
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サロンセレッシャル

住所 :

Kitashinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒169-0074 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト : https://celestial-japan.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Kitashinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒169-0074 Tokyo,Japan
新居育子 on Google

長年の全身のコリが一挙に解決しました。施術後は、身体が軽くなり気分も爽快になりました。 顔もリフトアップし少し若返ったように思えます。 また是非施術を受けに行きますね。
Long-term body stiffness has been solved at once. After the treatment, my body became lighter and I felt refreshed. It seems that the face was lifted up and rejuvenated a little. I'm also going to receive treatment.
htj4 4617y on Google

I have been there for quite some time. Of course, you can sleep well after treatment, but you can recover from fatigue more quickly, you won't get a cold, and you can feel better ❤︎You can feel confident about your health! I look forward to working with you!
楊岱青 on Google

台湾から来ました リンパドレナージュと小顔を受けました 顔も身体もスッキリして気持ちよかったです
I came from Taiwan I received lymph drainage and a small face My face and body were clean and I felt good
杏。 on Google

家の近所だったことがきっかけで通い始めてます。リンパドレナージュって痛いイメージだったけどなぞられる感じで、これがドレナージュ?って思いますが毎回だいぶすっきりして帰れます(^^) 小顔(リンパ整顔)はどこのサロンよりも安心して通えます!これからも通いつめたいです♡
I started to go because it was a neighborhood of my house. Lymph drainage was a painful image, but it seems to be traced, is this drainage? I think, but I can go home quite neatly every time (^ ^) Small face (lymphatic face) is safer than any other salon! I want to keep going ♡
春谷絢子 on Google

妊娠7ヶ月目、カラダのむくみ、疲れ、気分リフレッシュに伺いました。 オーナーの木村先生は、温厚なお人柄が顔に表れていて、サロンに入った瞬間から安心出来ました。 カラダの状態も細かく聞いて下さり、妊婦に合わせた体勢やメニューを提案して下さいました。施術後は、「私、こんなにむくんでたんだ!」とハッキリわかる程顔が小さくなっていて嬉しかったです!背中の張りや腰の疲れからも解放されて気持ちがすごーく穏やかになりました。こちらのリンパドレナージュは、強く押したり揉んだりしないので妊婦にも安心です。(もちろんお医者様から安静の指示が出ていない場合です。) 翌日は便秘も解消♪便通がスムーズで幸せでした♪ とてもカラダに優しいケアなので、出産後ももちろんお世話になりたいです。
During the 7th month of pregnancy, I asked about swelling, fatigue, and refreshing mood. The owner, Mr. Kimura, showed a gentle personality on his face and was relieved from the moment he entered the salon. He also listened to the condition of the body in detail, and suggested a position and menu suitable for pregnant women. After the treatment, I was happy that my face was so small that I could clearly see, "I was so swollen!" I was released from my back tension and waist fatigue, and my feelings became very calm. This lymph drainage is safe for pregnant women because it does not push or rub. (Of course, if the doctor has not issued a rest instruction.) The next day my constipation was resolved ♪ I was happy and smooth bowel movement ♪ Because it is very gentle to the body, I want to take care of her after giving birth.
竹内早苗 on Google

It's been about half a year since I've been dating, and it's been a trico of lymph drainage. Thank you very much to Mr. Kimura for taking care of the problems that you do not notice. I love all the treatments, but I especially recommend small face lymph and pelvic lymph!
Yuri M on Google

これまで強めのマッサージに慣れていましたが、何だったんだろうと思う位目から鱗でした! 首から背中はカチカチ、フェイスラインも気になるとかなる重症でしたが、初対面なのに木村さんの安心できる雰囲気と施術中のものすごく温かい手が心地よく、施術後着替えたら視界もスッキリして「あれ? 華奢になった??」と思いました。気がついていない程むくみがあったんだなと思います。 偶然ネットで見つけたサロンですが、見つけた私偉い!笑 継続決意しています。更に身体の巡りが整うってどういうことか体験するのを楽しみにしています。
I've been used to strong massages, but I was wondering what it was! The neck and back were ticking, and I was worried about the face line, but even though it was my first time meeting, Kimura-san's reassuring atmosphere and the extremely warm hands during the treatment were comfortable, and when I changed my clothes after the treatment, my vision was refreshing and "that? Did you become? " I think there was swelling that I didn't notice. I happened to find a salon online, but I found it great! Lol I'm determined to continue. I'm looking forward to experiencing what it means to be in good physical condition.
Sakura M on Google

You will receive the best lymph drainage. Dr. Kaneko 's practice of knowing the body rather than an ordinary esthetic salon is very wonderful and it is perfect for post - surgical and sick aftercare. I go to this salon in Tokyo Nakanozakae from Myanmar.

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