(株)ケーユー 盛岡南店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)ケーユー 盛岡南店

住所 :

Kitaiioka, Morioka, 〒020-0857 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.keiyu.co.jp/shop/detail.php%3Fshopid%3D0903646
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Iwate

Kitaiioka, Morioka, 〒020-0857 Iwate,Japan
素人職人 on Google

When I went through inspection for 6 months, it was changed to inspection 12 months before unexpectedly.
Kaoru N on Google

担当の職員さんの対応が星5つでした。 その節はありがとうございました。
The staff in charge was 5 stars. thank you for your help.
ラムっち on Google

If you cut the price of studless tires here, it will be inch down from the genuine product, and the car will be delivered without notice!
金木研 on Google

中古車を購入したのは数十年ぶりです 第三者機関での内外装の評価もあるので特に疑いもなく購入、自分でも実際に車を確認しましたがその時は問題が無いように見えました でも…詳細は控えますが、気付かなかった問題がありました(´;д;`) 第三者機関チェックを100%信じるのは危ないと思いました、自分もしっかり確認しなかったということもありますが、販売店側も気付いていなかった?若しくは気付いていたが敢えて申告しなかったと思われ色々納得いかないことだらけ 結果的には望んだ対応は得られませんでした泣寝入り状態です 家族、友人にはこちらの販売店はお勧めしていません ディーラー系がガリバーで購入すれば良かったなと後悔中 現状を考えると価格も高いと思う、こんな商売やってれば客は離れていくと思います
It's been decades since I bought a used car Since there is an evaluation of the interior and exterior by a third party, I bought it without any doubt, and I actually checked the car myself, but at that time it seemed that there was no problem. But ... I'll refrain from the details, but there was a problem I didn't notice (´ ; д ; `) I thought it was dangerous to believe in a third-party check 100%, and sometimes I didn't check it well, but did the dealer not notice it? Or, I was aware of it, but it seems that I didn't declare it, and there are many things I don't understand. As a result, I couldn't get the response I wanted. We do not recommend this store to family and friends I regret that the dealers should have bought it at Gulliver Considering the current situation, I think the price is high, and I think that customers will leave if we do this kind of business.
佐々木浩美 on Google

It is a secure shop that has been evaluated by third parties
Morioka TAKASHI on Google

There are many types of cars and they are narrowly displayed on the premises, so it is easy to preview and compare them one after another. It is easy to find a car with the price, equipment and performance you want. Since it is a nationwide chain, you can also search for properties that are not in this store from across the country. I bought a car that was traveling less than 5000 km and the first vehicle inspection has not yet come for half the price of the new car.
南部百姓屋 on Google

系列店経由での購入。 色々大手の中古車販売店はありましたが他の販売店は安く販売してるのもありますがやはり訳有りが特徴。 系列店経由で全国を対象にして栃木の店舗に出てたのを連絡して話し合い購入。 インプレッサgh8、色はWRブルー。 2010年式の走行距離1.7万キロ。 関東方面で休日にしか走ってなく、いじってもいなく全てノーマル。 年式のわりには走ってないために長期有料保証もつけて購入しました。 関東方面のためにタイヤ交換してなかったためにタイヤ関係に不具合があり長期有料保証に入ってたのでそれで部品交換しました。 長期有料保証に入れば通常保証と違い期間が長いからその期間内は何かあれば保証内で色々できるから便利でした。 東北と違い融雪剤の影響はないから下回りの錆びなんかはなく安心でした。 金額はあり得ないくらい安かったです。 県内の大手中古車販売店で今回購入したインプレッサの前の年式の6万キロオーバーのWRXよりも金額が下でした。 今回は画像と店舗との電話やりとりだけで購入しましたがインプレッサは以前にもWRX乗っていたので中古で購入するときの注意点や気を付けないといけない事などは知っていたのでそれさえ確認できれば大丈夫なので迷わずに購入。 スポーツ車は中古購入なら年式は最低二万キロ以内の無改造のノーマルが最低条件。 車庫に入れていたみいでエンジンルーム内はもちろんの事、内装も全て新車同様綺麗でした。 多少車体のまわりに傷はあるもののそれ以外は極上の状態。 かなりお得でした。 中古車購入の楽しいのは考え方や方法と時期により極上の状態で安く購入できるから楽しいです。 ただ本来は中古車購入は自分で車全体、車内車外見てエンジン始動とか車内の操作パネルなどすべて自分で確認して色々話を聞いた上での購入が当たり前なので。 県内では絶対に買えなかったので今回は話し合いだけですませましたが欲しいのを安く買えたのに満足です。
Purchase through affiliated stores. There were various major used car dealers, but other dealers sell it cheaply but there is still a translation in there. We contacted them throughout affiliated stores throughout the country at Tochigi stores and talked to each other. Impreza gh 8, the color is WR blue. Mileage for 2010 is 1.7 million kilometers. It runs only on holidays in the direction of Kanto, it is all normal without fiddling. Because I am not running because of the year, I purchased it with a long-term payment guarantee. Because there was a problem with the tire relation because there was not exchanging the tire for Kanto direction, it was in the long term payment guarantee so we exchanged the parts. If it enters a long-term payment guarantee, the difference between the normal guarantee and the period is long, so it is convenient because various things can be done within the guarantee as long as there is something within that period. Unlike Northeast, there is no influence of snow melting agent, so there was no lower rust and something was safe. The amount was inexpensive and cheap. The amount was lower than the WRX of the model of 60,000 km over in front of the Impreza purchased this time at a major used car dealership in the prefecture. This time I bought it just by telephone exchange between the image and the store but since the Impreza used to ride on the WRX before, I knew about notes on purchasing second hand and things I should not care, so even check it Purchase without hesitation as it is ok if possible. If a sports car is pre-purchased, the normal model of the non-remodeling within a minimum of 20,000 kilometers per year is the minimum condition. I tried putting it in the garage and the inside of the engine room as well as the interior were all clean like new cars. Best of the state Otherwise although there are scratches somewhat around the body. It was quite profitable. It's fun to be able to purchase cheaply in a state of the best according to the way of thinking, method and time of purchase of used car buying. However, since it is natural to purchase used car purchase after checking everything by themselves and listening to various stories, as it is originally to look at the whole car, the inside of the car exterior, and the engine starting and the inside panel of the car inside. I could not buy it in the prefecture absolutely, so I decided to talk only this time but I am satisfied that I could buy cheaply I wanted.
M “からあげ” H on Google

中古車が安い 近くに大きなガリバーがオープンしましたが、こっちの方が断然安い 系列店からネットで検索し、陸送費無料で取り寄せてもらえます。 13年落ち、11万キロ走っている軽の下取りで、ドライブレコーダーを付けてくれたり、スタッドレスタイヤサービスしてくれたり、大満足です。 グーネットの情報はちょっと古くて、載っててもいいヤツは既に売れちゃってることが多々あります。 お店に行って、系列店から探してもらうのをお勧めします。
Used cars are cheap A big Gulliver has opened nearby, but this one is definitely cheaper You can search online from affiliated stores and order them free of charge for land transportation. It's been 13 years and I'm very happy with the light trade-in that has been running 110,000 kilometers, with a drive recorder attached and studless tire service. The information on Goo-net is a little old, and there are many cases where the guys who can be listed have already sold. We recommend that you go to the store and have them look for it from affiliated stores.

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