Kitsuya - Yokohama

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kitsuya

住所 :

ライオンズマンション綱島 2 Chome-5-30 Tsunashimanishi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 223-0053

ライオンズマンション綱島 2 Chome-5-30 Tsunashimanishi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-0053, Japan
ヨンジュンよん on Google

Make a mistake in the price over and over again. Probably on purpose. The same thing is hit at the cash register twice. Occasionally, when counted and calculated, the number is large and the price is high. It's hard to understand if you buy a lot, but it's usually cheaper to buy at another greengrocer. There is no such a worst greengrocer
Miyuki Fujii on Google

いつも外国人の方がいらっしゃいませと大きな声を出しています。 八百屋って感じがして良いです。 野菜もフルーツもとっても安くて気にいってます! ただ、暑い季節になってきて傷んでいるものや、虫が野菜の周りをブンブン飛び交っているのが気になります。 常温で販売してるので鮮度も落ちていて、暑い季節は少し高くても普通のスーパーの方が日持ちしそうな感じです。 現金しか使えません。
Foreigners are always calling out to come. You can feel like a greengrocer. Vegetables and fruits are very cheap and I like them! However, I am worried about what is damaged in the hot season and insects flying around the vegetables. Since it is sold at room temperature, the freshness is low, and even in the hot season it seems that ordinary supermarkets will last longer even if it is a little expensive. You can only use cash.
haruka mishima on Google

外国の方が接客してるお店。 基本的に安いけど、見切り品は店奥にあり、狭いので良いものがなかったらUターンする事はできず、レジ前まで行かないといけない店の作りになっています。 ここは税抜き価格で表記されているので、レジにて税込になり、自分でサラッと計算してるより高くなってしまう事が多くて、計算しづらいのであまり利用はしませんが、扱う野菜や果物の種類は豊富で、ドライフルーツなども扱いがあります。 3日前に訪ねた時は(2020/02/27)サンザシとプルーン、蜂蜜等が置いてありました。 値段もそこそこ安め。 家からは少し遠い為、あまり利用する事はないですが、ちょっと変わったもの等を買いに行くには良いと思います。
A shop where foreigners are serving customers. Basically it is cheap, but the close-up is in the back of the store, so it is small and you can not make a U-turn if you do not have good things, so you have to go to the cashier. Since it is stated at the tax-excluded price, it is tax-included at the cash register, it often becomes higher than it is calculated by yourself, so it is difficult to calculate, so I do not use much, but There are a wide variety of fruits, including dried fruits. When I visited 3 days ago (2020/02/27), hawthorn, prunes, honey, etc. were left. The price is also reasonably cheap. It's a bit far from the house, so I don't use it much, but I think it's good to go for something strange.
むぎ on Google

熊本県産のスイカが売っており、購入後スイカ本体に千葉県産のシールが貼ってあるのに気づき日本人の店員に聞いたところ、「あぁ千葉県産だね〜、どうする?返金する?千葉県産も美味しいけどね」と。デカデカとポップにもラベルも熊本県産表示。しばらくしてこちらをチラチラ見ながらポップを片付けた。 産地偽装で開き直っていた…
Watermelons from Kumamoto prefecture are on sale, and after purchasing, I noticed that the watermelon body had a sticker from Chiba prefecture, and when I asked a Japanese clerk, "Ah, it's from Chiba prefecture, what should I do? Refund? The products from Chiba prefecture are also delicious, though. " Kumamoto Prefecture's label is displayed on both big and pop music. After a while, I cleaned up the pop while glancing at this. It was reopening due to the disguise of the production area ...
Chan Taro on Google

この八百屋…平気で産地偽装してる? 里芋・さやえんどう・スナップえんどう他 中国産なのに全て国産表記‼︎ 自分さえ儲かれば何をしても良いと言う考えが全く理解できない。 同じアジア人として情けない…
This greengrocer ... I'm just disguised as a production area ? Taro, pods, snap peas, etc. Although they are made in China, they are all domestically produced! ︎ I can't understand the idea that I can do anything if I make a profit. I'm sorry as the same Asian ...
Shuma Suzuki on Google

The atmosphere of an old-fashioned greengrocer. I was surprised that you can buy eggplants, tomatoes, and leafy vegetables at about half the price of a supermarket. It may be scratched or soiled, but it will be clean if washed, and I have never felt any problems with the taste or quality. It will last for a long time after purchase.
grace M on Google

少し鮮度が落ちてる物もあるけど、そういうものは逆に食べてみたら味が濃くて「これ高級なヤツ⁈」って時があり、アウトレットも入荷してるのかな?と思ったり。この前は青パパイヤをゲット♫凝ったお店でないと手に入らないような珍しい食材に出会えたりするのも楽しい。 基本的に安くて美味しい。 味が良く、農薬臭い事もない。
There are some things that are a little less fresh, but on the contrary, when I try to eat them, the taste is strong and there are times when I say "this is a high-class guy⁈", and I wonder if outlets are also in stock? I thought. Before this, get green papaya ♫ It's fun to come across rare ingredients that can only be obtained at elaborate shops. Basically cheap and delicious. It tastes good and does not smell like pesticides.
Kico Fuku on Google

野菜や果物がけっこうお安く買えます。旬の生落花生や生ライチ等、スーパーではあまり見かけない物を売ってる時期もあります。 とても新鮮な物と、少し時間が経ってる時がありますが、その分更に安くなっているのでそれについては納得次第だと思います。 LINE友達になればお会計が5%OFFになります。 スタッフさんは外国の方が多いですが会話に問題はありませんし、皆さん明るく感じの良い方です。
You can buy vegetables and fruits at a fairly low price. There are times when we sell things that are rarely seen in supermarkets, such as seasonal raw peanuts and raw lychees. It's very fresh and sometimes it's been a while, but it's even cheaper, so I think it's up to you. If you become a LINE friend, you will get 5% off your bill. Most of the staff are from foreign countries, but there is no problem with conversation, and everyone is cheerful and pleasant.

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