日本製鐵(株) 君津製鐵所製鋼技術室

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日本製鐵(株) 君津製鐵所製鋼技術室

住所 :

Kimitsu, 〒299-1141 Chiba,Japan

街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kimitsu, 〒299-1141 Chiba,Japan
秋吉秀雄 on Google

I also make a nursery school and think about having employees work for a long time
大佐 on Google

There is a lot of dust, and it feels bad for my body.
tuributasan on Google

ここのせいで毎日渋滞。 黒い粉も、匂いもここから飛んでくるし近隣迷惑。
Because of this, there is heavy traffic every day. Both black powder and odors fly from here, which is a nuisance to the neighborhood.
須貝竜二 on Google

I do not think about smokers ❗? aho company ❗?
なし on Google

マナーがかなり悪い。 煽り運転を時々される事もある。
The manners are pretty bad. Sometimes you will be driving in a hurry.
可愛ひよこ on Google

A big company is good. Everybody gentlemen. I am taking safety measures thoroughly. The general contractor does not reach my feet.
wakazukuri yosi on Google

We visited the factory at the Kimitsu festival. It is the No. 4 scale in the world and is about the size of Shinjuku from Tokyo Station. A tour bus leaves every 15 minutes, and it is a 45-minute course such as blast furnace and rolling.
渡邊智幸 on Google

台風15号の影響で、構内で作業する関連会社の方々の事情も考えず、通常操業って…。 頭の中身診てみたいわ。 東日本大震災の時も、津波警報出てたのに、水際の作業者に現場待機?? 死ねということか?
Due to the impact of Typhoon No. 15, the normal operation of the affiliated companies working on the premises is not considered. I want to check my head. Even during the Great East Japan Earthquake, a tsunami warning was issued, but was it possible to wait on the spot for a waterside worker? ? Does it mean death?

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