Kitchen Origin Shinmaruko - Kawasaki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kitchen Origin Shinmaruko

住所 :

739番地4 Shinmarukomachi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 211-0005
Webサイト :

739番地4 Shinmarukomachi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0005, Japan
宍戸元広 on Google

長い列でも店員さんの対応が早いのですぐ買える。 急ぐ人は既に作られているお弁当を買えば良いし待てる人は注文すれば良い
Even in a long line, the clerk responds quickly so you can buy it immediately. Those who are in a hurry can buy a bento that has already been made, and those who can wait can order it.
IDEI K on Google

仕事帰りでよく利用します。 作りたてが食べられるのがありがたい 安くて美味しい。
I often use it on my way home from work. Thank you for being able to eat freshly made It's cheap and delicious.
志村孝司 on Google

いつも 飲み屋さんの帰りに寄ってます? お魚系は 売り切れちゃう もう少し早く行かなきゃ‼️
I'm always on my way home from the bar ? The fish are sold out I have to go a little sooner !! ️
がおーがおー on Google

弁当屋。惣菜屋 公共交通機関利用推奨。 駐車場無。化粧室無。禁煙。 現金、キャッシュレス決済可能 。 利用種別要確認。 1階店舗
Bento shop. Side dish shop Recommended for public transportation. No parking lot. No restroom. no smoking. Cash and cashless payments are possible. Confirmation of usage type. 1st floor store
kenta omura on Google

お店は小さめなので、電車到着のタイミング等で混み合う事があります。 コロナ対策で以前とは違い、惣菜は全てパックされてます。 まあ、仕方ないですね。 お弁当は、コンビニとは違い出来たてで美味しいので重宝します。
The shop is small, so it may get crowded when the train arrives. Unlike before, all side dishes are packed as a measure against corona. Well, it can't be helped. Bento is useful because it is fresh and delicious unlike convenience stores.
ヒロ on Google

I ordered Katsudon at midnight. It was really good! Thank you for making it carefully!
まるこ on Google

いつも夜にいるあのベトナムのばば 首にしてくれないかな? 敬語もできないし接客態度も悪いし いつも黙ってレシート投げるし 挨拶とかも全然せーへんし タメ語でレジ袋は?って聞いてくるんだけど友達かよ 日本語教えるか首にするかしろよ 毎回気持ち悪い
That Vietnamese bastard who is always at night Will you fire me? I can't speak honorifics and the customer service attitude is bad Always silently throw the receipt Greetings are not at all What about shopping bags in Tame? I'm asking, but I'm a friend Do you teach Japanese or fire it? I feel sick every time
にくもち on Google

The inside of the store is clean and I like it because the Delica lineup is good from morning to 23:00 and the time I use it, but I'm worried about the yelling of the female capacity. I think it can't be helped that the clerk who put on the batch during the training during busy hours is working alone at the kitchen because the kitchen is also busy, but honestly it feels good to hear the angry guidance that echoes in the store. It's not a thing ... At that time, the person who was serving customers at the cash register seemed to be confused, and when I went to busy hours, I often encountered the angry voice of the same woman. It's unavoidable to some extent because it's instruction and education, but I think it's a shame as a customer service to see something that makes the customer atrophied.

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