Kisaragi - Toyota

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kisaragi

住所 :

Honmachi, Toyota, 〒473-0911 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 473-0911
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Honmachi, Toyota, 〒473-0911 Aichi,Japan
boy funky on Google

カウンターで食べてないので今回は⭐3。 値段はリーズナブルで良かった。 今度はカウンターで握りたてを食べたいと思う。
I haven't eaten at the counter, so this time it's ⭐3. The price was reasonable and good. Next time I want to eat freshly squeezed at the counter.
片山貴弘 on Google

初めて行ってきました。 第1印象から、なかなか良い感じで “穴子ちらし”を頂きましたが想像通り美味でした☆ 味・雰囲気、そして大将も最高の方で意気投合♬ また寄らせて頂きます
I went for the first time. From the first impression, it is quite nice feeling I got "Confucius Flyer" but it was delicious as I imagined ☆ Taste and atmosphere, and the general is also the best and spirited up ♬ I will also return it.
Ai M on Google

2000円のお弁当をテイクアウト! 煮物、焼き物、揚げ物、刺身、ちらし寿司といった内容でボリューム満点! 超お値打ちな上、とても美味しい。 お祝い事などに是非 おすすめです。
Take out a 2000 yen lunch box! The contents such as simmered dishes, grilled dishes, fried dishes, sashimi, and chirashizushi are full of volume! It's super good value and very delicious. Come for celebrations it's recommended.
KAORI H on Google

父に連れられて、初めての利用でした 味やお店の雰囲気に相当うるさい父がベタ褒めのお店だけあって、何から何までおいしく頂きました 今まで食べていた穴子は何だったんだろう、と 思うくらい美味しかったです また、行きたいお店が増えました ごちそうさまでした
It was my first time using my father. My father was very noisy for the taste and the atmosphere of the shop, and there was only a shop that praised me, so I enjoyed everything What was the Confucius I had eaten up to now? It was delicious as I thought Also, the number of shops I want to visit has increased Thank you for the meal
楽園の使者銀 on Google

初めての利用となります。HPと近所の口コミで評判だったので割子弁当を注文。これらを銘々皿に盛り付けて提供されたらいったいいくらのお料理になるのかというくらいのお味と品数と盛付けに脱帽。今秋にイベントがあるので必ずリピートします。勿論その前に店内でいただきたいと思います。10/3 孫の御食い初め料理をお願いしました。¥2.500-とても豪華です。歯固めは蛸をアレンジしてくださいました。
It will be the first time to use. I ordered a split lunch because it was well received by the HP and the word of mouth of the neighborhood. I took off my hat for the taste, the number of items, and the serving, as if it would be a good dish if these were served on a plate. There will be an event this fall, so I will definitely repeat it. Of course, I would like you to have it in the store before that. 10/3 I asked for my grandson's first meal. ¥ 2.500-Very luxurious. The octopus was arranged for the tooth compaction.
romi rodo on Google

最初に届いたお刺身がとても美味しくて、期待度がぐーーんとアップしました。店内はとても静かでお洒落な作りで、広く仕切られていて居心地がとても良かったです。 揚げ出し豆腐に赤味噌がかかってないほうが良かったです。あと茶碗蒸しに旬のものが入っていたらもっと良かったです。
The sashimi I received at the beginning was very delicious, and my expectations were improved. The inside of the store was very quiet and fashionable, and it was spacious and comfortable. It was better that the fried tofu did not have red miso. Also, it would have been better if I had seasoned cabbage.
伊藤竜士 on Google

I went for lunch, but the number of items is so large and the price is delicious, isn't it the result of corporate efforts?
haru aki on Google

ランチで訪問。 限定8食という宝石ちらし寿司と穴子飯御前と追加でお刺身を注文。 穴子はふっくら柔らかくとろけるような食感で、濃いめのタレと絡んでなかなかの逸品。 追加で付けてもらったお刺身も少しずつ色々な種類が楽しめるようになっていて、これは頼んで正解でした。 宝石ちらしは食べやすいサイズにカットされ丁寧に仕込まれた具材が10種ほど。 まさに宝石を散りばめたような目に見て楽しく食べて美味しい大満足の品でした。
Visit at lunch. Order a sashimi with additional jewels sushi and conger eel rice sight that limited 8 servings. Conger eel is a plump soft and melting such a texture, quite a gem at stake with sauce darker. Sashimi, which I had put in additional be made to enjoy a variety of types little by little, this was the correct answer asked. Jewelry flyer has ingredients that were charged to carefully cut into bite size about 10 species. It was fun to eat delicious large satisfaction of goods just look in the eyes, such as Bejeweled.

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