
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact .

住所 :

Kitahanadacho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8002 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Osaka

Kitahanadacho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8002 Osaka,Japan
どうしてもじゃらし on Google

I went there for many years, but every time I went, I changed to another store because I didn't like the shampoo becoming more suitable.
ayato kohasi on Google

店長さんが下手くそ過ぎて辛い 当たってしまった時の絶望感が凄い
The store manager is too bad and it's painful The feeling of despair when it hits is amazing
kotan2fiy on Google

Reasonable. It is easy to use because it is not pressed against. There are staff who are good at cutting, but can't make nominations. There are also many male customers.
みみほ。 on Google

初めて行った店だったけど、店員さんも気さくで明るく落ち着ける店でした(●´ω`●) シャンプーも気持ちよく満足です! 凄く安いのに((´∀`*))はなまるな美容院*.\( '-' )/.*
It was a store that I went for the first time, but the shop clerk was also friendly and calming down shop (● 'ω `●) Shampoo is pleasantly pleasing as well! Even though it is very cheap ((∀ `*)) is a crowded hairdresser *. \ ('-') /.*
平井真由美 on Google

待ち時間なしで大丈夫と看板掲げてたから入ったら、お席でお待ちくださいと中央の席に誘導され約30分放置、一限様なのか誰も声をかけることもなくカルテの話しもしないとか。 客が多かったにしろ待ち時間の案内もせず放置って!接客業一から勉強しなおせ!
If you enter the signboard with no waiting time, please wait at the seat and you will be guided to the central seat and left for about 30 minutes. There were a lot of customers, and it was left without the guidance of the waiting time! Please study again from the hospitality industry!
よしかわともこ on Google

以前に良く利用していましたがしばらく行ってなくて、最近また利用しています。 人によると思いますが、カットは上手だと思います。 お値段が安いし、予約しなくてもいいので、行きやすいです。
I used to use it a lot before, but I haven't been there for a while and have been using it again recently. I think it depends on the person, but I think the cut is good. It's easy to get to because it's cheap and you don't have to make a reservation.
hanako yamada on Google

はじめて利用しました! お客さんいっぱいで忙しそうだったのにとても親切に対応して頂けてびっくりしました(*´▽`*) これはまた次もいきたくなる!!
I used it for the first time! I was surprised to be able to respond very kindly even though it seemed to be busy with a lot of customers (* ´ ▽ ` *) This makes me want to go again next time! !!
ああ on Google

低価格なのにとても丁寧な施術で驚きました。 普段口コミしないのですが思わずしてしまいました。 セットのやり方も優しく教えて頂いてありがとうございました。 また利用させて頂きます。
I was surprised at the very polite treatment despite the low price. I don't usually review it, but I was surprised. Thank you for kindly teaching me how to set. I will use it again.

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