ニコニコ車検 湘南平塚店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ニコニコ車検 湘南平塚店

住所 :

Kitatoyoda, Hiratsuka, 〒254-0088 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.2525syaken.com/store/hiratsuka.html
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kitatoyoda, Hiratsuka, 〒254-0088 Kanagawa,Japan
aワタサン on Google

1 車検代行料金が安いがその分足廻り分解洗浄で2万以上になります。 2 ウインカーが切れてたので見積もりに2千円とあり高いと言ったらバンパー外すので高くなりますと言われたがいざその日は車持ち帰りになったのでウインカー交換だけしてもらえますかとお願いしたらバンパー外さず1分もしないで交換してました。 3 後日都合が悪くなったので入庫をずらして欲しいと連絡が‥指定の日に入庫すると誰?みたいな扱い。担当呼ぶと連休貰ってる。連休貰ったから入庫ずらされたのかと。残念な事ばかりです。現在預けてるだけあって不安でたまりません。 総評 愛想は良いが対応は悪い。安く車検を頼むならここでは無い。 後日ニコニコ車検(フランチャイズ)の方から連絡があり事実を伝えると凄く謝罪をされてたのと分解洗浄は強制ではないのにあたかも強制っぼくした事を謝罪されてました。同時に車検から返ってきた車のオーディオパネルが外れていてオーディオが壊れてると伝えた所、そこのお店に直させますと回答頂きましたがこのお店は絶対に嫌なのでと丁重にお断り致しました。またお店に謝罪させると言ってましたが1回不在着信が入っていただけです。そして忘れかけた頃にクチコミに返信が来てました。取り急ぎ連絡なんてされていませんので再評価させて頂きます。
1 Vehicle inspection agency fee is cheap, but it will be over 20,000 by disassembling and cleaning the suspension. 2 Since the blinker was out, the estimate was 2,000 yen, and if I said that it was expensive, I was told that it would be expensive because I would remove the bumper, but on that day I took the car home so I asked if I could just replace the blinker, I removed the bumper I exchanged it in less than a minute. 3 I got in touch with you to shift the warehousing because it became inconvenient at a later date ... Who will warehousing on the specified day? Treated like. When I call the person in charge, I get consecutive holidays. I wondered if the warehousing was shifted because I received consecutive holidays. It's just a shame. I'm anxious because I'm just depositing it now. Overall comment The amiability is good, but the response is bad. If you ask for a cheap car inspection, it is not here. Later, when I was contacted by a Nico Nico vehicle inspection (franchise) and told the facts, I was apologized very much and I was apologized for having forced it even though disassembly and cleaning was not compulsory. At the same time, when I told him that the audio panel of the car returned from the vehicle inspection was off and the audio was broken, he answered that I would fix it at that shop, but I politely refused because I absolutely dislike this shop. I did. I told the shop to apologize, but I received only one missed call. And when I almost forgot, I got a reply to the word of mouth. I have not been contacted in a hurry, so I will re-evaluate it.
仁工業 on Google

ディーラーや購入店での車検をおすすめします ネット見積で4万弱の車検見積もりが事前点検すると7万超の見積もりが出ます。もちろん説明もしっかりしてくれますが法で定められているブレーキの分解点検費用が基本料金と別でした。納得出来る方でしたら問題ないと思います。 追記 別の所で車検しました ニコニコで「ダンパーのオイル滲みがあり交換しないと車検通りません」と言われましたが 別の所では指摘ありませんでした 見えない箇所で料金をふっかけて来るようですので皆様は指摘された場合自分の目で確認することをおすすめします 参考までに…他の場所でオイル交換、オイルフィルター交換、クーラント液補充、ブレーキオイル交換で4万5千円でした(軽自動車)
We recommend a car inspection at a dealer or a store where you purchased the product. If a little less than 40,000 vehicle inspection quotes are pre-checked online, more than 70,000 will be quoted. Of course, the explanation is solid, but the overhaul cost of the brakes stipulated by law was different from the basic fee. If you are convinced, I think there is no problem. Postscript I inspected the car somewhere else I was told by Nico Nico that "there is oil bleeding from the damper and it will not pass the vehicle inspection unless it is replaced." Did not point out elsewhere It seems that you will be charged a fee in an invisible place, so if you are pointed out, we recommend that you check it with your own eyes. For reference ... It was 45,000 yen for oil change, oil filter change, coolant replenishment, and brake oil change at other places (light vehicle).
鬼神 on Google

