kiki nail

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact kiki nail

住所 :

Tamagawa, Setagaya City, 〒158-0094 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797988
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Tokyo

Tamagawa, Setagaya City, 〒158-0094 Tokyo,Japan
I MA (maaa) on Google

いつもお世話になってます^_^ 可愛くて素敵なお店です!!
Thank you for your support ^_^ It's a cute and lovely shop! !!
m uda on Google

Corona measures were taken well, and I was able to spend peace of mind. I was worried about the first time, but it was good.
ゆいちゃん on Google

コロナあけから利用させて頂いております。 ついたてを設置してあったり、除菌の徹底、 先日いったときは検温器もありましたので安心できました。 特に浮いたりせず、長持ちしてます! 家からも近いのでまた利用させて頂きます。
I am using it from corona opening. There is a freshly installed bait, thorough disinfection, When I went there the other day, I had a thermometer, so I was relieved. It doesn't float and it lasts a long time! I will use it again because it is close to my house.
青木かほの on Google

態度も技術もとても悪かったです。仕上がりは表面がガタガタしていて、爪の整え方も雑でムラがあり、指摘する気にもならなかったです。ジェルもきれいについてないです。 態度も流れ作業で、なんの気遣いも無かったです。
The attitude and skill were very bad. The surface of the finished product was rough, and the way the nails were arranged was rough and uneven, so I didn't feel like pointing it out. The gel isn't clean either. The attitude was an assembly line, and I didn't have any concern.
m m on Google

長いことリピートしています。 夜まで開いているので仕事終わりでもいけるのが助かっています。 コロナ対策もされていて、 手洗いやアルコール消毒、プラ板?のようなものも設置されていて安心して過ごせました。仕上がりも気に入っています。
I've been repeating for a long time. It's open until night so I'm happy to be able to go after work. Corona measures are also taken, Hand wash, alcohol disinfection, plastic board? Something like was also installed, so I was able to spend peace of mind. I also like the finish.
E T on Google

毎月可愛いデザインにしていただいています。 毎回満足して帰ります! ありがとうございます!
I have a cute design every month. I'm happy every time I go home! thank you!
たにしなみ on Google

第一印象から会話まで、態度が微妙。 特に会話したいわけじゃない方には丁度いいのかもしれませんが、一言で表すと怖いという印象でした。近寄り難いって感じです。 提案は特にしてくれません、どうしますか?ってこちらからの意見待ちしかしないって印象でカウンセリングは上手くないと思います。自分からどんどん言える方には良いのでしょう。 お値段はこの辺りにしてはとても安いし良心的で良いと思います。でもカラーが少ないかな。 店の雰囲気や綺麗さ、コロナ対策などはとても良いと思います。また、夜まで営業している点も便利でありがたいと思います。 綺麗系、ニュアンス、イエベ系の方にはオススメ。可愛い系などを希望する方は他のサロンのが合いそう。
From the first impression to the conversation, the attitude is subtle. It may be just right for those who do not want to have a conversation, but in a word, it was scary. It feels like it's hard to approach. I don't make any suggestions, what would you do? I think that counseling is not good because I have the impression that I am only waiting for opinions from here. It's good for those who can say more and more from themselves. I think the price is very cheap and conscientious for this area. But I wonder if there are few colors. I think the atmosphere and cleanliness of the store and the measures against corona are very good. Also, I am grateful that it is open until night. Recommended for beautiful, nuanced, and Yebe people. If you want a cute style, other salons will suit you.
Maria Sanchez on Google

I had my feet and hands done here at the end of the year. First of all, the staff who is completely unfamiliar is in charge, and the veteran staff next to her only silently corrects what she is not able to do. However, I was not a junior nail technician and paid more than 15,000 yen at the regular fee, and I could not perform simultaneous treatment, and as a result it took nearly 4 hours. I didn't have a hand for a week. There are as many nail salons as there are stars in Futakotamagawa, so there is no lipi here.

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