
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そばやよしとみ

住所 :

Kitaiibuchi, Soma, 〒976-0014 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:15AM–1:45PM
Sunday 11:15AM–1:45PM
Monday 11:15AM–1:45PM
Tuesday 11:15AM–1:45PM
Wednesday 11:15AM–1:45PM
Thursday 11:15AM–1:45PM
Friday 11:15AM–1:45PM
街 : Fukushima

Kitaiibuchi, Soma, 〒976-0014 Fukushima,Japan
犀川創平 on Google

I had a fried chicken set meal and curry udon ... Next time I would like to ask for something different.
齋春商店三代目チャンネル on Google

相馬市でうどんはよしとみ?旨いの一言です。 他にも多数メニュー有りますが旨いです?
In Soma City, Udon is a word of good and delicious taste. There are many other menus but it is delicious.
れでぃ on Google

The duck soba was delicious. It tastes a little darker, so please add warm soy sauce and cold soba.
Yuuji on Google

お蕎麦さんですが、カレーうどんが美味い?クチコミが多いのが気にかかりつつ、素朴にもり蕎麦しか頂かない私としては少々複雑に、暖簾を潜り店内を見渡すとカレーの馨しさが、一人のお客さんがカレーうどんを手繰っていた。 カウンターに座って、もり蕎麦の大盛りを注文し待つこと10分位で蕎麦が出来上がり、がしばし眺めて、一口頂くと、噛んだ味覚に甘さがなかった。 蕎麦の切り口が均一なので、機械又は、製麺所からの麺 であろうと推測できる。 汁は辛くもなく、程よく蕎麦を超えない汁は良かった。
Mr. Soba, is the curry udon delicious? I was worried that there were many word-of-mouth communication, but it was a little complicated for me, who only got soba noodles, and when I went down the curtain and looked around the store, one customer was picking up curry udon. I sat down at the counter, ordered a large serving of morisoba, and waited for about 10 minutes. The soba was ready, and when I looked at it for a while and took a bite, the taste I chewed was not sweet. Since the cut end of soba is uniform, noodles from a machine or a noodle factory It can be inferred that it will be. The juice was not spicy, and the juice that did not exceed the soba was good.
しろきカニカマ on Google

世界一美味しいカレーそばが食べれます。 (主観) スパイシーというか…なんか懐かしい味がします!お肉からの出汁とかもう最高!あえて蕎麦というチョイス…うどんもありだけど私は蕎麦がすき!週1で通わせていただいております! お客さんが居なくても約15分程度待ちますね。でも待つだけの価値はあるとおもってます!
You can eat the world's best curry soba. (Subjectivity) Spicy ... it tastes nostalgic! Dashi from meat or the best! I chose soba noodles ... there are udon but I like soba! I go to the school once a week! Wait about 15 minutes even if there is no customer. But I think it's worth the wait!
kun Prius on Google

小さい店なので混みあいますが、なかなかいい味です。今回はカレー蕎麦にしてみた。 大盛りにしなくて良かった。玉子とじもいいよ! 玉子とじ蕎麦の画像追加。 海老天は大きい! 最近はガッカリする店が多いけどここのはお値段以上の大きさで嬉しい! 鶏唐揚げ定食が凄く柔らかくて美味いです。なかなか無い柔らかさでGoodです。蕎麦屋で何故唐揚げ定食と思うけど美味い。 雑誌にはお金を払えば載るけど、そんなにいっぱい来られても困るんだよって感じかな。
It's a small shop so it's crowded, but the taste is pretty good. This time I tried curry soba. I'm glad I didn't make a big plate. You can also use egg binding! Added image of egg and soba noodles. Shrimp heaven is big! Recently, there are many disappointed stores, but I am glad that this place is bigger than the price! The fried chicken set meal is very soft and delicious. It is very soft and good. I think it's a fried chicken set meal at a soba restaurant, but it's delicious. You can pay for it in a magazine, but I don't think it's a problem even if you come so many times.
堀内秀一 on Google

It is a delicious 28 soba restaurant. I'm asking for Tenzaru or Curry Soba & Half Rice. When you finish eating curry soba soba, I like to add rice and mix it to eat ?
鈴木刀 on Google

久々に美味しい熱々のカレーそば!いま、食べました!かなりの発汗を予想してこの時期ながら、半袖ポロシャツで来て正解でした!かなり慎重に食べましたが、白系の衣装はカレーが跳ねると危険です!メニューの鍋焼きうどんや天ぷらそば、おろしそば等々も美味しそうでした。また10月からは新そばも始まりその他にも美味しいお蕎麦食べられそうです 満足至福の一杯!でした (香取市小見川、みのわカレーそばを彷彿) 今日は鍋焼きうどんを食べる!と心に誓って来店しましたが、またもやカレーそば‼︎を頼んでいました! 相変わらず美味しゅうごさいました 次回こそは鍋焼きうどんを食べようと心に決めましたが、カレーそばの誘惑を阻止出来る自信ありません 昨日は1315にお店に着きましたが、中にお客はいましたが、閉店になってしまい⤵︎残念間に合わず 実は既にダシが無くなってしまったようでした 日を改めて本日は、1230に着きましたが、4組程の先客がテープル.座敷、カウンターにいまして、やはり昼時は混んでいるようです 今日は天ぷら鍋焼きうどんをやっと食べてみました 手元に配膳された時はまだ鍋がぐつぐつと沸騰し、大きな海老の天ぷらが尻尾が鍋からはみ出していました! 今日は架電したのち、Tシャツでお伺いしまして、ヤッパリ!カレーそば食べてしまいました! 今日は、辛味大根おろし蕎麦!GWの暑い日に、涼しく、美味しく、頂きました!
Hot curry soba which is delicious after a long time! I just ate! I expected a lot of sweating, but at this time I came in a short-sleeved polo shirt and it was the correct answer! I ate it very carefully, but white costumes are dangerous if curry bounces! Nabe-yaki udon, tempura soba, grated soba, etc. on the menu also looked delicious. In addition, new soba will start in October, and you can eat other delicious soba noodles. It was (reminiscent of Minowa curry soba, Omigawa, Katori city) I'll eat Nabeyaki udon today! I sweared in my heart, but again curry soba! I was asking for! As always, it was delicious Next time I decided to eat Nabeyaki Udon, but I am not confident that I can prevent the temptation of curry soba. I arrived at the shop at 1315 yesterday, but there were customers inside, but it was closed ⤵︎ Sorry for being late Actually, it seems that the dashi has already disappeared Today, I arrived at 1230 again, but there are about 4 pairs of customers visiting the table. Today I finally tried the Tempura Nabeyaki Udon noodles when they were served, the pan was still boiling and the tail of the large shrimp tempura was protruding from the pan! After calling on the phone today, I would like to ask you in a T-shirt and be happy! I ate curry soba! Today, spicy radish grated buckwheat noodles! It was cool and delicious on the hot day of GW!

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