Kikona JR Amagasaki Station shop - Amagasaki

2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kikona JR Amagasaki Station shop

住所 :

1-chome-11-12 Nagasunishidori, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0807, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88887
Postal code : 660-0807
Webサイト :

1-chome-11-12 Nagasunishidori, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0807, Japan
吉田進 on Google

パチンコの4円台の換金 3.85位。但し釘は締まり まくりバネも悪い。粘る気が起こらない。
Pachinko in the 4-yen range is ranked 3.85. However, the nails are tightened and the springs are also bad. I don't feel sticky.
Smokers Video on Google

抽選スペースが狭すぎる 駐車場もあるけど台数制限があって、結局有料の駐車場に止めなければならなかった。 店員も多くの客が来た時の抽選に対処しきれずに、入場時間が10分程ずれることもあったので次ぎ来た時にはしっかりと対処できるようにしておいてほしい。
The lottery space is too small There is a parking lot, but there is a limit to the number of cars, so I had to stop at a paid parking lot after all. The clerk couldn't handle the lottery when many customers came, and the admission time was sometimes off by about 10 minutes, so please be prepared to handle it the next time.
あなる on Google

換金率はかなりいい。しかし椅子に肘置きが無いので同じ台を長時間打つと腕が痛くなる。 客は割と多い。大工の源さんは7台あるが常に満席だからトータルで見ても8割以上の稼働率はあると思う。
The conversion rate is pretty good. However, since there is no elbow rest on the chair, hitting the same table for a long time will hurt my arm. There are relatively many customers. There are seven carpenters, but they are always full, so I think the total occupancy rate is over 80%.
天羽時貞 on Google

暇つぶしに1時間半打ってみたけど8000円でスロット初当たり3回引いて毎回300枚すら取れない。 薄いとこ引いて初当たり取りまくってこれだから勝てる訳がない。
I tried hitting it for an hour and a half to kill time, but for 8000 yen, I pulled 3 times per slot for the first time and couldn't even get 300 cards each time. There is no way I can win because it's the first time I hit it by pulling it thin.
Y on Google

マジで1000円で打った台どれも20回も回らない 締まりすぎて大工の源さんlight500円(貸出1回分)で2回位しか回らんかった時はマジでビビった。 流石にこんなにエグい事は無かったのでレビューした。 パチンコ引退したい人にはオススメ。
I really hit it for 1000 yen, but none of them turned 20 times When it was too tight and the carpenter's light 500 yen (for one loan) only went around twice, I was really scared. I reviewed it because there was nothing so ugly about it. Recommended for those who want to retire from pachinko.
比克提尼 on Google

換金率はマイホに比べたら明らかに良いが釘があまりにも酷いですね。劇場版まどマギの釘を見たら一目瞭然でした。ヘソ入賞口の釘の幅がマイホより明らかに狭い。タバコの匂いが無くなったので環境面はかなり良くなった。 しかし最近確率偽装が激しい。ハマり台が当たり前。警察に言いつけたいレベル。 大工の源さんが8台あるが常に5人以上座っていますね。打ちたかったが僕が行った時は満席だった。
The conversion rate is obviously better than Maiho, but the nails are too bad. It was obvious when I saw the movie version of Madoka Magi's nails. The width of the nail at the navel winning opening is clearly narrower than that of Maiho. The smell of tobacco has disappeared, so the environment has improved considerably. However, the probability camouflage is intense recently. The addictive stand is natural. The level you want to tell the police. There are eight carpenters, but there are always five or more sitting. I wanted to hit it, but it was full when I went.
本間芽衣子 on Google

何回かこの店来たことあって大工の源さんを打ってる常連?と思われるBBAが台の掛け持ち行為をしていました。当然禁止行為なので店員注意しろ。常連新規関係ない。差別すな。 追加。この店にコロナに感染してるにも関わらず遊戯してる客が確実に居ます。私の友人がこの店で遊戯した後に感染が発覚したとの連絡がきました。
A regular who has been to this shop several times and is hitting the carpenter's source? The BBA, which seems to be, was carrying the table. Of course, it is a prohibited act, so be careful of the clerk. There is no new relationship with regulars. Don't discriminate. addition. There are definitely customers playing in this store despite being infected with corona. I was informed that an infection was discovered after a friend of mine played at this store.
瑪機雅娜 on Google

タバコの匂いが無くなってから環境面はものすごく良くなったと思います。他の方も書かれてますが肘置きがないですよね。なので長時間打つ際は疲れますね… 大工の源さんをここで初めて打ちましたが2万円使ってもしっかり取り返してくれます。7台あって全部最高70連以上ですね。3桁連こそはありませんが初当たりも軽いことが多く、60%どころか75%ぐらいラッシュに入ってる印象です。また、換金率もめちゃくちゃ良いです。私がいつも行ってる所より7%ほどこちらの方が上ですね。あと定期的に店員が回ってきて消毒対応でコロナ感染拡大防止への対応もしっかりしてます。 ここ最近ジジババにはしっかり連チャン、若者はクソ連といった現象が起きてます。パチンコにバレないようにカメラ設置して年齢層を判別、パチンコ台の遠隔確実にやってますね。続くようなら遊戯協会に通告しますよ?いいですね? 耳栓すらしてないクソジジイに音がうるさいと注意されました?此方としては音量下げてます。 耳栓した上でうるさいならまだわかるけどしてなくてうるさいてなぁwパチンコする金あんなら耳栓ぐらい買ってこいやw
I think the environment has improved tremendously since the smell of cigarettes disappeared. Others have written it, but it doesn't have an elbow rest. So when you hit it for a long time, you get tired ... I hit Hammerin'Harry for the first time here, but even if I spend 20,000 yen, he will get it back. There are 7 units, and all of them have a maximum of 70 or more. There is no 3-digit series, but the first hit is often light, and it seems that it is in the rush of about 75% instead of 60%. Also, the conversion rate is insanely good. This is about 7% higher than where I usually go. Also, the clerk comes around regularly to disinfect and prevent the spread of corona infection. Recently, there has been a phenomenon such as Ren Chan in Jiji Baba and Shit Ren in young people. A camera is installed so that the pachinko machine does not get caught, the age group is determined, and the pachinko machine is remotely controlled. If it continues, I'll notify the Yugi Association, right? Sounds good? I was warned that the sound was noisy because I didn't even have earplugs. I still know if it's noisy with earplugs, but it's noisy because I haven't done it.

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