 280 (Tottori Shrine magazine)

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