Kinpuku - Seto

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kinpuku

住所 :

1 Chome-31 Suehirocho, Seto, Aichi 489-0814, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 489-0814

1 Chome-31 Suehirocho, Seto, Aichi 489-0814, Japan
松雪乃 on Google

アットホームでいいお店です 混雑時は提供までにちょっとお時間かかるかも
It is a nice shop at home It may take some time to provide when it is crowded
渡辺なべ on Google

I'm always getting delicious BB I took a BBQ at the takeaway home this time (^ ^) v ❗️
加藤宗一郎 on Google

チャンネルを常連が独占してて、勝手に変えられた 店員は2人程度で店内は小汚い 常連だけに頼ってるイメージ カルビ2とチューハイ梅としょうゆラーメンとカルビクッパを食べました。
The regulars monopolized the channel and it was changed arbitrarily There are about two clerk and the inside of the store is small Image of relying only on regulars I ate kalbi 2, chuhai plum, soy sauce ramen and kalbi kuppa.
たっきー on Google

美味しいです 学生にも優しく安価で食べさせてくれます! 一見入りにくいかもしれませんが ここの焼肉が最高です!
Is delicious It is kind and cheap for students to eat! At first glance it may be difficult to enter Yakiniku here is the best!
水野博介 on Google

Not only the roasted meat but also the delicious ramen
ゆーじ on Google

数年ぶりに来ましたが、美味しかったです 瀬戸の隠れた良店だと個人的に思ってます
I came here for the first time in a few years and it was delicious I personally think it's a good store hidden in Seto
M K on Google

3年ぶりに行ったら味が変わった様な気が。味噌ダレ変わった?気のせい? 3年前は美味しい!って思ったけど。あれ、こんなもんだっけと思った。ホルモンや内臓系も前は美味しかったけど、変わったようで残念。
I feel like the taste has changed when I went there for the first time in 3 years. Did the miso sauce change? Is it because of your mind? It was delicious 3 years ago! I thought. I wondered what it was like. The hormones and internal organs were delicious before, but it seems to have changed, which is a shame.
k.A.T.o on Google

入りづらい雰囲気ではありましたが、気になっていたので行ってきました。 メニュー表見ると高いなー。と思いましたが、同じ『カルビ』でもチェーン店のカルビとは肉厚が違いすぎて、普通に満足でした。 全ての肉がボリューミー! サラダもボリューミー!
It was a difficult atmosphere to enter, but I was curious, so I went there. Looking at the menu table, it's expensive. I thought, but even with the same "Kalbi", the thickness was too different from that of the chain store Kalbi, so I was usually satisfied. All meat is volumey! The salad is also volumey!

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