ふくだ整形外科 - Kariya

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Contact ふくだ整形外科

住所 :

Kitatakane, Ogakiecho, Kariya, 〒448-0813 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 448-0813
Webサイト : https://www.fukuda-seikeigeka.com/
街 : Aichi

Kitatakane, Ogakiecho, Kariya, 〒448-0813 Aichi,Japan
akomox sa on Google

診察してもらったら、診察終わると先生がすぐに席を外して次回予約は看護師さんがとって頂きました。 1人で診療をやりこなしてるのは分かりますが、先生が先に席を外して行くのは、不愉快な気持ちになりました。 それ以降、ここの病院には通っていません。 優しく声をかけていただいた看護師さんも居なくなってしまったみたいですし、もう行きたくありません
After the examination, the teacher left the seat immediately after the examination and the nurse took the next appointment. I understand that I can handle the medical treatment by myself, but it made me uncomfortable for the teacher to leave my seat first. I haven't been to the hospital here since then. It seems that the nurse who kindly spoke to me has disappeared, and I don't want to go anymore.
takeru takeru on Google

碧南市民病院での研修医、研修後の副医長時代に、かなり印象が悪く、適当な感じだったのを覚えている。 本来、リハビリをする前は、診察をしなければならないはずなのに、先に会計をさせられて、リハビリ室に行って、終わり。 しかも、介達牽引等器具を使った処置(リハビリ)をしたにも関わらず、その点数を算定せず、外来管理加算を算定して、リハビリをしなかったことにしている。 診療報酬を不正に得ている詐欺の医者です。
I remember when I was a trainee at Hekinan Municipal Hospital and a deputy director after the training, I had a bad impression and felt appropriate. Originally, I should have had a medical examination before rehabilitation, but I was asked to pay first, went to the rehabilitation room, and finished. Moreover, despite the treatment (rehabilitation) using equipment such as caregiver traction, the score was not calculated, and the outpatient management addition was calculated, and rehabilitation was not performed. A fraudulent doctor who illegally obtains medical fees.
104 cw on Google

11歳の娘が受診しました。スポーツをしているので近くに整形外科ができてとても嬉しく思っていました。突き指をしていて、骨折していないと良いなと思いながら受診しました。が、よくある捻挫や骨折程度で行くと後悔するとは聞いていましたが本当に後悔しました。 娘と私に1度も目を合わせることも無く、専門用語(「DIPPIPが〜」と言っていたが一般的に皆が知っている言葉?調べればすぐ出ますが。。。)で簡単に説明して終わり。何に気を付けて生活すれば早く治るか等の助言も無し。何も言わずに立ち上がり、看護師さんが次回予約を取り始めたので あ、診察終わったんだ と気づきました。 患者が理解する必要は無いという昔ながらのスタンスなのかと疑わざるを得ませんでした。 次回予約を受け付ける看護師さんも、早く次の業務をしたいのか足をパタパタと貧乏揺すりをしながら予約をとり、予約に関して確認しておきたいことを質問をしたら「そりゃそうでしょ。」の一言。 難病や他の医療機関では診ることの出来ない疾患を診るハイレベルな医師なのかもしれませんが、命に関わるような事態であれば当然大きな病院に行かざるを得ないので、マーケティングとしてどんな患者を相手にしたいのかも分からなかったです。「患者に寄り添う町医者」という印象で利用するのはやめて欲しいのだなというは伝わってきました。建物は綺麗でした。 ありがとうございました。
An 11-year-old daughter visited the clinic. I'm playing sports, so I was very happy to have an orthopedic surgery nearby. I went to the clinic thinking that I should have a broken finger and not have a broken bone. However, I heard that I would regret going with a common sprain or fracture, but I really regret it. I never looked at my daughter and I, and it was easy to use the technical term (I used to say "DIPPIP is ~", but it's a word that everyone generally knows? Explain and finish. There is no advice on what to be careful about and how to heal quickly. I stood up without saying anything, and the nurse started making appointments next time, so I realized that the examination was over. I had to wonder if it was an old-fashioned stance that patients didn't need to understand. The nurse who accepts the next reservation also makes a reservation while shaking his legs and poverty as to whether he wants to do the next work as soon as possible, and when he asks a question about the reservation, he says, "That's right." It may be a high-level doctor who diagnoses intractable diseases and diseases that can not be diagnosed at other medical institutions, but if it is a life-threatening situation, you naturally have to go to a large hospital, so what kind of patient as marketing I didn't even know if I wanted to deal with him. I have been told that I want you to stop using it with the impression that you are a town doctor who is close to the patient. The building was beautiful. Thank you very much.
スナぎも on Google

