イタリアン カテリーナ カステッロ

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact イタリアン カテリーナ カステッロ

住所 :

Kitabukurocho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0835 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Webサイト : https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ000175575/
街 : Saitama

Kitabukurocho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0835 Saitama,Japan
ゴクリン on Google

I had lunch. The pasta was very delicious.
スガワラカツヒロ on Google

I went there for the first time in 15 years. It is a rustic Italian restaurant. It seemed that the Reds players were favored.
だいすきお気に入り on Google

のんびり優雅に過ごせます お洒落な雰囲気ですが、お肉たっぷりのパスタがあるため、女性だけでなく男性のかたも結構来られてます。男女 グループおひとり問わず、居心地がよいです。 特に海老のトマトクリームパスタ、 スペシャルランチのお肉が大好きです サラダも時々珍しい野菜が入っていて楽しいです。
You can spend it leisurely and elegantly It's a fashionable atmosphere, but because there is plenty of meat pasta, not only women but also men can come. It is comfortable for both men and women in groups. Especially shrimp tomato cream pasta, I love meat for special lunch Salad is also fun because it sometimes contains rare vegetables.
A M A Z O N on Google

The hurdles for setting up the store are high, and we entered the store with the dress code in mind. Tableware that is nice to serve customers but feels lonely. I don't think it's profitable. The taste of the trattoria is much better. Was there a good chef in the past? A shop that makes you feel the flow of the times, wabi-sabi, and taste.
mam eyacco on Google

こんな心が満足するのかというほど、すてきな雰囲気でふっかふかの椅子で美味しいものをいただきました。 それなのにかなりリーズナブル。 パスタのトマトソースが絶品で、チーズとの相性もバッチリでした。 接客をしてくださる方もとても感じがよく、近くにあったら毎日でも通いたいレストランです。
I was satisfied with this kind of heart, and I enjoyed delicious food in a fluffy chair in a nice atmosphere. Even so, it's quite reasonable. The tomato sauce of the pasta was excellent, and it went perfectly with the cheese. The people who serve customers are also very nice, and if you are nearby, you will want to go to this restaurant every day.
J N on Google

リーズナブルな価格なのに 店内の雰囲気、接客がとても良い 穴場的お店 味も高級な食材は使わなくともしっかり作られていて好みの味
Though it is a reasonable price The atmosphere inside the store and the customer service are very good A little-known shop Even if you don't use high-quality ingredients, the taste is well made and you like it.
星陽子 on Google

ランチで訪問、平日待ち時間なく入店できた。 ピザは窯に火が入ってないのか頼めても時間がかかるたのこと。 今回は海老のトマトソース注文。海老がプリプリで美味しかったです。 この立地で駐車場があるのも有り難い。
I visited for lunch and was able to enter the store without waiting on weekdays. It took a long time to ask if the kiln was on fire for pizza. This time I ordered shrimp tomato sauce. The shrimp was delicious and delicious. I am grateful that there is a parking lot at this location.
ぬんたら on Google

久しぶりの来店、昔は年に1~2回くらい訪問してましたよ(゚ー゚*)。 いつの間にか増えてたランチメニューからステーキパスタ1000円選択。 サラダと自家製パンつまみながら待ちます。 変わってないですね、バルサミコ酢のドレッシング、粒塩乗ったパン、美味しいよ(* ´ ▽ ` *)。 で、ステーキパスタ。 お肉はミディアムレアで焼き加減バッチリ。パスタはどんな味付けかと思ったら、なんとステーキソース味!。 ナポリタンみたく日本式イタリアンと呼ぶべき一品。攻めましたねぇ、けど美味しい逸品♪( ≧∀≦)。 こちらのシェフはパスタの茹で加減が最高なので、どのパスタも安心して頼めますよ。 ご馳走さま、また来ますね~(* ´ ▽ ` *)ノ。
It's been a long time since I visited the store, and I used to visit it once or twice a year (゚ *). Select steak pasta for 1000 yen from the lunch menu that has increased before you know it. Wait while pinching the salad and homemade bread. It hasn't changed, the balsamic vinegar dressing, the bread with salt, it's delicious (* ´ ▽ `*). And steak pasta. The meat is medium rare and roasted perfectly. When I wondered what kind of seasoning pasta should be, it tasted like steak sauce! .. Napolitan A dish that should be called Japanese-style Italian. Hey, but it's a delicious gem ♪ (≧ ∀ ≦). This chef has the best boiled pasta, so you can order any pasta with confidence. Feast, I'll come again ~ (* ´ ▽ `*) ノ.

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