
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魚まる

住所 :

Kitamagome, Ota City, 〒143-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877777
街 : Tokyo

Kitamagome, Ota City, 〒143-0021 Tokyo,Japan
takanori naganuma on Google

If you specify the price (budget) and ask for a sashimi platter, it will be prepared the next day, so I ask for it at celebrations or seasonal gatherings.
アライケンイチ on Google

お刺身3皿1000円が良いですね。つまも余分に入ってないし。 お寿司800円も美味しいです。
3 sashimi for 1000 yen is good. There is no extra toe. Sushi for 800 yen is also delicious.
五十嵐春己 on Google

Three small packs cost 1000 yen, so it feels good to choose what you like. ❗ It's interesting to go because there are seasonal fish that aren't in the supermarket.
Y U on Google

活きの良い新鮮なお魚が並び、土曜夜でも、次々とお客さんが足を運んでいた。 常連さんも多く、みなさん慣れた感じでお買い物されていた。 お寿司やアクアパッツァ、おつまみ用に小分けにされたチャンジャや佃煮等も種類豊富。 貝類もすごく新鮮でコリコリなので、肝まで相当安心して美味しくいただけます。 お魚を刺身用に捌いて頂いたが、帰ったらアラが入ってなかったのでかなりショックでした。。
Lively and fresh fish lined up, and even on Saturday night, customers visited one after another. There were many regulars, and everyone was used to shopping. There is a wide variety of sushi, aqua pazza, changers and tsukudani that are subdivided for snacks. The shellfish are also very fresh and crunchy, so you can enjoy them with great peace of mind. I had the fish handled for sashimi, but when I got home, I was quite shocked because there was no ara. ..
saiha1219 on Google

1ヶ月前に引越して来てから中延周辺で魚屋さんやスーパーを見て回りましたが。 魚まるさんが値段・質ともに一番だと思います。 価格帯も近郊の店舗の中ではダントツに安く鮮度も良いです。 品揃えも悪く無い為、今後は積極的に活用させて頂きたい店舗です。
Since I moved a month ago, I've been touring fish stores and supermarkets around Nakanobu. I think Uomaru-san is the best in terms of price and quality. The price range is by far the cheapest among the stores in the suburbs, and the freshness is also good. The product lineup is not bad, so we would like to actively utilize it in the future.
KU NI on Google

▼近所の魚屋がとても旨い。品揃えも素晴らしい。以前購入したボタンエビ、セコガニはお寿司屋さん顔負け。とても美味しかったです。 ▼刺身は3皿から選んで1000円。これがとてもお値打ち。定番の鮪ブツはいつも高い品質です。スーパーのお刺身では出てこない旬の魚もラインナップされているので、選ぶのが楽しいです。 ▼活の貝がどれも素晴らしいです。開くのが大変と思うときはお願いすればキレイに処理してくれます。白ミル貝、北寄貝、本つぷ、さまざまな産地から届けられる牡蠣、栄螺も良いですね、本当にどれも寿司屋に行く必要がなくなるレベルの鮮度です。 ▼干物もオススメ。たぶんこの魚屋さんが作っている訳ではないでしょうが、目利きの良さなんですかね、鯵の干物の旨さにはびっくりしました。有名な干物店の干物より全然美味しいので、ビックリです。 ▼こちらで握っているお寿司もあります。煮付け等惣菜もあります。とくに寿司は素晴らしい!中トロは8貫800円。ガチの中トロがこの値段です。 ▼お刺身盛をお願いすることもできます。家族の集まりなどのときは本当に便利です。そして何よりとてもネタがよく美味しいです! 年末は大人気なので早めにお願いしておいたほうが良いです。 ▼地元民にとっては欠かせないオススメのお店です。
▼ The fish store in the neighborhood is very delicious. The assortment is also wonderful. Botan shrimp and seko crab that I bought before are as good as sushi restaurants. It was very delicious. ▼ Sashimi is 1000 yen to choose from 3 dishes. This is very good value. The classic tuna stuff is always of high quality. There is also a lineup of seasonal fish that do not appear in supermarket sashimi, so it is fun to choose. ▼ All the live shellfish are wonderful. If you find it difficult to open, please ask for it and it will be handled cleanly. White mussels, surf clams, surf clams, oysters delivered from various production areas, and Eisu are also good, all of which are so fresh that you don't really have to go to a sushi restaurant. ▼ Dried fish is also recommended. Probably not made by this fish store, but I was surprised at the deliciousness of the dried horse mackerel. I'm surprised because it tastes better than the dried fish from the famous dried fish shop. ▼ There is also sushi that you can hold here. There are also side dishes such as simmered dishes. Especially sushi is wonderful! The medium fatty tuna is 800 yen for 8 pieces. Gachi no Nakatoro is this price. ▼ You can also ask for sashimi. It's really convenient for family gatherings. And above all, the material is very delicious! The end of the year is very popular, so it is better to ask early. ▼ It is a recommended shop that is indispensable for locals.
Satomi Miz on Google

I love fish stores so much that my husband and wife visit us almost every Saturday. Dried horse mackerel and salmon have a stable taste, and fresh fish from all over the world are always lined up. It was really delicious as tempura such as kisses and Himekodai ... And the 800 yen of medium fatty tuna that is lined up around 13:00 is the best. I'm looking forward to the next weekend.
infinite on Google

お気に入りのお店です。 その日ごとの市場の新鮮で安く美味しい物を提供しよう、という店主の意気込みが伝わってきます。 特にウニは回らない寿司屋と変わらないorそれ以上の品質で、あるとラッキーかも。とにかく新鮮で美味しいです。 中トロ握り(800円)も非常にオススメです。握りたてのお昼頃に買いに行くと幸せになれます。 お刺身3パック1000円も物や品質を考えるとすごくコスパが良いと感じます。 ちなみにお刺身のマグロのブツは、品質の良い赤身~中トロが沢山入っててお得です。 漁港の食堂に負けず劣らずな品質で、財布にも優しい、地元に愛される素敵な魚屋さんだと思います。
This is my favorite shop. It conveys the store owner's enthusiasm to provide fresh, cheap and delicious food in the market every day. In particular, sea urchin has the same or better quality as a sushi restaurant that doesn't turn, and you may be lucky. Anyway, it's fresh and delicious. The medium fatty tuna grip (800 yen) is also highly recommended. You can be happy if you go shopping around noon when you have just grasped it. Considering the quality and quality of sashimi 3 packs for 1000 yen, I feel that the cost performance is very good. By the way, the sashimi tuna stuff is good because it contains a lot of high quality lean to medium fatty tuna. I think that it is a wonderful fish store loved by the locals, with quality comparable to that of the fishing port cafeteria and easy on the wallet.

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