本気でオススメしない。 絶対後悔するので行かない方がいい。 悪いところを上げていきます。 皆さんの口コミ通り、会話する気がなく、パソコンしか見てない。 質問をひとつもしてこない。 基本的に目が合わない医者。 ただの突き指なのに通院をお願いされる。 半分無理矢理予約を取らされる。 24時間利き目のある湿布を1日2枚使うように買わされる。 流れ作業になりすぎて患部を見てくれない。 よほど重症でない限り必ず後悔すると思うので、骨折未満はやめた方がいい
I don't really recommend it. You should never go because you will definitely regret it. I will raise the bad points. According to everyone's word of mouth, I don't feel like talking and I only look at my computer. I haven't asked any questions. A doctor who basically doesn't meet. I'm asked to go to the hospital even though it's just a jammed finger. Half forced to make a reservation. It is bought to use two compresses with a dominant eye for 24 hours a day. It's an assembly line too much to see the affected area. Unless you have a very serious illness, you will definitely regret it, so you should avoid less than a fracture.
ダニエルリリ on Google

半年前に子供がかかった時にはわかりにくい説明を先生がした時に看護師さんが丁寧に説明しながら処置をしてくれてました。今回自分が腰を痛めて診察に行ったらたくさんレントゲンを撮られたわりには診察時間は短くて体が硬いで終わりました。 予定がわからないと言うのに次回予約とりますと、強引な対応。 優しく声をかけてくれていた看護師さんも居なくなっていて、今は先生も看護師さんも患者さんに優しくない。 以前はどのくらい待つとか配慮がありましたが、配慮もなくもう2度と行かない病院ですね。
When the teacher gave an explanation that was difficult to understand when I had a child six months ago, the nurse gave me a detailed explanation and treated me. When I went to see the doctor because I hurt my back this time, the consultation time was short and my body was stiff, even though I was taken a lot of X-rays. When I make a reservation next time even though I do not know the schedule, it is a forcible response. The nurse who was kind to me is gone, and now neither the teacher nor the nurse is kind to the patient. I used to think about how long I should wait, but it's a hospital that I will never go to again without consideration.
H S on Google

If you suspect that your joints have been severely damaged, you will not be able to see the cartilage on the X-ray because the hospital does not have an MRI diagnostic imaging device. Is not recommended.
o s on Google

みなさんの口コミ通りです。 診察で原因が分からないのにオペするかと言われて、投薬で様子見たいと返事したら次回の予約を強引に取られて、通院させるマニュアルが看護師にも徹底されています。 診断ができない病院にはもう行かないです。
It's just like everyone's word of mouth. When I was asked if I would operate even though I did not know the cause at the medical examination, and when I answered that I wanted to wait and see with medication, I was forced to make the next appointment and the nurses are thoroughly instructed to go to the hospital. I don't go to hospitals where I can't make a diagnosis anymore.
メルちゃん on Google

クチコミほど悪い病院ではないと思いますが…。こればかりは主観なので何とも言えませんが。質問すればきちんと答えてくれるし、骨格見本を使って説明してくれます。リハビリの方も汗をかきながら一生懸命やってくれます。 ☆マイナス1なのは、リハビリ室でベラベラしゃべってる患者さんがいること…。理学療法士さんが困ってるほどしゃべってました。何度か見かけます。
I don't think the hospital is as bad as word-of-mouth, but ... I can't say anything because this is subjective. If you ask a question, it will answer properly, and it will explain using a skeleton sample. Rehabilitation people also work hard while sweating. ☆ The minus one is that there are patients who are chatting in the rehabilitation room ... The physiotherapist was talking so much that he was in trouble. I see it several times.

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