スパーク ニュー庚午店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スパーク ニュー庚午店

住所 :

Kogokita, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0821 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : http://www.spark-net.co.jp/store/index.html
街 : Hiroshima

Kogokita, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0821 Hiroshima,Japan
山崎光子 on Google

I was happy because I didn't need 100 yen before, but it's a little disappointing because it's expensive these days. Corona is popular now and it's a little expensive because I'm often at home, but I often go there.
奥田健志 on Google

The fish fillets are especially delicious. I am always grateful for your help!
ドンキードンキー on Google

A supermarket that is cheap and thankful to the common people. When I first went there, the road was winding and I was a little lost. Be careful when you go for the first time.
鬼嫁 on Google

毎週日曜日の玉子のセールで初めていきました。 中々人が多く賑わっていました。 定員さんもとっても親切です。
I went there for the first time every Sunday with an egg sale. There were a lot of people in the middle. The capacity is very kind.
森祐 on Google

久し振りに行きました。 狭い道路を入ったところで場所的には良くないと思いますが、駐車場は以前より拡張されていて充分にあります。 狭い道路、人通りが多いので自動車は気を付けないといけませんね!?
I went there for the first time in a long time. I don't think it's a good place to enter a narrow road, but the parking lot is larger than before and is ample. There are many narrow roads and many people, so you have to be careful with your car! ??
ボマー on Google

会計中に緑ジャンバーのおじさん店員が急にパニックになったのか、間違えた。 自分でトラブルを解消出来ず、助けを求めに昔からレジに居る若い男の子(バイトリーダー?)の所へ。 その子が操作して30秒もせず解決した。 社員より非正規の方が優秀では?
I made a mistake whether the uncle clerk of the green jumper suddenly panicked during the checkout. I couldn't solve the trouble myself, so I went to a young boy (byte leader?) Who had been at the cash register for a long time to ask for help. The child operated and solved it in less than 30 seconds. Isn't non-regular people better than employees?
ベー on Google

昔からここに有るスーパーです。駐車場が広くペイペイが使えるので、良く利用します。 サラダの種類が豊富です。
It is a supermarket that has been here for a long time. I often use it because the parking lot is wide and PayPay can be used. There are many kinds of salads.
ヌグラハクルニアワン on Google

open until 11pm, that's a good thing

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