以前、車検でお世話になりました。 コールセンターの対応がとても良かったので、車検をお願いすることにしました。 キッズスペースがあると言うことで、3歳の子供を連れて来店しました。しかしながら、キッズスペースは汚い、おもちゃは散乱している。とても遊ばせる気にはなりませんでした。おそらく掃除などされていないのかな?と言う印象でした。 見積もりの中で何点か気になる部分がありましたので、この部分はこちらで行ってきますとお伝えして見積もりから外していたのですが、車検当日変更前の見積もりを提示されました。さらに持ち込みでタイヤ交換をお願いした際に金額を提示していただいたのですが、当日2,000円も高い金額を提示され呆れました。全く引き継ぎがされていないようでした。おまけにこちらで行った整備に関して分解整備記録簿を要求されました。必要なのであれば、見積もり段階で伝えて欲しかったです。その場では書けないので、自宅で記入する事にしたのですが、車検証を預けていた為記入に必要な車両情報をお電話で伺おうとした所、すぐに確認して折り返し致します。と言って電話を切られてしまいました。その後5時間経っても連絡が無かった為、直接来店するしかありませんでした。 また、当日代車をお借りしたのですが、この車両がボロボロの軽でしかも喫煙車でした。子供が居るのでとても不愉快でした。喫煙車しか用意が出来ないのであれば、事前に伝えて欲しかったです。こんな車だったらお金払って借りなかったな…。 そして受け渡しの際に、車幅灯が通らなかったので変えさせていただきましたと言われたのですが、2000円の請求が!事前に何かあったらこの電球を使って下さいとスタッフの方に渡していたのですが、スルーされて新品のハロゲンに勝手に交換されてました。本当に引き継ぎ出来ない会社なんだなと思いました。 半月後にコールセンターから電話がありその後いかがですか?と連絡があったので、車検後からハンドルのセンターがズレている事と恐らく車幅灯を交換した際にパネルのクリップを付け忘れていることを指摘すると、すぐに店舗からご連絡させますと言われ待っていましたが、1週間経っても連絡が無くこちらから連絡したところ改めてご連絡させますと言われ、希望の時間を聞かれ、移動中の為17時以降でお願いしました。しかし電話が来たのが14時頃。コールセンターとの引き継ぎすら出来ないのかと呆れました。 点検当日、代車を見て驚きました⁉︎新車が用意されていました。もちろん禁煙車です。まともな車用意できるんかーい‼︎と突っ込みたくなりました笑 そして点検が終わり、1週間後妻が走行中に下廻りの遮熱板が外れました。車検との因果関係は分かりませんが、恐らくオイル交換の際に外したのかな?と思いましたが、流石に連絡する気にはなれずこちらで応急処置をしました。 セカンドカーの車検が近い為、逆に車検に出そうかと思います笑
Previously, I was taken care of by the car inspection. The call center's response was very good, so I decided to ask for a vehicle inspection. Since there is a kids space, I brought a 3-year-old child to the store. However, the kids space is dirty and the toys are scattered. I didn't feel like playing it very much. Perhaps it hasn't been cleaned? It was an impression that. There were some points in the quotation that I was worried about, so I told him that I would do this part here and excluded it from the quotation, but I was presented with the quotation before the change on the day of the vehicle inspection. Furthermore, when I asked for a tire change when I brought it in, I was asked to show the amount, but I was surprised that the amount was as high as 2,000 yen on the day. It didn't seem to be taken over at all. In addition, I was requested to have a disassembly maintenance record book for the maintenance performed here. If necessary, I wanted you to tell me at the estimation stage. I couldn't write it on the spot, so I decided to fill it out at home, but when I tried to ask for the vehicle information required for filling in by phone because I had entrusted the vehicle verification, I will confirm it immediately and return it. I was hung up. Even after 5 hours, I didn't get in touch, so I had no choice but to come directly to the store. Also, I rented a substitute car on the day, but this car was a tattered light and smoking car. It was very unpleasant because I had children. If you can only prepare a smoking car, I wanted you to tell me in advance. I wouldn't have paid for a car like this ... And at the time of delivery, I was told that I changed it because the side light did not pass, but I was charged 2000 yen! I had given the staff to use this light bulb if something happened in advance, but it was passed through and replaced with a new halogen without permission. I thought it was a company that I couldn't really take over. How about after receiving a call from the call center half a month later? After the vehicle inspection, I pointed out that the center of the steering wheel was misaligned and that I probably forgot to attach the clip on the panel when I replaced the side light, so I will contact you immediately from the store. I was told and waited, but I did not get in touch even after a week, and when I contacted from here, I was told that I would like to contact you again, and I was asked the desired time, so I asked after 17:00 because I am moving. However, the phone call came around 14:00. I was wondering if I could even take over with the call center. On the day of the inspection, I was surprised to see the substitute car ⁉︎ A new car was prepared. Of course it is a non-smoking car. Can you prepare a decent car? I wanted to dig in with ︎ lol Then, after the inspection was completed, one week later, while my wife was driving, the lower heat shield came off. I don't know the causal relationship with the vehicle inspection, but maybe I removed it when changing the oil. I thought, but I didn't feel like contacting him, so I took first aid here. Since the car inspection of the second car is near, I think that I will go to the car inspection on the contrary lol
829‐J Craftsman on Google

