Kinki Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare

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Contact Kinki Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare

住所 :

Otemae, Chuo Ward, 〒541-8556 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
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街 : Osaka

Otemae, Chuo Ward, 〒541-8556 Osaka,Japan
konton-control 混沌コントロール (konton-control) on Google

I will call you later on Monday.
岡本敦 on Google

ワクチン検査パスポートって 有効期限は? 検査で陰性でました‼️ 半年とかいけるんですか?
What is the expiration date of a vaccine test passport? The test was negative! ️ Can you spend half a year?
うえだ17 on Google

医学的代替予防策をワクチン接種不可能層に用意しない1択の方向性で、北里プロジェクトでの治験薬など積極的に用いない指針に『感染予防』で動いてない様に感じる 双方データ収集段階なら明確な根拠で否定されてない対策をする事でワクチン差別に至ることもないと思う 諸外国の様に道端に亡骸が多くない日本で、感染治療した訳でない亡くなった後の患者にウィルス検査する統計もナンセンスだと感じる 各協会が感染者受け入れしてない医療従事者に市政へ行き渡ってない本当の標準予防策の伝達を全く指示して動かして無さそうな状況はナゼでしょう ワクチン説明書を無視して陽性者を出すのを許して、受入施設の医療従事者を疲弊させ続けるのは何故でしょうか?受入施設少ないままで、対応している医療従事者も限界だと思います。PCR製造会社の説明書にある増幅値37以下を守っている台湾(36設定)のようにルールを破らないよう統制してください。増幅値30と40で1000倍違うのに日本では増幅値50の検査会社もあるらしいので、感染者対応する医療現場の方が災難ですし医療逼迫して当たり前です。
I feel that "infection prevention" is not working on the guidelines that are not actively used, such as the investigational drug in the Kitazato project, with one option of not preparing medical alternative preventive measures for the non-vaccinated group. At the data collection stage on both sides, I think that vaccine discrimination will not occur by taking measures that are not denied on clear grounds. In Japan, where there are not many dead bodies on the roadside like in other countries, I feel that the statistics of virus testing for post-mortem patients who have not been treated for infection are also nonsense. The situation where each association seems to be completely instructed to convey the true standard preventive measures that have not spread to the city administration to the medical staff who do not accept infected people is not likely to move. Why continue to exhaust the health care workers at the host facility by ignoring the vaccine instructions and allowing positives to come out? I think that the number of medical staff who can handle the situation is limited, with the number of receiving facilities remaining small. Please control not to break the rule like Taiwan (36 setting) that keeps the amplification value of 37 or less in the instruction manual of the PCR manufacturer. It seems that there is an inspection company with an amplification value of 50 in Japan even though the amplification value of 30 and 40 is 1000 times different, so it is natural that the medical field dealing with infected people is a disaster and the medical treatment is tight.

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