Kojima × BIC Camera Fukushima - Fukushima

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kojima × BIC Camera Fukushima

住所 :

Hiromachi-12-1 Mariko, Fukushima, 960-0111, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 960-0111
Webサイト : https://www.kojima.net/shop/shoplist/fukushima.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

Hiromachi-12-1 Mariko, Fukushima, 960-0111, Japan
taku on Google

店員さんは当たり外れが激しく、値段交渉などは店員さんにより結果が変わります。 そもそも店員さんの数が少なく感じます。
The clerk is hit hard and the result changes depending on the clerk in price negotiations. First of all, I feel the number of clerks is small.
夏乃西瓜 on Google

広々というよりかぎゅっと凝縮された陳列の印象を受けました。 店員さんは、レジカウンターの方も含めとても親切で大変好感を持ちました。
I got the impression that the display was condensed rather than spacious. The clerk, including the cashier counter, was very kind and very fond of me.
かけぽよ on Google

品揃えは悪くないと思う が、正社員(赤いベストの店員さん)の態度が酷い 他の店舗(複数)で神対応だと思って感動したら「これが当たり前ですよ?」と困惑され、福島店さんの対応が特別悪いんだと思い知らされた 黒いエプロンのレジさん(特に女性)の接客態度はとても良いと思います(それだけに正社員にはガッカリ) 教える側の人間がそんな状態で良いのだろうか? 去年(一昨年?)に店長さんが変わったようなので、これからどう変わるかに期待したいところ
I don't think the assortment is bad However, the attitude of regular employees (red vest clerk) is terrible. When I was impressed by thinking that it was God-friendly at other stores, I was confused as "This is natural?" And realized that the Fukushima store's response was particularly bad. I think the customer service attitude of the black apron cashier (especially women) is very good (that's why I'm disappointed with regular employees). Is it okay for the person who teaches to be in such a state? It seems that the store manager changed last year (two years ago?), So I would like to expect how it will change in the future.
m on Google

ソフトバンクで相談しましたが、 店員さんの対応が悪く信用してしまったのも悪いのですが知識が足りないみたいです。 もう2度と行きたくないと思います。 結果的にどうしようもなく支払いが増えました。 ちゃんとソフトバンクの店舗での相談をおすすめします。
I consulted with Softbank, It's also bad that the clerk's response was bad and I trusted him, but it seems that he lacks knowledge. I don't want to go there again. As a result, payments increased unavoidably. We recommend that you consult with a SoftBank store.
どかちゃん on Google

When I went shopping on the 2nd floor and went to the checkout counter, the entrance and exit were indicated by a signboard, so when I was waiting at the entrance, for some reason the old man who came in from the exit was given priority for accounting! There were several people lined up behind me ... When I explained the details of the matter to the clerk who passed by, I didn't apologize and the clerk's morals were lacking just to handle the cashier's work. Isn't it?
鈴木孝志 on Google

Obviously, if you ask for a product, it will respond properly, and if there is no product, it will look for it. Good.
鴫いちこ on Google

安めのエアコンを購入しました。パワーがなくて、電話した所、安物なのでそれくらいのパワーだと言われました。メーカーも知られてるメーカーなので、その対応にがっかりです。 次回はそのメーカーとコジマは利用しないでおこうと思います。 店員さんの教育に不信感を感じました。
I bought a cheap air conditioner. I didn't have the power, and when I called, I was told that it was that much power because it was cheap. The manufacturer is also known, so I'm disappointed with the response. Next time, I will not use the manufacturer and Kojima. I felt distrust in the education of the clerk.
ルフ on Google

2022‐2 シーリングライトとガステーブルを買いに訪問。 少し前にたまたま行ったホームセンターで目星はつけていた。 ホームセンターより専門店だと思い来訪。 ①シーリングライト ~ホームセンターにあったような低価格の物はほとんどなかった。 ②ガステーブル ~値引きになっており17800円のが気に入ったが、シーリングライトと一緒に購入出来ないため保留。 結局、前に行ったホームセンターに行き、シーリングライト、ガステーブルを購入。 シーリングライトは色々調べてアイリスオーヤマを狙っていたがNECになった。 ガステーブルは値引きなくても17800円で同じだった。 アプリ会員になっており、会計5000円以上で10%OFFのクーポンを持っていたため、出来ればここで買いたいと思っていたので残念だった。 ホームセンターに負けるなんて、、。
2022-2 Visited to buy ceiling lights and gas tables. I happened to have a star at the home improvement store I went to a while ago. I visited the store because I thought it was a specialty store from the home center. ① Ceiling light -There were few low-priced items like those found in home improvement stores. ② Gas table -I like the discount of 17,800 yen, but I can't buy it with the ceiling light, so I put it on hold. After all, I went to the home improvement store I went to before and bought a ceiling light and a gas table. I researched various ceiling lights and aimed at Iris Ohyama, but it became NEC. The gas table was the same at 17,800 yen without a discount. I'm a member of the app, and I had a 10% off coupon for an accounting of 5,000 yen or more, so I was disappointed because I wanted to buy it here if possible. Losing to a home improvement store ...

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