Kinokuniya Takashimaya Shinjuku

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kinokuniya Takashimaya Shinjuku

住所 :

Sendagaya, Shibuya City, 〒151-8580 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Sendagaya, Shibuya City, 〒151-8580 Tokyo,Japan
とみながゆきこ on Google

It is not very convenient from home, but sometimes I go to Takashimaya to get here. I put a good product with peace of mind.
おーやこばひで on Google

高島屋の精肉、青果、鮮魚売り場と一体化していて広くて買い物楽しい。 個人的には成城石井より好き
Meat of Takashimaya, fruit and vegetables, fun shopping widely integral to the fresh fish department. Personally, I like than Seijo Ishii
yuko on Google

An assortment that does not disappoint. We handle high-quality food that you want to buy even if you look at it without purpose.
いとうみー on Google

I have my back packed and I'm very enthusiastic. The quality of the ingredients is high. The clerk is also kind.
田内 on Google

近いのと優待あるので、利用してます。 特にフルーツはセット売りで安く美味しい。 店員さんは良いひとだけど、ここのフルーツ売り場の店員さん、、、店員さん同士でいつもおしゃべりしてます。 仲良しはいいけど、コロナ怖いので果物買ってサッサと帰ります。 他の百貨店のデパ地下も同じように店員同士おしゃべり。 スーパーは人手足りなくおしゃべりの暇ないけど、百貨店は店員さんがあまってるので、おしゃべりすごい。 百貨店がクラスター起きてるのこういうことだと思います。 この解釈間違ってないと思います。
I use it because it is close and there is a special treatment. Especially fruits are sold as a set and are cheap and delicious. The clerk is a good person, but the clerk at the fruit department here is always chatting with each other. I'm good friends, but I'm scared of Corona, so I buy some fruits and go home with Sassa. In the same way, the clerk chats with each other in the basement of the department stores of other department stores. There aren't enough people in the supermarket and I don't have time to talk, but the department store has a lot of clerk, so it's great to talk. I think this is the reason why department stores are clustered. I don't think this interpretation is wrong.
S-Ann Yang on Google

百貨公司裡的超市,如預期般購物環境明亮整潔有高級感。 在一般超市、便利商店能買到的東西,在這價格會貴一點,約¥30-50不等,很不划算。 但可以買到一般市面上比較沒有販售的特色商品、舶來品,還有紀伊國屋的自有品牌。
The supermarket in the department store, as expected, the shopping environment is bright and tidy, with a sense of luxury. What you can buy in general supermarkets and convenience stores is a bit more expensive here, ranging from about ¥30-50, which is not cost-effective. However, you can buy special products and foreign products that are not generally sold on the market, as well as Kinokuniya's own brands.

Amazing place with many good items
Nathan Gildart on Google

Not so large due to location but has some good high end, imported items. Worth stopping by.

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