Kitchen Origin K'sei Tateishi - Katsushika City

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kitchen Origin K'sei Tateishi

住所 :

1 Chome-20-6 Tateishi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 124-0012
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

1 Chome-20-6 Tateishi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0012, Japan
A Suzuki on Google

いつ行ってもそれなりに品数があるので重宝しています。好みのおにぎりが無くなっていることもありますが。 店員さんも感じが良いです。
It is useful because there are a certain number of items at any time. There are times when favorite rice balls are lost. The clerk also feels good.
May June on Google

24時間営業している店舗。 繁盛してます。チェーン店なのでスタッフは入れ替わり激しく、たまに外れ()があります ま、自炊が一番という事で カツカレーはカレーソースが少なくてご飯があまりました。カツはうまいです。
A store open 24 hours a day. It is prosperous. Because it is a chain store, the staff changes frequently and sometimes comes off (). Cutlet curry had less curry sauce and less rice. The cutlet is delicious.
Yas S on Google

京成立石駅を降りてアーケード商店街の中ほどにあります。 残業などで帰りが遅くなったときなどは24時間営業で助かります。 割と商店街には24時間営業のお店も多いのですが・・・。 入るとすぐに出来上がっているお弁当も幾つか並んでます。 量り売りの惣菜や、唐揚げ、揚げ物なども種類も多くて楽しめます。 お弁当は注文してから調理するので、少し時間が掛かり前に頼んでいる 人がいると待たされる事もありますが作りたてですので良いですよ。 座って待てる椅子もあります。
It is located in the middle of the arcade shopping street after getting off at Keisei Tateishi Station. If you are late to return due to overtime, etc., it will be helpful if you are open 24 hours a day. There are many shops that are open 24 hours a day in the shopping district. There are also some bento boxes that are ready as soon as you enter. You can enjoy a wide variety of prepared foods sold by weight, fried chicken, and fried foods. I order the lunch box and then cook it, so it takes a while to order it before You may have to wait if there are people, but it's good because it's freshly made. There are also chairs where you can sit and wait.
山田裕佳子 on Google

I am always indebted when I am in trouble.
土赤法子 on Google

ここは店員が客の前に出て来たり 客が商品を選んでる時に品を出したり…… もし、そうでのくても一言欲しいです。 時間帯でそうしてるのかもしれもせんが せめて、人が以内時間にそうして欲しいです。
Here the clerk comes out in front of the customer When a customer selects a product, he or she puts out the product ... If so, I would like a word. Maybe I'm doing that in the time zone At the very least, I want people to do so within time.
kita nisiharu on Google

I often use this shop. However, I get bored because there are only the same products. I would like to see more different products.
さとうさちこ on Google

I bought 2136 yen for my family's lunch and paid 10151 yen, but when I looked at the receipt now, the deposit was 9151 yen and I got 1000 yen more! What's wrong ... Origin-san is 1000 yen plus.
梨本幸人 on Google

久しぶりの来店。 夕方時、お客が途切れる事無く繁盛している様子。 種類が豊富なのが有難く、面倒で手早く済ませたい時に便利です。
Visited the store after a long absence. In the evening, it seems that customers are prospering without interruption. Thank you for the wide variety, which is convenient when you want to get rid of it quickly.

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