リフォームのスペースアップ 富田林店

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リフォーム・リノベーションのスペースアップ【大阪・奈良・兵庫・滋賀・神奈川・東京】 - Space-up.jp


Contact リフォームのスペースアップ 富田林店

住所 :

Kishicho, Tondabayashi, 〒584-0005 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.space-up.jp/
街 : Osaka

Kishicho, Tondabayashi, 〒584-0005 Osaka,Japan
重谷知子 on Google

築30年を超えるマンションの水周りと、リビングをリフォームして頂きました。 とても快適に生活できてます。感謝!! 念願の、大掃除が必要のない家を目指して 楽しんで生活します♪
We had you remodel the living room and the water area of ​​the condominium that was over 30 years old. I can live very comfortably. Thanks! !! Aiming for a long-sought home that does not require general cleaning Have fun and live ♪
M Nakahira on Google

We asked for a reform in 2020, and we were able to build a satisfying home. After-sales follow-up is also solid, and one year later, I was asked to inspect the house for defects. At that time, I requested the addition of a shelf board for kitchen storage and the installation of a door stopper, and he was willing to accept it. Thank you very much.
pro4 aaa on Google

The response was quick, the explanation was polite, and I was kindly asked to consult. I am very satisfied with the finished product according to this budget.
妙中みゆき on Google

マンションのリホームでした。とても丁寧に綺麗に仕上げていただきました。 対応もはやく満足しています。次回もお願いしたいです。
It was a remodeling of the condominium. I had you finish it very carefully and beautifully. I am satisfied with the response. I would like to ask you again next time.
tamae furuta on Google

以前 トユの点検、修理をして貰った時に、スペースアップを紹介して下さった方に、感謝しました。 今回は、床をフローリングに張替えて頂きました。 この度も大満足です。 これからも何か有りましたら 宜しくお願いします。
I am grateful to the person who introduced me to the space-up when I had Toyu inspected and repaired before. This time, the floor was replaced with flooring. I am very satisfied this time as well. If there is anything in the future Thanking you in advance.
天野けんじ on Google

コロナ禍のなかでのリフォーム実施でしたが、満足できる仕上がりとなりました。 6月末引き渡しでしたが、手直しが一部残っております。 その点は不満ありますが、担当者様はじめ、各施工の職人さんまでが非常によく対応頂きました。 ほんとにありがとうございました。 引き続き、宜しくお願い致します。
It was a remodeling in the corona wreck, but the finish was satisfactory. It was handed over at the end of June, but some rework remains. I'm dissatisfied with that point, but the person in charge and the craftsmen of each construction responded very well. Thank you so much. Please continue to give us your support.
信川芳子 on Google

リフォームをして、大変満足しています。 システムキッチンも使いやすいですし、 お風呂も綺麗になり、夫婦共喜んでいます。 営業の方にも無理をいいましたが、こちらの希望に添って下さいました。 色々とありがとうございました。
I am very satisfied with the remodeling. The system kitchen is also easy to use The bath is clean and both couples are happy. I said it was impossible for the sales people, but they met my wishes. Thank you for everything.
倉茂洋 on Google

This time, I asked for the remodeling of the bathroom, washroom, and toilet. Thank you very much for your polite response to your detailed requests! In addition, he made a proposal that I hadn't expected, and I am very satisfied with the result. The bathtub, which has been poorly drained for many years, has been refreshed with this remodeling. Not only does it look good, but the remodeling saves time and makes me feel good! Thank you! I would like to ask again if I have the opportunity!

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