
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とんとん拍子

住所 :

Kiuri, Yoshikawa, 〒342-0045 Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

Kiuri, Yoshikawa, 〒342-0045 Saitama,Japan
ーおすまんさす on Google

Clerk's response is very good. The food was also delicious.
やっちゃん on Google

店員はサバサバしていて気持ち良い 飲物は出てくるのが早く 料理も美味しかった
The clerk is dry and comfortable Beverages come out quickly The food was delicious
J K on Google

テイクアウトの韓国式チキンが美味しかったです。 リピートします。
The takeaway Korean chicken was delicious. Repeat
黒猫D on Google

出前館とウーバーイーツのデリバリーにはまっていて こちらのから揚げを注文したのですが、配達員さんからの連絡で調理が遅い為20分ほど遅れると言われました。 結局35分ほど遅れて届きましたが調理に50分ほどかかったようです。 配達員さんもずっと待っていたようで注文したこちらが申し訳ない気持ちでした。 配達員さんが来た時に聞いたのですがこの店はいつも調理が遅いため、デリバリーの時は必ず遅れてしまうとのことです。 注文した側も配達する側も迷惑しているお店ということで星1とさせていただきます。 味も50分上待ってまで食べたいと思うおいしさではありませんでした...
I'm addicted to the delivery of delivery halls and Uber sweets I ordered fried chicken from here, but the deliveryman contacted me and told me that it would be delayed by about 20 minutes because the cooking was slow. After all, it arrived about 35 minutes late, but it seems that it took about 50 minutes to cook. The deliveryman seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and I felt sorry for the order. When the deliveryman came, I heard that this shop is always slow to cook, so delivery will always be delayed. Since both the ordering side and the delivering side are annoying, we will give it a star 1. The taste wasn't as good as I wanted to wait 50 minutes longer ...
ウィルキンソン on Google

本当は0にしたいところですが、 1しかないので致し方なく1です。 店員さんの対応がひどいだけではなく、 注文した商品が来るまでにも非常に時間がかかり、待ってまで食べたいと思えるようなご飯ではなかったです。 また店内は、座席にて喫煙可なので煙草の臭いもすごかったです。 キッチンが1、2人・ホールが1人しかいないにも関わらずウーバーイーツなども行っているので、全く手が回っていないようでした。
I really want to set it to 0, Since there is only 1, it is 1 without help. Not only is the clerk's response terrible, It took a long time for the ordered product to arrive, and it wasn't the kind of rice that I wanted to eat until I waited. Also, smoking is allowed in the seats inside the store, so the smell of cigarettes was amazing. Even though there are only one or two people in the kitchen and one person in the hall, I also do Uber sweets, so it seemed that I couldn't handle it at all.
micron 0218 on Google

感染症対策のパーテーションは無くなってました。 料理の味は悪くないけど店内に二組しかいないのに、唐揚げ注文したら何分で出来る?と聞いたら5分ぐらいでと言われその後注文したら出てきたの30分以上経ってたり(笑) 店内でタバコ吸えるのも吸わない人間からしたら嫌ですね~
The partition for infectious disease control is gone. The taste of the food is not bad, but there are only two sets in the store, but how many minutes can I order fried chicken? I heard that it took about 5 minutes, and when I ordered it, it came out more than 30 minutes (laughs) I don't like smoking in the store for people who don't smoke.
S on Google

The speed at which the food was served and the attitude of the clerk were the worst I've ever been to. I was also worried that the person who seems to be the owner was cooking without a mask. We waited for about 30 minutes for yakitori and about 1 hour for motsunabe. I didn't feel like tasting it, so I finished my meal and went home, but the price is not cheap. I haven't written a review before, but the response was so bad that I decided to post a review this time. I will never go again.
暴食の嵐 on Google

ラーメンは魚介類スープで割っているのか、サラッとしてアッサリ目でスルスルと食べ易かったです。 濃厚な豚骨ラーメンを期待した人には若干物足りないかもしれませんが私は気に入りました。 チャーシューが豚肩ロースを使っているのか、脂身は少なく身が締まっていて、噛みごたえがあって良かったです。 車でなければ、単品注文してビールで一杯飲みたい所でした。 まかない飯と言うメニューもそのチャーシューを刻んだものと高菜が載っていて、美味しかったです。
Perhaps the ramen was divided with fish and shellfish soup, it was easy to eat with smooth eyes. It may be a little unsatisfactory for those who expected rich tonkotsu ramen, but I like it. Perhaps the char siu uses boston butt loin, it was good that the meat was lean and chewy. If it wasn't a car, I would have liked to order a single item and drink a glass of beer. The menu called "Mamanai Meal" also had chopped char siu and takana, which was delicious.

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