希望が丘文化公園 陸上競技場

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 希望が丘文化公園 陸上競技場

住所 :

Kitazakura, Yasu, 〒520-2321 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Webサイト : https://www.kiboupark-shiga.or.jp/sports/facility
街 : Shiga

Kitazakura, Yasu, 〒520-2321 Shiga,Japan
Taka2 Taka2 on Google

It seems that repair work will be done ?.
桜散る若手選手 on Google

The tartan truck here is easy to drive.
斉藤一郎 on Google

I came to support my grandson's national junior high school relay race.
のみゃ on Google

足に優しいタータン。 柔らかめなので走りやすいです
Tartan friendly to the feet. It is easy to run because it is soft
hike yama on Google

The tartan is shabby. Parking fees and fees are high, so I don't feel like using it personally.
kimickey S4 on Google

The facility is a little old, but the natural grass ground is still good.
嶋田涼佑 on Google

道具などが揃っていて練習しやすいです。 でもタータンが柔らかいから走りにくい。 さらに雨が降ると水はけが悪いから滑りやすい。
It is easy to practice with all the tools. But the tartan is so soft that it's hard to run. Furthermore, when it rains, the drainage is poor and it is slippery.
溝内孝夫 on Google

I went across the viaduct in Hanayori Park and walked around the village by way of the village house. It is not far from the village house on foot. I think it is a very nice facility. The field seemed to be well maintained. The Hopegaoka Cultural Park is quite large, and both facilities for children and adults seem to be fulfilling. Even so, I did not think that Flower Park and hopeful hill culture park were connected in this way. Thanks to you, I took a lot of money to return to the flower park park parking lot. I was able to get a sense of direction, so I won't get lost next time. Today I was able to get back to the mountain hiker on the way by asking him the way back. After all you need

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