Kishida Meat Shop - Hiroshima

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kishida Meat Shop

住所 :

2 Chome-3-9 Onagahigashi, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0046, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Postal code : 732-0046
Webサイト :

2 Chome-3-9 Onagahigashi, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0046, Japan
音羽永久 on Google

If you order croquettes, they will be fried on the spot. There are also side dishes from around 15:00 on weekdays.
takada kento on Google

Even though I said it for the first time, he kindly responded with a smile. The meat is cheap and very delicious! I am convinced that such a store will last for a long time.
yas yas on Google

口コミ見てコロッケ食べました。 家庭的な家で食べる普通に美味しいコロッケでしたが、値段的には50円が妥当かと。 また食べたいと思えるような個性的な何かを工夫してほしい!おしい!
I saw the word of mouth and ate croquette. It was a delicious croquette that I usually eat at home, but I wonder if 50 yen is reasonable for the price. I want you to devise something unique that you will want to eat again! Delicious!
まこと on Google

職場で嫌なことがあった日は、こちらの美味しいお惣菜を買って帰って一杯やるのが最近のストレス解消法です。 お肉も美味しいし、お姉さんもいつも笑顔で対応してくれる、いつまでも続けて欲しいと心から思える素晴らしいお店です。
On days when you have a bad time at work, the latest stress relief method is to buy this delicious side dish and go home and have a drink. The meat is delicious, and the older sister always smiles, so it's a wonderful restaurant that I really want you to continue forever.
yoshi shinmo on Google

The interior is Showa ? I'm dying. Fresh safe meat. There are also delicious croquette ? Butcher in town ?
みんみそ2020 on Google

店の前に駐車できました!クチコミを見て、店員さんの対応がいいと見て、少し車を出して伺いましたが、とっても良かったです! 家焼肉のお肉を2人分め少し多めで800gとアドバイスをもらって、自宅で食べましたがメッッチャ美味しい!!! 豚とか鶏はどうする??と質問してくださってスムーズに選べました。 初めての人も是非行ってみてください!
I was able to park in front of the store! Looking at the word-of-mouth, I saw that the clerk's response was good, so I took out a little car and asked, but it was very good! I ate it at home with the advice of 800g, which is a little more than the meat for 2 people, but it's delicious! !! !! What about pigs and chickens? ?? I was able to choose smoothly. If you are new to us, please come and visit us!
飯田孝子 on Google

家族がコロッケと筋煮込みを買って来てくれました。 コロッケは家で作ったような味で美味しかったのと、筋煮込みは普通脂がいっぱい浮いてるのが当たり前なのにちょっとだけの浮いてるだけで程よい加減。 脂でgを稼いでない感じでとても美味しかったです。 また食べたいねと家族で好評だったので今度は買いに行こうと思いました。
My family bought me croquettes and stewed muscles. The croquette tasted like it was made at home, and the muscle stew was usually full of fat, but it was just a little floating. It was very delicious as I didn't earn g with fat. It was popular with my family because I wanted to eat it again, so I decided to go buy it this time.
モゲ on Google

豚のテッポウ(直腸)を取り寄せてもらいました!! しかも下処理までアドバイスしていただき嬉しかった!! 塩でモミ→ 洗い流し→小麦粉でモミ→洗い流し→沸騰したお湯で軽くゆでる ★因みに、辛味噌の材料 味噌60g 水飴(砂糖)大さじ1 みりん大さじ1 醤油少々 七味とうがらし適宜 コチジャン 小さじ2 にんにくすりおろし 小さじ2
I got a pig's teppo (rectum) !! Moreover, I was glad that you gave me advice on the preparation process !! Fir with salt → Rinse → Fir with flour → Rinse → Boil lightly in boiling water ★ By the way, the ingredients for spicy miso Miso 60g 1 tablespoon starch syrup (sugar) 1 tablespoon mirin A little soy sauce Shichimi pepper as appropriate Gochujang 2 tsp 2 teaspoons of grated garlic

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