タイヤ流通センターバイパス北山店 目指せ地域最安一番店!

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact タイヤ流通センターバイパス北山店 目指せ地域最安一番店!

住所 :

Kitayama, Morioka, 〒020-0061 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/trckitayama/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Iwate

Kitayama, Morioka, 〒020-0061 Iwate,Japan
曽我隆 on Google

I've been using it for more than 10 years now, and as I know from the name of the company, I am familiar with tires. Correspondence that matches the company building and employees is polite and accurate, and the price is top class compared to other companies. We provide familiar and inexpensive Asian tires such as Korean Hankook tires, Taiwan Nankan tires, and federal tires, which are familiar in Japan. Of course, the same applies to domestic tires and European tires. If you quote and obtain it here, I strongly feel that the prices and services of gas stations, certain large car shops, and dealers are volatile. Those who are considering new tires should visit the store thinking that they were tricked first. You are sure to be satisfied.
MagicianKATANA on Google

昔から有るのは知っていたけど初めて足を踏み入れるのを躊躇してしまいそうな雰囲気。 店内も必要最低限のものしかないので、目的が明確じゃないと入りにくい。 その分、目的がはっきりしていれば親切丁寧、良心的な価格で提供してもらえる。 店が狭いのでタイヤ交換シーズンだと大混雑しそう。
I knew that it existed for a long time, but the atmosphere seems to make me hesitate to set foot for the first time. The store has only the minimum necessary items, so it is difficult to enter unless the purpose is clear. For that reason, if the purpose is clear, it will be offered at a kind and polite price. Since the shop is small, it seems to be very crowded during the tire replacement season.
w o on Google

色々な店のレビューを見て、1番よかったので行ってみましたが評判通り丁寧に対応してくださいました。 安いタイヤをお願いしたのですが、色々なものとの比較から性能まで、無知な私でも分かりやすかったです。
I saw the reviews of various stores and it was the best, so I went there and responded politely according to the reputation. I asked for cheap tires, but it was easy for me, even if I was ignorant, to compare the performance with various tires and the performance.
南部百姓屋 on Google

かなり前からはある店ですが普通の所かと 基本的には購入よりも交換で利用する人が多いかと 購入だと特に安いわけでもなければ種類がたくさんあるわけでもなく タイヤ交換時期で忙しい時など対応とか雑な場合もあります 購入なら近場の人なら良いが、他を探せばもっと色々値引きとか組み合わせて安くなるとことかあります どこがいいかだけどタイヤ関係で相談や交換などするのには丁度いいかと
It's been a long time ago, but it's a normal place Basically, there are more people who use it for exchange rather than purchase It's not particularly cheap to buy, and there aren't many types. It may be complicated to deal with when you are busy changing tires. If you want to buy it, it's good for people in the vicinity, but if you look for others, it may be cheaper in combination with various discounts. I wonder what is good, but is it just right for consultation and replacement related to tires?
アリエルロッベン on Google

単に高いタイヤを売るのではなく、費用対効果を考えた上でタイヤを勧めてくれます。 こちらのタイヤの値段はこちらより1万8000円ほど安いですが、レースでもしない限りに正直価格の差は感じないと思います。なので特別な思い入れなどなければこちらの方がいいと思いますよといったアドバイスくれます。スタッドレスタイヤの購入を考えたときも夏タイヤのときも同様でした。 あと、こちらでタイヤを購入すると初回のタイヤ保管料は無料でした。 唯一の欠点は、タイヤ購入する場合基本的にタイヤの見積もりを出してメーカーに在庫を確認してから注文、装着となるので、行ってその日に交換ではなく数日から1,2週間後の交換ということが多いです。もちろんタイヤ交換だけなら数日前に電話しとけばスムーズに行なえますが
Rather than just selling high tires, we recommend tires based on cost-effectiveness. The price of this tire is about 18,000 yen cheaper than here, but I think that I do not feel the difference of the honest price unless it is a race. So I will advise you that if you don't make special thoughts, I think this is better. The same was true for buying studless tires and summer tires. Also, the initial tire storage fee was free when purchasing tires here. The only drawback is that if you buy a tire basically you will get an estimate of the tire and then check the inventory with the manufacturer before ordering, because it will be worn, so do not replace it on the day instead of a few days to a week or two after the replacement It is often said. Of course, if you just change the tires, you can do so smoothly if you call them a few days ago.
Oka Mori on Google

冬に来店時は まだ タイヤ使えるから 夏にまた見せてと言われ 夏になり来店 今回購入しました。無理矢理買わせないところが 信頼できます。新しいタイヤ 運転したら 如実に良さが分かりました。
When I came to the store in winter, I was told to show it again in summer because I can still use the tires, so I came to the store in summer and purchased this time. You can trust that you can't force yourself to buy it. When I drove a new tire, I realized how good it was.
高橋愛昌 on Google

安い!早い!親切!熱意!最高! 大手カーショップがいかにダメかがわかりました
cheap! quick! Kindness! enthusiasm! The best! I found out how bad a major car shop is
なさ on Google

安い、早い、丁寧! 何度かタイヤ交換でお邪魔しましたが仕事が早く丁寧なのに安くてとても助かります。これからも利用させてください?
Cheap, fast, polite! I've been bothered by changing tires several times, but the work is quick and polite, but it's cheap and very helpful. Please continue to use it ?

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