通りから奥まったところにある自宅アパート駐車場にまで入ってきて車のミラーにここの車検のチラシを掛けていくような気持ち悪い業者に頼むつもりはない。 「突然の広告取り付けお許しください」←馬鹿じゃないの?
I'm not going to ask an unpleasant vendor to go into the parking lot of my apartment in the back of the street and hang the leaflet of the car inspection here on the mirror of the car. "Please forgive me for sudden advertisement installation" ← Isn't it stupid?
彦まろ on Google

瀬筒恒平 on Google

It was the second use for the car inspection. It was available at a reasonable price. The after-call sister was also very polite and liked. I will continue to use it in the future. I was happy to receive a Haagen-Dazs service ticket.
レベル8 saica on Google

車検費用を抑えたくネットで調べて、こちらのニコニコ車検を選びました。 ある程度、部品交換は必須と考えていましたが、想定していた見積もりもより2倍以上してビックリ! よくよく見積もりを見てみると、最初に希望していた必要最低限の見積もりではなく、出来ればやった方が良いものまですべて含まれたものでした。 少しでも稼ぎたい気持ちはわかりますが、希望に沿った形で見積もりは出して頂きたいと思いました。 また、見積もりを見て検討しようとすると、その日の返答いただけないと部品が注文できないので車検ができないと言われました。 他社に行ってほしくないのはわかりますが、2~3日位は最低でも考える時間は欲しかったです。 その後は、接客は良く、代車も乗りやすい車で、車検も1日で完了し、気づかなかった車検特典も色々と頂けて気持ちの良い車検が出来ました。
I searched online to reduce the cost of vehicle inspection and chose this Nico Nico vehicle inspection. To some extent, I thought that parts replacement was essential, but I was surprised that the estimated estimate was more than doubled! If you take a closer look at the quote, it's not the minimum quote you originally wanted, but it included everything you should have done if possible. I understand that I want to earn even a little, but I would like you to make an estimate in a way that suits your wishes. Also, when I tried to look at the quote and consider it, I was told that I could not order the parts if I did not reply on that day, so I could not do the vehicle inspection. I understand that I don't want to go to other companies, but I wanted at least a few days to think about it. After that, the customer service was good, the substitute car was easy to ride, the car inspection was completed in one day, and I was able to get various car inspection benefits that I did not notice, and I was able to have a pleasant car inspection.
Nishan Eranga on Google

Fast and easy to get the vehicle syaken

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