Kitamura Masuda - Masuda

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kitamura Masuda

11-6 Akebono Nishimachi, Masuda, Shimane 698-0025, Japan
川崎審爾 on Google

It is very nice to meet you kindly.
M T on Google

The potential (^-^) of the software is great, and the clerks are quick and quick.
なみ君 on Google

店はきれいだし、仕上がりは早いし、機械は最新 いいよ
The shop is beautiful, the finish is fast and the machine is up to date
いわみ農園 on Google

I asked for photos from my mobile for the first time. I am satisfied that I can stay in my forehead. It was rascally friendly.
Minehiro Ohba on Google

I was confused by the photo prints on my smartphone and the terminal, but they kindly taught me.
しろあん on Google

I wasn't as convinced as when I shot Shichigosan last time. Mario has changed too many people. The person who got it before was good.
シュンロウハシモト on Google

写真を印画紙に写しました。 当店では、SDカード、携帯電話からでも出来ます。 子供用の貸衣装もあり・七五三・誕生日、その他の記念写真を写す事も出来ます。
I copied the photo on photographic paper. In our shop, you can also use SD cards and mobile phones. There are costumes for children, and you can also take pictures of Shichigosan, birthday, and other souvenirs.
tomoo suko on Google

きさくで明るい店長。気楽に声かけが出来る。 勿論、技術的アドバイスも適切で信頼出来る。
A cheerful and cheerful store manager. You can easily talk to them. Of course, technical advice is also appropriate and reliable.

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