Kinzanbashi Clinic - Nagoya

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kinzanbashi Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-5-3 Kanayamacho, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 456-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 456-0002
Webサイト :

1 Chome-5-3 Kanayamacho, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 456-0002, Japan
小林拓 on Google

The worst doctor
youko chizu on Google

寝付きが悪く相談に伺いました。漢方薬の処方があったのが良かったです。西洋医学の薬と比較し、癖になりにくいそうです。睡眠薬がないと眠れない…というような事にならないか心配していたので助かりました。 他の方が書かれている対応の悪さは、私は感じませんでした。ただ、先生は「おしゃべり好き」な印象をうけました。人によって好みが分かれるかもしれません。 漢方は、即効性というよりはじわじわ効くものらしいので、それでも良く、かつ癖になりにくい薬を希望の際はこちらの医院はお勧めです。 予約不要で、駐車場がある点も行きやすいのではないかと思います。
I had trouble falling asleep and went to consult. It was good that there was a prescription for Chinese herbs. Compared to Western medicine, it is less likely to become a habit. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to sleep without sleeping pills, so I was saved. I didn't feel the poor response written by others. However, the teacher got the impression that he likes to talk. People may have different tastes. Chinese medicine seems to work slowly rather than immediately, so if you want a medicine that is good and less likely to become a habit, this clinic is recommended. I think it's easy to go because there is a parking lot without reservation.
Kororing 前ちゃん Hisa on Google

Mother's acquaintance or friend? (Psychosomatic medicine) internal medicine in Naka Ward introduced by parents and children. I think he was a good teacher who was easy to talk to, although he had a good idea of ​​a talkative teacher f (^_^;
おり(ぽにょ) on Google

プライベートの事情で息が苦しく寝付けなくなり、一度来院しました。 来院するに至った経緯をお話ししました。 しかし、私の話を聞いて一言「で、結局何に困ってるの?」と…私が長々と話してしまったことも悪いですが。 ほかの方も口コミに書かれていますが、高圧的です。 精神科は口コミを見てから行くべきだということは、勉強になりました。 絶対に、病院探しが面倒だから近くの病院でいいやなどとは思ってはいけません。
I went to the hospital once because of my private circumstances. I told you how he came to the hospital. However, when I listened to my story, I said, “So what's the problem after all?”… It ’s also bad that I talked for a long time. Other people are written in the word of mouth, but it is high-pressure. I learned that psychiatry should go after seeing reviews. Never think of a nearby hospital as it is troublesome to find a hospital.
ピアノの森 on Google

心療内科で受診するつもりの人は絶対に行ってはいけません。不快な思いをすると思います。医者は人の話を聞かず高圧的で、私が書いた現状説明の紙を足を組みながら 適当に読む、弱者に寄り添う心を持たない 人でなしです。あんな医者は心療内科を謳う資格がありません。絶対に行かないようにしましょう。
People who are going to see a psychosomatic medicine should never go. I think you feel uncomfortable. Doctors are high-pressure without listening to others, read the papers of the present situation I wrote properly, cross-legged, and do not have a willingness to snuggle with the weak. Such doctors are not qualified to claim psychosomatic medicine. Let's never go.
岡田望 on Google

数年前に受診しましたが心療内科としては最悪だと思いました。 受診当時ご飯も食べれなく体重が10kgほど落ちていてその事も話したのですが「ふーん、元が痩せてるわけじゃないからねー」と言われ物凄く傷付いた事が今でも忘れられません。 細身じゃなければ体重が落ちるほど病んでいても大した事ないということでしょうか。それとも遠回しにデブと言われたのでしょうか。 何にしろ心療内科としての発言では無いと思いました。 その時初診でしたがもう二度と行かないと思い、のちに違う病院へ行き今は元気です。 二度と行きません。
I had a medical examination several years ago, but I thought it was the worst for psychosomatic medicine. At the time of the consultation, I couldn't eat rice and I lost about 10 kg, and I talked about that, but I still can't forget that I was terribly hurt when I was told, "Hmm, I'm not thin." Isn't it a big deal if you're sick enough to lose weight if you're not slender? Or was it called fat in a roundabout way? Anyway, I thought it was not a statement as a psychosomatic medicine. It was my first visit at that time, but I thought I would never go again, so I went to a different hospital later and am fine now. I will never go again.
中島仮名 on Google

I never thought it was so bad that others would tell me not to go. It is important to build a relationship of trust with your doctor in the clinical department of psychiatry. However, since the patient is selfish and the doctor is also human, there may be factors such as compatibility. Therefore, we can only say "each person". I'm just busy and I don't have time, and when I'm free, I not only talk about illness, but also talk about dissatisfaction with the policies of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (such as not considering the interests of patients) and small talk about current affairs. In my experience, at least I felt that I was a kind and quiet doctor who listened to my patients.
Cream Whip on Google

初診でも予約無しで診てもらえました。院内は少し古さをかんじましたが広めの待合室。受付さんは優しい対応で、先生はご年配の男性でしたがゆっくり話を聞いてもらえました。人間関係のストレスで体調を崩し、不眠とパニックで生きるのが辛いこと、薬を飲むことの不安を伝えるとまずは漢方薬を処方していただきました。 心療内科はどこもマイナスのレビューが多い(繊細な人が多いからでしょうか)ので行くまでに迷い、不安でしたが今はもっと早くに行けば良かったなと思います。 しばらくここに通院してみようと思います。
Even at the first visit, I was able to see him without an appointment. The hospital is a little old, but it is a large waiting room. The receptionist was kind and the teacher was an elderly man, but he listened to me slowly. When I was told that I was sick due to the stress of relationships, that it was difficult to live with insomnia and panic, and that I was worried about taking medicine, I was asked to prescribe Chinese medicine. There are many negative reviews in psychosomatic medicine (maybe because there are many delicate people), so I was at a loss and anxious before going, but now I think I should have gone earlier. I will go to the hospital here for a while.

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