Kohnan-pro - Higashiosaka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kohnan-pro

住所 :

14-24 Yayoicho, Higashiosaka, Osaka 579-8026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 579-8026
Webサイト : https://map.hc-kohnan.com/shop/465

14-24 Yayoicho, Higashiosaka, Osaka 579-8026, Japan
yamanakasakuramasu on Google

たくさんのお品があります。 駐車場の出入が少しが怖いですが、良いお店だと思います。
There are many items. I'm a little scared of getting in and out of the parking lot, but I think it's a good shop.
百名山登山隊 on Google

The clerk (employee, not part-time job) does not become a counselor. It is a hit on Google as a home improvement store that handles roofs, but only tin and concrete-based ones are placed. We do not propose substitutes or provide information on the products we handle. I wasn't busy when I came to the store. The cashier's part-time job is chatting, and employees also consult when they are wandering around. Just a chain store. Although the name "PRO" is listed in the store name, there are no first-class professionals. The original life and a certain Kohnan are different stores from the purchase, and there is no cooperation between the stores in front of them. Customers may need to move back and forth between stores.
Baikuman tarutaru on Google

大物だけでなく小物も売ってます。 店員さん達はゴチャゴチャ購入しても 嫌な顔ひとつせず 親切丁寧に対応してくれる‪⸜(*ˊᵕˋ*)⸝‬ 気持ち良いお店だ さりげに色んなものが特売して たりするから 取り敢えず一通り回ると良いね(*´꒳`*)♪
We sell not only big items but also small items. Even if clerks buy jumbles Without a disgusting face Kindly and politely responds‪⸜ (* ˊᵕˋ *) ⸝‬ It's a pleasant shop Various things are sold for casual sale Because It's good to go around as soon as possible (* '꒳` *) ♪
NORI TEN on Google

仕事柄、週の半分くらいは利用していますが 店員さんが明るくていい人が多い。 ただ、どの店舗も共通だけどもう少し知識をつけてもらえると品物を探すのに助かるのになぁと思う。
I use it for about half a week because of my work There are many people who are cheerful and nice. However, although it is common to all stores, I think that it will be helpful to find goods if you have a little more knowledge.
Kazu M on Google

ベニアを買うと、大きなマシンで切ってもらえます。有料です。。自分で切ると無料です。コーナンアプリに登録して店員さんに見せるとカット代10回無料になります。丸鋸は家にはないので、すごく助かりました。いままで並んでDIYコーナーに行ったことがないので、すいてると思います 朝 9時前に行くとコーヒー無料でした 3mmや1.7mmなどのボルトナットが豊富にあります
If you buy veneer, you can cut it with a big machine. There is a charge. .. It's free if you cut it yourself. If you register with the Kohnan app and show it to the clerk, the cut fee will be free 10 times. I don't have a circular saw at home, so it was a great help. I've never been to the DIY corner side by side, so I think I'm hungry Coffee was free when I went before 9am There are abundant bolts and nuts such as 3mm and 1.7mm.
畑津吉則 on Google

肥料を買いに行きました。ついでに苗物を見ていたら、なんとびっくり。ツワブキの鉢植えが。 お買いになる人がいるんだろうね。
I went to buy fertilizer. I was surprised to see the seedlings. A camellia pot plant. I wonder if there are people who buy it.
Masterkey on Google

オジサンの店員さんが親身になって商品を探してくれる。頼りになる。 レジのメガネの男の子は、ダメかもね。。。
An old man's clerk will take care of you and look for your product. rely on. The boy with the cashier's glasses may not be good. .. ..
t y on Google

他の口コミにもある通り品数は、多いと思います。テープ類も手前にあって見つけやすいですし、お店自体は、個人的には、良かったです。 ただ、他の口コミにもあるように店員さんは、もひとつかもしれません。 私を対応してくださった方は、タカ○ツさんというメガネをかけた外国人っぽい方でした。 日本語がまだおぼつかないのか挨拶とかも特に無く、声も、とても小さくて聞きとりにくかったです。 できればカタコトでも良いのでもっと声量のある方がレジしてくださると助かります。
As you can see in other reviews, I think there are many items. The tapes are also in the foreground and easy to find, and the store itself was good for me personally. However, as in other reviews, there may be one clerk. The person who responded to me was Mr. Taka * tsu, a foreigner wearing glasses. I didn't have any particular greetings because I couldn't understand Japanese yet, and my voice was very quiet and difficult to hear. If possible, it's okay to use a katakoto, so it would be helpful if someone with a louder voice could register.

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