
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パティオ三芳店

住所 :

Kitanagai, Miyoshi, Iruma District, 〒354-0044 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878978
Webサイト : https://www.carsensor.net/shop/saitama/318810001/%3Fvos%3Dalcsrglgmzz10000141
街 : Saitama

Kitanagai, Miyoshi, Iruma District, 〒354-0044 Saitama,Japan
かよ子“アンディ” on Google

I went to see a used car. The exterior was beautifully polished, and it was a carefully selected used car with a good taste. I was conscientious in terms of business, and I felt that I was being taken very seriously.
戸井田誠 on Google

以前に車を購入させて頂き満足なお車と親切なご対応で良いお店です! 知り合いにも勧めて先日購入しておりました! 度々丁寧な対応有難うございます!
I bought a car before and it is a good shop with a satisfying car and kind correspondence! I recommended it to my acquaintance and bought it the other day! Thank you for your polite response!
キャベツ野郎 on Google

当日連絡してそのまま購入、かなり無茶を聞いて頂きました。 店長がしっかりされてるのでいい買い物が出来ました! また仕入れ先もしっかりされてるので安心出来ると思います。 ありがとうございました!
I contacted him on the day and bought it as it was. The store manager is solid, so I was able to make a good purchase! Also, I think you can rest assured that the suppliers are well-established. Thank you very much!
保田秀和 on Google

It's always a good idea to go, so I'll continue to ask.
Kazuhiro Kondo on Google

軽い気持ちで寄らせて頂いたのですが、とても丁寧な接客で説明も分かりやすくて、乗り出し価格も明瞭だったので決めてしまいましたw 価格が安かったので少し疑っていた自分が、なんだか恥ずかしくなりました。 次回乗り換えの時もまた相談したいと思います!
I stopped by with a light feeling, but I decided because it was a very polite customer service, the explanation was easy to understand, and the starting price was clear. I was a little skeptical because the price was low, but I became embarrassed. I would like to consult with you the next time you change trains!
xxx27615 on Google

あんまりいい店ではないな。 立地は埼玉の田舎という感じ。東武東上線の鶴瀬駅から循環バスが出てるから、足がないならバスかタクシー、あとは自家用車かな。 アポ必須の中古屋。カーセンサーにもそう書いてる。アポなしで一度行ったらオーナーに冷たくあしらわれた。いわく、従業員はすくない、敷地も狭い、中古車の多くは別の場所に置いてある、だからアポ電必須なんだよというドヤ顔。店によっては送迎までしてくれるのにな。 中古屋なんて所詮中古屋なんだよね。客も中古屋としてみてるし店も中古客としてみてる。だから、所詮中古屋は中古屋だ。新車ではない以上そこは割り切るべきだ。 モノは中古だな。どこの中古屋もその程度かよの中古しかおいてない。所詮中古屋だから限界がある。お前はその程度の中古屋かよ・・・という感じだな。この店は3流から4流くらいでGOOの鑑定みたいに車に評価付けるなら、おれが行った時の店員の対応は星1だ。アクセスも星1だな。在庫数は多いが見たい場合大急ぎで店と在庫管理してる駐車場を往復しないといかん。いろんな車見れないという点でも星1だ。 車は中古屋だから、どれもおなじだよ。外装が綺麗、内装もきれい、エンジンルームも綺麗。走行距離は少なめ、年式は新しい方がいいよな、タイヤの状態はいい、俺はこのインチのホイールでないと嫌だ、ETC必須、ナビはHDD、HIDライト、タイヤの状態もいい、ブレーキパッドもまだまだ残アリ、キリがないけど、そこまでこだわるなら新車を買った方がいいだろう。 とにかく、ここの店は勧めない。また、金があるなら新車を買え。安かろう、悪かろうは、中古車市場においては嘘ではない。
It's not a very good store. The location is like the countryside of Saitama. There is a circular bus from Tsuruse Station on the Tobu-Tojo Line, so if you don't have a leg, you can take a bus or taxi, or a private car. A second-hand shop that requires appointments. I also wrote that on the car sensor. Once I went without an appointment, the owner treated me coldly. It is said that the number of employees is small, the site is small, and many used cars are located in different places, so Apoden is indispensable. Some stores even pick you up. After all, a second-hand shop is a second-hand shop. Customers are also seen as second-hand stores, and stores are also seen as second-hand customers. So, after all, a second-hand shop is a second-hand shop. As long as it is not a new car, it should be divisible. Things are second hand. Every second-hand shop has only that much second-hand goods. After all, there is a limit because it is a second-hand shop. You're a second-hand shop like that ... This store is about 3rd to 4th grade, and if you rate the car like GOO's appraisal, the clerk's response when I go is 1 star. Access is also 1 star. If you have a lot of stock but want to see it, you have to hurry back and forth between the store and the parking lot where inventory is managed. It is also a star 1 in that you can not see various cars. Cars are second-hand stores, so they are all the same. The exterior is beautiful, the interior is beautiful, and the engine room is also beautiful. The mileage is short, the year should be new, the tires are in good condition, I don't like this inch wheel, ETC is required, the navigation is HDD, HID light, the tires are in good condition, brake pads There are still no ants left, but if you are particular about that, you should buy a new car. Anyway, I don't recommend this store. Also, if you have money, buy a new car. Cheap or bad is not a lie in the used car market.
KK KK on Google

社長さんも従業員の女性の方も親切に対応してくれました。 電話にて予約しましたが車も綺麗で好印象の店舗です。
Both the president and the female employees were kind to me. I made a reservation over the phone, but the car is beautiful and the store has a good impression.
shota saito on Google

今回、車検で車屋さんを探していたのですがネットでオシャレなお店を見つけたので問い合わせしました。 電話ですごく親切にしていただき車検でもオッケーとの事でしたのでお願いしました。 お店にはアウトドア映えしそうなかっこいいSUVがメーカー問わず並んでおり、見ててワクワクしました。 今回は車検でしたが次回はこちらで中古車の購入を検討したいと思います!
This time, I was looking for a car shop at the car inspection, but I found a fashionable shop on the net, so I inquired. I asked you to be very kind on the phone and it was okay for the car inspection. The shop is lined with cool SUVs that don't look great outdoors, regardless of the manufacturer, and I was excited to see them. This time it was a car inspection, but next time I would like to consider purchasing a used car here!

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