
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ボディメンテナンス北方接骨院・整体院

住所 :

Kitagata, Motosu District, 〒501-0431 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.kitabone.com/
街 : Gifu

Kitagata, Motosu District, 〒501-0431 Gifu,Japan
牧村哲男 on Google

ランニングでアキレス腱炎の治療を行ってもらいました。 治療をしてもらいアキレス腱炎も治り普段通りに走れるようになり感謝してます。 また、ストレッチなど参考になることも色々教えてもらいとても勉強になりました。
I was treated for Achilles tendonitis by running. I am grateful that I was treated and my Achilles tendonitis was cured and I was able to run as usual. Also, I learned a lot about things that can be helpful, such as stretching.
S Y on Google

知人の紹介で行かせてもらいました! 僕は骨盤矯正と鍼治療をしてもらったのですが嘘のように腰が軽くなりました!数十分座っていたら痛くなる腰だったのにちょっとやそっとでは痛くなることは無くなりました✨懇切丁寧で予約制なので待ち時間もほぼありません! 個人的にはかなりおすすめです??✨
I was introduced by an acquaintance! I had my pelvis corrected and acupuncture, but my lower back became lighter like a lie! It was a painful waist when I sat for tens of minutes, but it no longer hurt a little softly ✨ It is polite and reservation-based, so there is almost no waiting time! I personally highly recommend it ??✨
ろく on Google

産後の骨盤矯正で通っています。 背骨付近の痛みと腰痛で子供を抱っこすることも苦痛でしたが今ではだいぶ緩和して抱っこも楽にできるようになりました。 骨盤矯正と楽トレの効果で産前よりも8キロほど体重も落ちて体もスッキリしました!
I go for pelvic correction after childbirth. It was painful to hold a child because of pain near the spine and back pain, but now it is much easier and easier to hold. Thanks to the effects of pelvic correction and easy training, I lost about 8 kg more than before giving birth and my body was refreshed!
西村香穂 on Google

毎回丁寧に施術していただき、体の痛みもほとんどなくなりました。 先生方も元気で明るくて雰囲気がとてもいいなと思います。
The treatment was done carefully every time, and the pain in my body was almost gone. I think the teachers are also energetic, cheerful and have a very nice atmosphere.
yayoi kuwadara on Google

I am always indebted to the whole family. Shoulder and lower back pain and headaches are always refreshing and comfortable after the procedure. I would like to continue to take care of you.
美佳 on Google

I go there due to a traffic accident. It's getting easier to be in a whipping state. If you tell me that it hurts here, it will focus on it and will also do electricity. I couldn't sleep because it hurt, but I had good sleep and awakening. The teachers are also easy to talk to.
打上花火 on Google

骨盤矯正で通っています。 首、肩から背中にかけての疲れが楽になりました。 姿勢を良くするための軽い筋トレなども教えていただけてありがたいです。
I go for pelvic correction. The tiredness from the neck, shoulders to the back has eased. I would be grateful if you could teach me light muscle training to improve my posture.
大森 on Google

My mother is indebted to me. Thanks to the teacher, my long-standing back pain has improved considerably and my range of activities has expanded. I bought a good value coupon this time to start full-scale inner muscle training. From now on, I'm talking twice a week that I'll do my best until the end of March. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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