滋賀ヤサカ自動車(株) 本社

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 滋賀ヤサカ自動車(株) 本社

住所 :

Kojogaoka, Otsu, 〒520-0821 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87777
Webサイト : http://www.yasaka.jp/group/taxi/shiga_yasaka.html
街 : Shiga

Kojogaoka, Otsu, 〒520-0821 Shiga,Japan
Lime Rue on Google

Sudden start and stop is natural driving. Terribly bad compared to the competition.
上原りん on Google

It was the worst! I refuse even if I call it ❗ At least I can not put it on an empty car ?
大きなみみず on Google

I have used it several times, but it feels good. However, if you do not ask the driver for a cheap route, you will be detoured ... It's best to clearly tell whether cheap is the priority or time is the priority.
本夛琢 on Google

There was a lot of cars on the T-junction, and when I waited, the number 1645 Yasaka taxi that came later rang violently and pulled it forcibly. You should never ride a Yasaka taxi that drives like this.
まぐのりあ on Google

旅行の際 朝 8時半と 時間を指定してホテルに頼んでおいたら キタのが ココのタクシーでして 誰一人 頼んだ時間に 遅れていないのに 時間前から もう 何分ですよ‼️とか イライラ 言われ その後も 最低な態度! 京都方面へ行くのに 2駅ほど 先まで 頼む つもりでしたが 余にも酷いので 最寄りの駅にしました。運転も 荒く 怖かったです。☆一つも やりたくない
When I asked the hotel at 8:30 am when I traveled, Kita's was a Coco taxi, and no one was late for the time I asked, but it is already minutes before the time! ️ or irritated and the worst attitude ever since! I was going to ask about 2 stations ahead to go to Kyoto, but it was too bad so I chose the nearest station. Driving was also rough and scary. ☆ I don't want to do one
まこやん on Google

ひどい幅寄せの運転手がいます。 こちらは自転車乗りですが、側道を走行中に三崎のガススタンドに入るためか、私の直前を左側へ横切りました。こちらは急ブレーキで停止。 問い詰めるとタクシーの運転手は指示器を出したと平気な顔。 なり手が少ないので会社も難しいところだと思いますが、ひどい運転手もいます。 2019年4月16日 11:30頃発生です。
I have a bad driver. This is a cyclist, but I crossed the road just before me to the right to get in Misaki's gas stand while driving on the side road. This is a sudden brake stop. When asked, the driver of the taxi gave an indicator, and he made a plain face. I think the company is also a difficult place because there are few hands, but there are also bad drivers. It occurs around 11:30 April 16, 2019.
goo SOO on Google

超最低 こんなひどい扱いするタクシー会社みたことないです。 滋賀にきても二度と使いたくないです 県外(九州)からきました 明日は台風の直撃 そして降り始めた雨 大荷物持って子供と2人 ホテルは近いけど、タクシーに乗らざるを得ない そんな状況で こちらの会社のタクシーは 待ってるタクシーが私たちの番になって来る車来る車「空車」→「予約」に急に変わる? マジでありえません 40過ぎた子連れ女はのせてもらえないんでしょうか? もう一度言わせてください 滋賀にきても二度と使いたくないです
Super lowest I've never seen a taxi company that treats me so badly. I don't want to use it again when I come to Shiga I'm from outside the prefecture (Kyushu) Direct hit of typhoon tomorrow And the rain that started to fall Two people with a child with a large baggage The hotel is close, but I have to take a taxi In such a situation This company's taxi The waiting taxi is our turn Car coming car "Empty car" → "Reservation" suddenly changes ? Can't be serious Can a woman with a child who has passed 40 be put on it? Let me say it again I don't want to use it again when I come to Shiga
りんご on Google

Contact with Yasaka taxi at an intersection while riding a bicycle. The driver said I'm sorry and tried to leave as it was, but with the kindness of someone nearby, I asked the police to come. It wasn't a big deal just to bruise my arm, it was an old bicycle, and the driver said I'm sorry, so I had him deal with it in a property damage accident and bought a compress and went home. After I got home, I got a call from the self-processing staff and thought that I would be apologized. In this case, I would be responsible for about 6 to 4, but the damage to the car would be higher than that of the bicycle. What should I do? The police also warned the driver to check the mirror at the intersection, and the people around me were so concerned that they would stay with me until the police came so that they wouldn't be hit and run. I was surprised at the response. I know it's a job, but I wanted you to take it a little more seriously. The schedule for the day was broken, and I felt painful, and it was terrible.

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