酒と炭焼 おかげさん

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 酒と炭焼 おかげさん

住所 :

Kimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒981-0932 Miyagi,Japan

Webサイト : https://r.gnavi.co.jp/kajuc8dh0000/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–11PM
Sunday 5–11PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 5–11PM
Thursday 5–11PM
Friday 5–11PM
街 : Miyagi

Kimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒981-0932 Miyagi,Japan
mina kanomata on Google

こだわりの部位の焼き鳥が楽しめました。 一軒家を改造したようで、広くはないですが、照明も明るすぎず雰囲気が良いです。スタッフさんは若い人ばかりですが、爽やかで感じが良いです❗
I enjoyed the yakitori of the particular part. It seems that the house has been remodeled, and although it is not large, the lighting is not too bright and the atmosphere is good. The staff are all young, but they are refreshing and pleasant ❗
金チャヌ on Google

金額は少々お高めかもしれませんが、お料理一つ一つに店主さんの丁寧な仕事が感じられ、非常に満足でした。 特にレバー串の火入れが抜群で咀嚼する度に舌ベラに残るレバーの風味が最高でした。 実際に食べてみないと分からないと思うので、是非食べてみてください!! オススメです!
The price may be a little high, but I was very satisfied with the polite work of the owner for each dish. In particular, the liver skewers were excellently cooked, and the flavor of the liver that remained on the tongue wrasse every time it was chewed was the best. You won't know until you actually try it, so please try it! !! I recommend it!
ひのもとずし on Google

味は悪くないが、店員の態度が酷い。 2階に案内されたので階段を上ると、階段を上る音がうるさいと注意された。本当に普通に階段上っただけなのだが… 飲み会が始まると、話し声が一階に響くと数回注意された。今まで他の飲み屋では声量で注意されたこともないし、他グループと同程度の声量で話していたのにこちらのグループ名指しで注意するのはいかがなものかと。 非常に不愉快な気持ちになった。
The taste is not bad, but the clerk's attitude is terrible. I was guided to the 2nd floor, so when I went up the stairs, I was warned that the sound of going up the stairs was noisy. I just climbed the stairs normally ... When the drinking party started, I was warned several times that the voice echoed on the first floor. Until now, I haven't been warned by the volume of voice at other bars, and even though I was speaking with the same volume as other groups, why not pay attention by pointing to this group? I felt very unpleasant.
徹五十嵐 on Google

鶏だけじゃなく野菜も全ての串がメチャクチャ旨い❗ サラダや総菜も綺麗な盛り付けで美味しかったです。 1人でもコースの予約受け付けて貰えるし、飲み放題の種類も多いし、最高でしたー!
Not only chicken but also vegetables are all delicious ❗ The salads and delicatessen were also beautifully presented and delicious. Even one person can accept reservations for the course, and there are many types of all-you-can-drink, which was great!
蜜mitsu on Google

コスパよし、味よし。 気になっていたので、早速予約来店!! 駅からちょっと離れているので、タクシーとか使った方がわかりやすいかも⭕️✨ 前菜盛り合わせ、お刺身盛り合わせは頼むべきです!! 4種、7種と選べる。 串はどれも140円〜程で、粒も大きくて 出来上がりも早いです。 ただ焼き台が小さいので、1回の注文する本数に 制限があります。 1品料理も気になるものがちらほら。 今回はもつ焼きポン酢(?)なるものを注文。 焼きを待つ間にちょうど良いです。 大好きなレモンサワーもたくさん種類があり 日本酒も充実!! 22:00〜オーダースタートの坦々麺らしきものも 食べてみたいので、次回は少し遅めに伺おうと思います。 ごちそうさまでした。 2019年【時差投稿】
Cospa is good, taste is good. I was curious, so I made a reservation immediately !! It's a little far from the station, so it might be easier to understand if you use a taxi or something. You should order assorted appetizers and sashimi !! You can choose from 4 types and 7 types. All skewers start at around 140 yen, and the grains are big. It's done quickly. However, since the roasting table is small, the number of pieces ordered at one time There are restrictions. There are some things that you are interested in even one dish. This time, I ordered a roasted ponzu sauce (?). It's just right while waiting for the roast. There are many types of my favorite lemon sour Sake is also fulfilling !! 22: 00-Something that seems to be Tantan noodles starting from order I want to eat it, so I'll come back a little later next time. Thank you for the meal. 2019 [Posted by time difference]
ササキささき on Google

焼き鳥は本当に美味しく、店長さんのこだわりが感じられる一串なので一度は食べてほしいです。 その他の刺し身なのどの居酒屋メニューも、どれも彩りもよく目にも味にも美味しかったです。 酒の種類も豊富でとくに日本酒が多く、好みの一杯が見つかるかと思いますの是非! 入店すぐに検温と手指のアルコール消毒の徹底、席の間引きに、空気清浄機と定期的な換気をされるようなので、コロナ対策はしっかりしてるかと思います。 店長さんもスタッフも気が利いて気持ちの良い時間を過ごせました! リピート間違い無しで、できれば人に教えたなくい名店でした笑
Yakitori is really delicious, and I want you to eat it once because it is a skewer that you can feel the store manager's commitment. All the other sashimi izakaya menus were colorful and delicious to the eyes and taste. There are many types of sake, especially sake, so you can find your favorite cup! Immediately after entering the store, it seems that the temperature is measured, the hands are thoroughly disinfected with alcohol, the seats are thinned out, and the air purifier and regular ventilation are performed, so I think that the measures against corona are solid. Both the store manager and the staff were attentive and had a pleasant time! There was no doubt that it would be a repeat, and it was a well-known store that I didn't want to tell people if possible.
オーロラ74 on Google

日曜日の5時に予約して入店 前菜の4点盛り美味しかった。
Book at 5 o'clock on Sunday and enter the store The four appetizers were delicious.
san s on Google

備長炭の香りが、食欲を掻き立てます。 焼き鳥も含め、料理の1つ1つに、丁寧なお仕事をされているのが伝わりました。 とても美味しかったです。
The scent of Bincho charcoal stirs your appetite. I was told that each dish, including yakitori, was done with great care. It was very delicious.

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