整体院 体究

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堺市で唯一の【腰痛】専門 整体院 体究 | 堺東・三国ヶ丘駅付近 - Seitai-takeyou.com


Contact 整体院 体究

住所 :

Kitamaruhoen, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0036 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87779
Webサイト : https://seitai-takeyou.com/
街 : Osaka

Kitamaruhoen, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0036 Osaka,Japan
水口美紀 on Google

秀明小林 on Google

いいんでないと 思う 2回めまだなので のちこめんとします
I don't like it think It's the second time yet I'm sorry
O G on Google

以前から腰痛があり、年に2,3回はギックリ腰なっていました。そんな中、月に2回のペースでギックリ腰になってしまい、その痛みの原因が分からずに不安でした。そしてインターネットで整体院を探しました。 ホームページには原因を探して施術すると書いてありここだと思って電話しました。そして今まで施術というものを受けたことがなかったので最初はとても不安でしたが、いざ行ってお話を聞いて頂き、私の身体のチェックをしてもらい『私の腰の痛みの原因』を探りあてその説明も丁寧で分かりやすく、ウソみたいに身体も軽くなりとても納得のいく施術をして頂けました! すごく満足しています!これからも整体院 体究の岡田先生に私の身体をお任せして痛くならない身体づくりをさせてもらおうと思っております。 本当にありがとうございました!そしてこれからもどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。
I have had back pain from before, and I had been briskly a couple of times a year. During that time, I was at a pace of two times a month, and I became nervous, and I was anxious without knowing the cause of the pain. And I searched for a hospital in the internet. I wrote that I searched for the cause on the homepage and I thought that it was here and called. And I was very uneasy at first as I had never received any treatment until now, but I got to go and listen to the story, I had my body checked, "Cause of my lower back pain" I was able to do a very convincing treatment that the explanation was polite and easy to understand, and the body was lightened like a lie. I am very happy! From now on, I hope that Dr. Okada of Physical Therapy Academy will leave my body for me to create a body that will not hurt. I'm really thankful to you! And thank you very much from now on.
うちのエースチャンネル on Google

I have had low back pain for many years, and when I woke up in the morning, it was hard to stand on the wash basin, so I looked at the homepage and thought that it was the only place I could use. He listened to various stories from the telephone stage, set goals according to my worries and hopes, and the treatment was painless and I was able to relax so much that I felt sleepy! I am very pleased to explain the cause of my long-standing back pain in an easy-to-understand manner and to teach me the back pain self-care that suits me. Now my back pain has improved so much that I am going to go to maintenance. Thank you for your continued support.
N T on Google

仕事柄腰が痛くなりやすく、また姿勢が悪いのも気になっていたのでこちらを利用させて頂きました。 どの動きが痛むのか、どの部分が痛むのかを丁寧に診て頂き、施術も痛いけど気持ちいい強さで、1時間あっという間でした。 曲げるのも反らすのも痛くて出来なかったのに、終わってから前屈すると手が床についたのには驚きました! また、腰とは関係なさそうな内臓(お腹のあたり)を中心に治療してもらった際も腸が硬くなっていると言われ、実際2.3ヶ月ほど胃腸の不調に悩んでいたのでびっくりしました。 治療後には腰痛も治り、胃腸の調子も改善されました! 治療だけでなくなぜ痛むのか?の原因も分かりやすく教えてくれて、自宅でのセルフケアのやり方も教えてくださったので毎日続けています。 これからもお世話になります!
I used this because I was worried that my back would hurt easily and my posture would be bad. I had them carefully examine which movements hurt and which parts hurt, and although the treatment was painful, it was a pleasant strength, and it took only an hour. I couldn't bend or bend it because it hurt, but I was surprised that my hands touched the floor when I bent forward after finishing! Also, when I was treated mainly for the internal organs (around the abdomen) that seemed to have nothing to do with the waist, it was said that the intestines were stiff, and I was surprised because I was actually suffering from gastrointestinal upset for about 2.3 months. .. After the treatment, my back pain was cured and my gastrointestinal condition improved! Why does it hurt as well as treatment? He taught me the cause of the problem in an easy-to-understand manner, and also taught me how to do self-care at home, so I continue to do it every day. Thank you for your continued support!

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