コジマ フォービューティー(KOJIMA for Beauty)

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コジマ フォービューティー(KOJIMA for Beauty)

住所 :

Yahiro, Sumida City, 〒131-0041 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://kojimafb.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Tokyo

Yahiro, Sumida City, 〒131-0041 Tokyo,Japan
野々山直美 on Google

ずっと前から気になっていて、1回ビジタ一でカットをお願いしました。床屋さんとは思えないオシャレな店内はもちろん、髪質から普段のケア方法まで丁寧にカウンセリングしてくれ、マッサージもとっても気持ちよく至福の一時を味あわせて頂きました(^^) カットは最初は短すぎたかな…と思ったのですが次の日家でシャンプーをしたらびっくり‼️とってもきれいにおさまってケアもとっても楽になりました。 ありがとうございました!またお願いします!
I've been worried for a long time, and I requested a visitor cut once. The cozy counseling from the hair quality to the usual care method as well as the stylish shop that I can not think of as a barber, and the massage was pleasantly tasting a blissful time (^ ^) I thought it was too short at first, but I was surprised if I shampooed at home the next day ️It became very clean and easy to take care of. Thank you very much!
かずのこ on Google

I've been attending since I was in elementary school and became a professional student, so I did color for the first time today. I didn't know anything about the color because it was my first time, but he gave me various advice and decided the color that suits my hair quality together! The store manager is kind and very easy to talk to, so if you are worried about dyeing for the first time, please go!
ゴンザレス二世 on Google

下町の隠れた名サロン 店構えがbarのよう雰囲気ですが戸惑う事なかれ 店内は異空間サロンとなっていてびっくりする事でしょう! カットもカラーもパーマも申し分なく仕上げてくれます! 今は電車乗って足を運んでいますが 流行のコロナ対策もしっかりされていて不安なくこの度も訪れる事ができました(*^^*) 新店舗に生まれ変わる前から30年以上通いつめてるので間違いないです♪ 是非おすすめしたい名店です(^_^ゞ
A hidden salon in downtown The store has an atmosphere like a bar but don't be confused The inside of the store will be a different space salon and you will be surprised! Perfect cuts, colors and perms! Now I go on a train, I was able to visit again without worrying about the trendy corona measures (* ^^ *) I will definitely go over 30 years from before being reborn as a new store ♪ It is a famous restaurant that I would definitely recommend (^ _ ^ ゞ
ken hori on Google

いつも大満足させて頂いてます! カットは髪質等々を考慮しつつ理想の髪型に近づくよう提案頂け、カット直後も、その後の生活でも納得感と満足感が持続します。 お店のデザインもオシャレで、且つリラックスできます。是非行ってみて下さい!
I am always very satisfied! You can suggest that the haircut approaches the ideal hairstyle while taking into account the quality of the hair. The design of the shop is also fashionable and you can relax. Please go by all means!
on Google

We will consult with you according to your hair quality. The scent of the original shampoo is good. The store manager did haircuts behind the fashion show in Milan, Italy. It's a hidden talented store!
ST on Google

Suddenly my whole body became sensitive and I was worried about my hair color, but I am grateful that I was able to dye it safely with the first patch test and careful counseling. It is easy to clean after cutting, and the unique shampoo with a slight scent is comfortable to finish. I was very healed by the extraordinary interior.
NAMI on Google

先日はありがとうございました。 今回のヘアスタイルも身内からの評判が良く大変気に入っております。 お話しするのも作業音も、心地が良くとても癒やされました。又次回も宜しくお願い致します?
Thank you for the other day. This hairstyle has a good reputation from my relatives and I like it very much. Both talking and working sounds were comfortable and soothing. Thank you again next time ?
mura masa on Google

オーナーさんには前の店舗の時から、もう20年以上髪を切ってもらってます。 毎回想像以上の仕上がりになるのと、そのスタイルが長持ちして手入れも楽なので、現在は引っ越して遠方なのですが通っています。 最近はこんな状況下で行けてませんでしたが、やっと行けて良かったです。
The owner has been cutting my hair for over 20 years since the last store. The finish is better than I imagined every time, and the style is long-lasting and easy to maintain, so I'm moving far away now, but I'm going there. I haven't been able to go under these circumstances lately, but I'm glad I finally got there.

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