
3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ライフネット生命保険㈱

住所 :

Kojimachi, Chiyoda City, 〒102-0083 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.lifenet-seimei.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Kojimachi, Chiyoda City, 〒102-0083 Tokyo,Japan
岡本有史 on Google

熊谷健 on Google

小山茂樹 on Google

It is a company that runs an insurance business with a wonderful manager named Deguchi.
Yano Hajime (Inoopy) on Google

団体の共済の補完で利用しています。保険内容がシンプルで分かりやすいので選択肢として最適でした。 また、付加保険料の開示は好感を持っています。
We use by complement of group mutual aid. Because the insurance content is simple and easy to understand, it was the best choice. In addition, disclosure of additional premiums is favorable.
Shigemi Yamamoto on Google

I applied to hear that LGBT could join, but it was rejected. I was ostensibly sending out beautiful things, but I couldn't actually join. The correspondence is also very unpleasant, and I will never contract the products of this company.
笠井秀子 on Google

今回白内障の手術をしました。保険は3社入っており貴社の手続きはシンプルで助かりました。証明書は『診療明細書』のみ。他社は病院の診断書が必要 15,000円 もするのです。特にかんぽ生命は最近入会したものでないので保証も悪く呆れてしまいました。御社は請求から入金まで1週間。他社は未だに医者の診断書が出来ず手続きさえ出来ない状態です。皆さんにお勧めです。
This time I had a cataract surgery. There are 3 insurance companies and your procedures are simple and helpful. Certificate is only for "medical statement". Other companies need a medical certificate from the hospital, costing ¥ 15,000. In particular, Kanpo Life wasn't a recent member, so I was terrified of the guarantee. Your company takes one week from billing to deposit. Other companies are still in a state where they cannot write a doctor's medical certificate and even do the procedure. Recommended for everyone.
aad Ab on Google

安さを訴求してますが、謎審査で断る会社です。健康診断で良くなってもあてにならん。 競合他社のソニー生命が次の候補かな。 健康なうちに入るなら入っとけ!!!
It is a company that appeals for cheapness, but refuses in the mystery examination. I can't count on getting better at the health checkup. I wonder if Sony Life, a competitor, is the next candidate. If you are healthy, go in! !! !!
panda panda on Google

He persistently sends "corporate scouts" on the job change site. Even in the insurance industry where I live, I was skeptical about the direction of the company's business, so I ignored it, but it was so persistent that I applied to hear the story once and found that "Documents" "Failed to select". I've offered it many times, but I don't understand the meaning. A fairly rude and rude company. A company that makes people uncomfortable. Of course, I blocked it after that. I doubt the attitude as a financial institution.

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