Kikuya Books Utsunomiya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kikuya Books Utsunomiya

住所 :

Babadori, Utsunomiya, 〒320-0026 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Tochigi

Babadori, Utsunomiya, 〒320-0026 Tochigi,Japan
横澤哲夫 on Google

I wonder if there wasn't as much as I expected. Because it was an early time, did you think it was better to find out what you wanted to buy in advance?
佐藤祐介 on Google

A rich lineup unique to bookstores, quiet and calm atmosphere makes it easy to find books
zappa223 on Google

It is the best-stocked bookstore in Tochigi prefecture.
ほしのため on Google

I didn't have the basic book I wanted. Isn't it a good place in Tochigi prefecture to stop by? I don't know.
伊藤のぶ on Google

大きくて品揃えがいい。 ネット販売の配送に不安があるときはここで購入するといいかも。
Large and well-stocked. If you are worried about the delivery of online sales, you may want to buy it here.
Yoko K on Google

「此処ぞ本屋」と久しぶりに感じられたかも。品揃えは良いです。 本棚が高いので照明が若干暗いかな。
Maybe it's been a while since I felt like "this place is a bookstore". The assortment is good. The bookshelf is high, so the lighting is a little dark.
Kazu S on Google

パルコの紀伊国屋が無くなり、大きな書店で専門書が揃っているのは ここ喜久屋書店だけになりました! アマゾンのオススメと違って、思いがけない本との出会いがあります。 ドンキホーテの上なので、どうせ雑誌屋と思っていましたが、とんでもありません! 立派な最高の本屋さんです! 本屋さんが雑誌屋化していく中、沢山の書籍を置いて頑張ってください
Kikuya Shoten is the only place in the big bookstore that has a special book. Unlike Amazon's recommendation, there is an unexpected encounter with a book. Because it was on Don Quixote, I thought it was a magazine store anyway, but it's not! It ’s a great bookstore! As the bookstore is becoming a magazine store, put a lot of books and do your best
佐藤真美 on Google

広くて、種類が豊富な本屋さん❤️ 他の本屋さんでは、見られない本も、ここでは見つかるかも? とにかく本が多いので、欲しい本が見つけられない時は、店員さんに声を掛けると、パソコンで探してくれ、その本の場所まで案内してくれました???
A large and diverse bookstore ❤️ You may find books here that you can't find at other bookstores ? Anyway, there are many books, so when I couldn't find the book I wanted, I asked the clerk to find it on my computer and took me to the location of the book ???

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