セルフケアが学べる整体屋 施術屋 癒生~ゆう~

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact セルフケアが学べる整体屋 施術屋 癒生~ゆう~

住所 :

Kojimayanaidacho, Kurashiki, 〒711-0936 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Webサイト : http://wamon.club/yuu/
街 : Okayama

Kojimayanaidacho, Kurashiki, 〒711-0936 Okayama,Japan
Totty on Google

施術屋癒生 on Google

直接触らないのに良くなる不思議な施術 施術されてる間は「ほんとにこれで効くのか?」と思いましたが終わってみたらビックリするぐらい効きました! 自己ケアの方法も伝授してくれるので自分で簡単な施術ができるようになります。 私は教わった施術を運動前にやることで足が疲れにくくなりました。 (ゲスト様  エキテン 口コミ より)
A mysterious treatment that improves without direct contact During the treatment, I thought, "Is this really effective?", But when it was over, it worked so much that I was surprised! It will also teach you how to take care of yourself, so you will be able to perform simple treatments yourself. By doing the treatment I was taught before exercising, my legs became less tired. (Guests from Ekiten word of mouth)
Masako Nagayama on Google

I am indebted to you every week. Thanks to you, my daily work is comfortable. If you don't understand well, please look it up and take it seriously. Thank you for your continued support.
G A on Google

いつもお世話になってます。 適切な箇所を施術してくださるので直りも早いです。 また体の不調を感じた時はよろしくお願い致します。
I am always indebted to you. Healing is quick because he / she treats the appropriate part. Also, if you feel any physical discomfort, thank you.
M K on Google

He taught me self-maintenance carefully and dealt with various pains I had.
藤本祐生 on Google

とても清潔感溢れる雰囲気で、丁寧に施術して下さりありがとうございました。肩凝りもだいぶ楽になりました。 また、しんどくなったら宜しくお願い致します。 LENON 様 2021/8/29  Eパーク5.0
Thank you for your polite treatment in a very clean atmosphere. Stiff shoulders have become much easier. In addition, I would appreciate your favor if it becomes difficult. LENON 2021/8/29 E Park 5.0
DNK on Google

全体的に清潔感があるのがまずよい。 物腰の柔らかい方で、こちらが日常で痛いと思っていることを話していても良く聞いてくれ、痛みの原因に真摯に向き合ってくれました。 一見繋がっていないようなところも「剥がし」てもらうとその部分がすっと動かしやすくなったので驚きました。 そのあと、自分では同日常でケアするかも教えていただいたのですが難しいことではなく,これならやってみようと思えるものばかりでした。 唯一惜しいのはちょっと奥まったところにあるので場所は良くマップを確認しながら行く必要があります。 内容では★5です また定期的に行こうと思えるところでした。
It is good that there is a feeling of cleanliness as a whole. He was a soft-mannered person, and he listened to me well even if he talked about what he thought was painful in his daily life, and he seriously addressed the cause of the pain. I was surprised that even the seemingly unconnected parts became easier to move when I had them "peeled off". After that, I was told that I would take care of myself in the same daily life, but it was not difficult, and I thought I would try it. The only regrettable thing is that it is a little deeper, so you need to check the map carefully. The content is ★ 5 I was about to go there again on a regular basis.
ふっさん北風(ふっさん) on Google

Even beginners have a trial price and are easy to use. I think that the infection rate of corona etc. is low because it can be done individually and slowly. It is safe because the treatment is good and the bad points are heard properly and the cause is understood.

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