
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kojitusanso

住所 :

Hamacho, Funabashi, 〒273-8530 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://www.kojitusanso.jp/shop/kanto/lalaport_tokyo_bay/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Hamacho, Funabashi, 〒273-8530 Chiba,Japan
ai osan on Google

ショッピングセンター内なのであまり期待していませんでしたが、想像以上に広くて落ち着いた雰囲気でした。 特に見たかったMILLETのザックとシャツがあってよかったです。 また店員さんの接客も可もなく不可もなくで向こうから話しかけてくることはなく、聞けばきちんと対応していただけます。 ただ人数が少ないのか聞きたいときに手の空いている店員さんが全然いませんでした。 クライミング系は少ないですが私には満足です。
I didn't expect much because it was in a shopping center, but it was wider and more calm than I had imagined. I'm glad I had a MILLET backpack and shirt that I especially wanted to see. In addition, the clerk's customer service is neither good nor bad, and he does not talk to me from the other side, so if you ask, you will be able to respond properly. However, when I wanted to ask if the number of people was small, there was no clerk who was free. There are few climbing systems, but I am satisfied.
福島敦 on Google

探している商品は店内スペースの問題でありませんでしたが、比較的商品は揃っているように見受けられました(^-^*)レモレモ♪ 店内写真忘れておりました?
The product I was looking for was not a problem with the space inside the store, but it seemed that the products were relatively complete (^-^ *) Remo Remo ♪ I forgot the photo inside the store ?
I Hiromix on Google

First sale On January 2nd, I visited to shop with 20% off New Year's Hatsuyume Fuku ticket, and when I confirmed it, it was said that it could only be used for regular priced products. As the year changed, we considered whether it was a new spring product or a year-round sale with only price-down bills, and compromised on the inner. I have been using it for many years, but I was disappointed that the staff who saw it for the first time did not respond well.
tomoki okuda on Google

男性スタッフの初心者にもとても親切丁寧で安心感のある接客が印象的でした。私の初登山をまるで自分のことのように楽しみにして必要な用具を選んでいただきました。本当にありがとうございます。 今後も登山用品を購入する際には是非利用させていただきます。
Even beginners of male staff were very kind and polite, and the customer service with a sense of security was impressive. I was looking forward to my first mountain climbing as if I were myself and chose the necessary equipment. thank you very much. We will continue to use it when purchasing mountaineering equipment.
siro yurabi on Google

There is also an outlet corner where you may find great deals. The sales floor is easy to enter and easy to see.
ぴろ on Google

アウトレット品やセール品が結構置いてあります。マムート製品が店の1/4ぐらいを占めています。 スタッフの方が本当に親切です。 家内の初テン泊に向けザック選びに行きましたが、適切な調整法を教えて頂いたり各商品のメリット・デメリットなど沢山のアドバイスをいただき勉強になりました。 希望の色とサイズが無かったのと、実際に積む容量を正確に把握していなかったので、しっかり考えて決まり次第この店で購入しようと思いました。 品揃えが豊富とは言い難いので星4としました。
There are quite a few outlet items and sale items. Mamut products occupy about 1/4 of the store. The staff are really kind. I went to choose a backpack for my wife's first ten nights, but I learned a lot of advice such as the proper adjustment method and the advantages and disadvantages of each product. I didn't have the color and size I wanted, and I didn't know exactly how much capacity I would actually load, so I thought about it and decided to buy it at this store. It is hard to say that the product lineup is abundant, so I chose 4 stars.
ふくちゃんふくちゃん on Google

登山用品を購入しに行きました。 登山靴は実際に履かせてもらい、傾斜のある所を歩く事が出来ます。今回は靴下や小物を購入しました。 次回登山靴はこちらで購入したいと思います。
I went to buy mountaineering equipment. You can actually wear mountain climbing shoes and walk on slopes. I bought socks and accessories this time. I would like to purchase the next mountain climbing shoes here.
佐藤正行 on Google


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