Kingyo Cafe - Osaka

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kingyo Cafe

住所 :

1 Chome-52-5 Hannancho, Abeno Ward, Osaka, 545-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 545-0021
Webサイト :

1 Chome-52-5 Hannancho, Abeno Ward, Osaka, 545-0021, Japan
さくらひろこ on Google

お店もかわいいけれど オーナー(女性)のお人柄が最高✨ 高校生くらいからこつこつ集められた レトロなグッズに囲まれ 時が止まったような居心地よい 癒しがありました。 教えたくないけど 知ってもらいたいお店です。 願わくばお店を訪れた際 その空気感お守りいただけると幸いです。 ちなみに駐車場はなく お得なのは郵便局横タイムズ400円/日がゆっくりできるかも。
The shop is cute The personality of the owner (female) is the best ✨ Collected steadily from high school students Surrounded by retro goods Cozy as if time has stopped There was healing. I don't want to tell you This is a shop you want to know. Hopefully when you visit the store I hope you can protect that atmosphere. By the way, there is no parking lot The best value is the post office side Times 400 yen / day.
JPN Takada on Google

店前まで来てから看板もなかったので少し躊躇しました。 (ここで合っているんかな?) この窓が赤枠の店舗です。 中に入ると昭和レトロ感満載。 建物の梁や壁も時代を感じます。 店員さんも昭和初期の女給さん?みたいな衣装で、映画のセットに迷い込んだ感じがしました。
I hesitated a little because there was no signboard since I came to the store. (Is it right here?) This window is the store with the red frame. Once inside, it is full of Showa retro feeling. The beams and walls of the building also feel the times. Is the clerk also a female salary in the early Showa period? I felt like I was lost in the movie set.
渦巻亭まぃまぃ on Google

クリームソーダの、味ていうか色を選べるのが楽しいですね。金魚鉢みたいなグラスで出てくるのも洒落てやがるなぁ。 ほんで、おいしいのよ。 単に “おいしい” んではなくて、 なんやろなー、懐かしい味やぞー、これ。 (゜ロ゜;ノ)ノ ぁ、金魚(本物)も、居てはります。
It's fun to choose the color of cream soda, whether it tastes or not. It's also fashionable to come out in a glass like a fishbowl. It's delicious. It's not just "delicious", it's a nostalgic taste, this one. (゜ ゜; ノ) ノ Oh, there are also goldfish (genuine).
けんけん大阪グルメ on Google

大阪・昭和町に店を構えるカフェ。⁡ ⁡ 何度か伺っているんですが、内装にこだわり満載。とても落ち着く雰囲気で大好きなんです。 ⁡ 可愛い見た目のクリームソーダは注文必須!⁡ ⁡ 不思議な世界を堪能できるお店♪気になる方はぜひ行ってみてほしいです!⁡
A cafe with a store in Showa-cho, Osaka. ⁡ ⁡ I've been to you several times, but it's full of attention to the interior. I love it because it has a very calm atmosphere. ⁡ A cute looking cream soda must be ordered! ⁡ ⁡ A shop where you can enjoy the mysterious world ♪ If you are interested, please go there! ⁡
fuu san on Google

A mysterious, emo, nostalgic and wonderful space. The world view such as goldfish, fox, and anatomical model is unified and messy, but it is not messy. The cream soda is beautiful again and the goldfish are too cute. Also, the fondant chocolate was too rich and delicious. I have a lot of things to say for the time being, but I don't think I can understand this atmosphere unless I go, so please go.
柴田香菜子 on Google

♡大阪あべの金魚カフェ♡ 2年前からずーとずーと行きたかった『昭和町』❤念願叶って、行けるコトになりました。中でも、ずーと行きたかった金魚カフェ?❤ 金魚鉢に入った クリームソーダ?? (クリームソーダは、3種類から選べました。)650円で良心的で嬉しい⤴️? 金魚鉢に入ったクリームソーダ可愛すぎる❣️❣️ 思ってたより金魚鉢が小さく、逆に金魚鉢が大きいと頼んでも「飲みきれるんだろうか??」と心配してましたが、全然!逆に本当に心地よいサイズで嬉しかったです。 店員のお姉さんも 和服?で長身sanで関西弁もとってもとっても素敵✨ 店内も、昭和レトロ 見たこともない、 テレビや電話?、扇風機にも大興奮?昭和レトロ大好きには、たまらないアイテムで本当に素敵?? いやいや本当に素敵な所でした❗いつまでも変わらぬまま続けて欲しいです? また、いつか絶対行きます。
♡ Osaka Abeno Goldfish Cafe ♡ "Showa-cho" that I've always wanted to go to for two years ❤ My wish came true, and now I can go. Above all, the goldfish cafe I always wanted to go ?❤ Entered the fishbowl Cream soda ?? (Cream soda can be selected from 3 types.) 650 yen is conscientious and happy ⤴️? Cream soda in a fishbowl is too cute ❣️❣️ I was worried that the fishbowl was smaller than I expected, and on the contrary, even if I asked for the fishbowl to be larger, I was worried that I could drink it, but at all! On the contrary, I was happy with the really comfortable size. The clerk's older sister Kimono ?, tall san, Kansai dialect is very nice ✨ Showa retro inside the store I've never seen it Excited about TV, phone ?, and electric fans ? For those who love Showa retro, it's a really nice item ?? No, it was a really nice place ❗ I want you to continue forever ? Also, I will definitely go someday.
千葉美友子 on Google

レトロ喫茶プラスアルファの落ち着く異空間です。 クリームソーダは、写真映え間違いなしです? 人気店ですが、たまたま雨で客足が途絶え途中から貸切状態になったので、ラッキーな事に写真撮りまくれました(店主さん了承済)? 店主さんがアンティーク集めが好きらしく、趣味が高じて独特な空間のカフェが出来上がったそうです。 店名の金魚の由来も面白かったです! 気さくで雰囲気の良い店主さんなので、是非会話を楽しんでみて下さい(お一人でお店を回されていますので、お忙しい時はお避け下さい。) 一本道の途中にある公園を通り過ぎると、その突き当たりにある金魚さん…この雰囲気もノスタルジックで素敵でした。
It is a different space where the retro cafe plus alpha is calm. Cream soda is sure to look great in photos ? It's a popular shop, but it happened that the number of customers was cut off due to the rain, so I was lucky enough to take a picture (approved by the shop owner) ? The owner seems to like collecting antiques, and he has a high hobby and has created a cafe with a unique space. The origin of the store name goldfish was also interesting! The owner is friendly and has a nice atmosphere, so please enjoy the conversation. (Since the shop is run by yourself, please avoid it when you are busy.) After passing the park in the middle of the straight road, the goldfish at the end ... This atmosphere was also nostalgic and wonderful.
Damian R on Google

Lovely atmosphere with early Showa decorations that feel like they were chosen and arranged by Edgar Allen Poe.

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