
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大滝湧水

住所 :

Kobuchisawacho Kamisasao, Hokuto, 〒408-0041 Yamanashi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://travelers-life-japan.com/otaki-jinja-shrine
街 : Yamanashi

Kobuchisawacho Kamisasao, Hokuto, 〒408-0041 Yamanashi,Japan
唐澤ゆみ on Google

I was excited by the flowing clean water
齋藤美里 on Google

清らかな空気と、こんこんと流れ出る湧き水、木漏れ日の中でたたずむ神社。とても、心地よい場所でした! 湧水は、神社の裏手から湧き出て、ひしゃくでくめる。また、少し坂を下りると、ペットボトルでくめる場所もある。天然のため、多少の葉などのゴミが入っているのでは、とも思ったが、コップに移して驚いた。何一つ余分なものが入っていない。味は、まろやか。本当に美味しい。 次々と水を求めて訪ねてくる方がいた。話を聞くと、この地域の美味しい水と空気に魅せられて移住した、と言う方が複数。興味ある方にはオススメです! 無料の駐車場有り。
A shrine that stands in clean air, spring water that flows out, and sunbeams. It was a very comfortable place! The spring water springs out from behind the shrine and wraps around. There is also a place where you can use a plastic bottle if you go down a hill. I thought that there was some leaves and other garbage because of nature, but I was surprised when I moved to a glass. There is nothing extra. The taste is mellow. Really delicious. There were people who visited in search of water one after another. When I heard the story, several people said that they moved by being attracted by the delicious water and air of this area. Recommended for those who are interested! Free parking available.
Kazuhiko3 on Google

Spring water is flowing down next to the shrine. Spring water seems to be drinkable. It seems that fishing ponds and restaurants are open in the summer, but they were closed probably because of the corona. The back of the shrine is a mountain with continuous alleys, so it may be good for a walk course for those with good legs.
tanikuu on Google

大滝神社から横に行き少し下ったところで汲み場があります。 とにかく水の量が多く20ℓタンクがすぐにいっぱいになります。 とても美味しいお水で、約1ヶ月保つそうです。 駐車場はけっして広くはなく、汲みに来る方がとにかく次々と来るので、道路に垂直に止めないと後から来る人が困ります。 自然の恵みを、みなさんと気持ちよく分けあいたいものですね。
There is a pumping station just down from Otaki Shrine. Anyway, the amount of water is large and the 20ℓ tank fills up quickly. The water is very delicious and will last for about a month. The parking lot is not large at all, and people who come to fetch it come one after another, so if you do not stop vertically on the road, people who come later will be in trouble. I want to share the blessings of nature with you comfortably.
asuka “k” on Google

レストランや釣り堀があるのですが、営業している形跡はありませんでした。 お水がとてもおいしく、毎度タンクを持って水を汲みに行かせていただいています。 社の左側の小川に太いパイプが設置してあるので、タンク等に水を汲む場合はそちらから汲むのがお薦めです。 水量が豊富なのであっという間に貯まります。 駐車場から水汲み場までは50m程歩くので、大きめタンクを持ち運ぶ自信が無い方はカート等があると良いかと思います。(因みに道は未舗装です)
There is a restaurant and a fishing pond, but there was no evidence that it was open. The water is very delicious, and I always bring a tank to fetch water. A thick pipe is installed in the stream on the left side of the company, so it is recommended to draw water from there when drawing water into a tank or the like. Since the amount of water is abundant, it will accumulate in no time. It's about 50m from the parking lot to the water fetching place, so if you don't have the confidence to carry a large tank, you should have a cart. (By the way, the road is unpaved)
nkスキー nk on Google

20220101 大滝神社 お水取りと初詣 最初はお寺と勘違い・・・ お寺で釣り堀があってはと、神社でも少し気になりますが。 わさび田。
20220101 Otaki Shrine Omizutori and Hatsumode At first, I misunderstood it as a temple ... I'm a little worried at the shrine if there is a fishing pond at the temple. Wasabi fields.
Terra Mid on Google

Shrines, big trees, shrines, springs ... Such a power spot is valuable. You can watch the sacred water that springs up and flows down forever. The water was very mellow and the coffee and tea were delicious.
牧野ゆかり on Google

凄く美味しい水です!! わざわざポリタンクを買って持って行く価値あり!!(笑)めんどくさいなら空いてるペットボトルでも良いけど、500mlのペットボトル1本だけ汲んで帰るのはマジもったいない。 10ℓのポリタンクに汲んだけど、女1人で10ℓ3日で終わりました。 そして、ここの御水『1ヶ月保つ』と有名らしい。 普段は諏訪市内のお水を浄水器を通して使っていますが、明らかに味が全然違う。 ここの御水は凄くまろやか。だけど、スッキリしてる。 お米炊いたら最高でした? 紅茶も、とても美味しくなります。 凄く美味しい御水なので、行ってみて損は無いけど、神様や、地元の方に感謝を忘れないで欲しいです。神社があるので、お賽銭という形で私は御水を頂く感謝を表しました。 これからも、美味しい御水をたくさんの方が飲めますように。
Very delicious water !! It's worth buying a plastic tank and taking it with you !! (laughs) If it's annoying, you can use an empty plastic bottle, but it's really a waste to take only one 500ml plastic bottle and go home. I drew it in a 10ℓ plastic tank, but it took only 10ℓ 3 days for one woman. And it seems that the water here is famous for "keeping for a month". I usually use the water in Suwa city through a water purifier, but the taste is obviously completely different. The water here is very mellow. But it's refreshing. It was great if I cooked rice ? Black tea is also very delicious. It's a very delicious water, so it's worth a visit, but don't forget to thank God and the locals. Since there is a shrine, I expressed my gratitude for the water in the form of a gift. I hope many people can continue to drink delicious water.

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