
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ㈱見澤食品

住所 :

Kitaharacho, Tokorozawa, 〒359-0004 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89988
Webサイト : http://misawa-men.com/
街 : Saitama

Kitaharacho, Tokorozawa, 〒359-0004 Saitama,Japan
まぶ&ころ on Google

ゆで地うどんを購入、食べました。ものすごく腰があり、おいしかったです。 地元で購入したのですが、他にはどこで売っているのでしょうか。
I bought and ate boiled noodles. It was extremely chewy and delicious. I bought it locally, where else do you sell it?
中田和子 on Google

The raw ramen here is chewy and delicious. It is sold directly twice a month, so I will go buy it so that it will not run out. It's a little far from home, but I'll do my best.
藤井芳和 on Google

Since it is sold directly by the noodle manufacturing company, you can buy good products at a low price. ❗ There are many types of ramen, not to mention soba and udon, and it is delicious no matter what you eat. I am happy that there are many types of soup that match the noodles.
ときざわただよし on Google

㐂九八の隣にある食品工場 製麺も手掛けてます 美味しい!
食品 Food factory next to 98 I also make noodles delicious!
中嶋尚美 on Google

八王子北野市場のお豆腐屋でこちらの麺を購入。週3日しか入荷しないので、見かけたら必ず買ってく麺です。 生中華麺細麺縮れ5食入りを購入。もちもちっとした麺でとても美味しいです。(蕎麦も美味しかった) 注意点は一玉が普通より多いので加減することです。でも美味しいから食べちゃいますが(´∀`*)
I bought this noodle at a tofu shop at Hachioji Kitano Market. It's only available 3 days a week, so if you see it, you'll definitely buy it. Purchased raw Chinese noodles thin noodles wrinkle 5 meals. The chewy noodles are very delicious. (Soba was also delicious) The point is that one ball is more than usual, so adjust it. But I eat it because it's delicious ('∀`*)
渡邉仁礼 on Google

半セルフ式でうどんが食べられます。 安いしめちゃくちゃ旨い! 製麺所らしく麺の直売もやってます。
You can eat udon with a semi-self-service. Cheap and messy! We are also selling noodles directly like a noodle shop.
P T on Google

初めて直売日に行ったのですが、中華麺とか餃子の皮とかチャーシュー等ラーメン系の食材がお安く売られていてよかったです。お店も賑わっていました。レジの方もテキパキしていたので、ちょっと並んだけど早くお会計も出来ました。 外では野菜や焼きそばも百円で売られていたのでミニ縁日(笑)気分です
I went to the direct sale day for the first time, and I'm glad that ramen-based ingredients such as Chinese noodles, dumpling skin, and char siu were sold at a low price. The shops were also busy. The cashier was also very enthusiastic, so I was able to make a payment quickly, although it was a little lined up. Outside, vegetables and yakisoba were also sold for 100 yen, so it feels like a mini fair (laughs).
のり on Google

Last time, when I went around noon on Saturday, there were almost no products on the table in front of the cash register, and I thought, "What happened there? It must be a great deal!" Went about 30 minutes after the opening time. Non-standard raw ramen for 1 serving, 3 servings, 5 servings, etc. The price was posted individually. The raw ramen I bought is 100 yen for 5 meals. Then, maybe this is also out of the standard, I bought one bag of Musashinoji udon for 50 yen per bag. I also bought the big dumpling skin that I was interested in last time and the ramen soup with chin soup stock. When I went early, I was still in the process of arranging the vegetables sold outside, but I bought radishes and cabbage and went home.

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