やなぎ屋クリーニング 木川東店

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

クリーニングのやなぎ屋 木川東店 - Yanagiya-cl.com


Contact やなぎ屋クリーニング 木川東店

住所 :

Kikawahigashi, Yodogawa Ward, 〒532-0012 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.yanagiya-cl.com/s_kigawahigashi.html
街 : Osaka

Kikawahigashi, Yodogawa Ward, 〒532-0012 Osaka,Japan
池田健志 on Google

yasutaka “shibu” masuda on Google

K Oichan on Google

野田奈々子 on Google

不動産屋のSHU-HEY on Google

If postcards come, it becomes cheap
h-rtk i-sj on Google

他の方も書いてる、眼鏡の30代くらいの梅◯という店員の対応が悪すぎる。その店員の時はクリーニング依頼したのが悪いのかってくらい嫌々な対応。そしてつい先日に依頼をして今日18時以降の出来上がりですと言われたから今日受け取りに行ったら店は休業でした。 他の店員さんはまともなだけに梅◯の対応だけが非常に残念です。
The response of a clerk named Ume ◯, who is in his 30s with glasses, is too bad, as others have written. When I was the clerk, I didn't like the fact that it was bad to ask for cleaning. And I just made a request the other day and was told that it was completed after 18:00 today, so when I went to pick it up today, the store was closed. The other clerk is very disappointed with the response of Ume ◯ because it is decent.
諸刃の剣 on Google

I don't have much time off from work, so I always put out a lot of shirts, but one clerk feels really bad. Ume ○, who wears glasses, is a staff member, but he is blatantly disliked. It's the worst when I go to get it. The handling is rough and wrinkles are formed by the time I return ... However, there is no place that is open until late, so I have no choice but to put it out. There are also good staff, though ...
yu yu on Google

50代くらいの女性、いつも無愛想と言うか挨拶ない。この前は受付に誰もいなく声を掛け続けて、やっとゆっくり出てきたかと思えばすみませんもお待たせしましたの一言も無し。 無愛想でも手っ取り早かったり、一言あれば何も思わないけど。この方がいた時違う店に出した事もあるくらい。
A woman in her 50s always says unfriendly or doesn't say hello. Before this, I kept talking to the receptionist without anyone, and I'm sorry if I finally came out slowly, but there is no word that made me wait. Even if it's unfriendly, it's quick, and I don't think anything in a word. When this person was there, I even went to a different store.

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